Get the AWS Noun Prefixes

One of the nice things about the Get-AWSPowerShellVersion cmdlet is the ListServiceVersionInfo switch parameter. It returns properties for the Service (as in the AWS Service offering name), the Noun Prefix, and API Version. Yes, there really are spaces in those last two property names; however, they’ve been fixed in my function. I had been hoping for an easier way to determine the prefixes used in the AWS cmdlets, and here we have it. I actually considered parsing cmdlet names myself, so a huge thanks to AWS, for making sure that wasn’t necessary.

It’s almost as though this should have been its own cmdlet—a get the version cmdlet and a get the noun prefixes cmdlet. Therefore, I’ve wrapped this command and its parameter in a quick and easy-to-use function for my user base. Copy, paste, and try it out; it’s all yours. Super simple.

Function Get-AWSNounPrefix {
    The function returns the AWS PowerShell cmdlet noun prefixes, along with the corresponding AWS Service.

    The function returns the AWS PowerShell cmdlet noun prefixes, along with the corresponding AWS Service name. This function utilizes the AWSPowerShell module's Get-AWSPowerShellVersion function.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
    PS > Get-AWSNounPrefix
    This examples returns all the noun prefixes and their corresponding AWS Service name.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
    PS > Get-AWSNounPrefix | Where-Object NounPrefix -match 'cf'
    NounPrefix Service            APIVersion
    ---------- -------            ----------
    CF         Amazon CloudFront  2016-09-29
    CFG        AWS Config         2014-11-12
    CFN        AWS CloudFormation 2010-05-15

    This example uses the Where-Object cmdlet and the Match operator to filter the results by the NounPrefix.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
    PS > Get-AWSNounPrefix | Where-Object Service -like '*formation*'
    NounPrefix Service            APIVersion
    ---------- -------            ----------
    CFN        AWS CloudFormation 2010-05-15

    This example uses the Where-Object cmdlet and the Like operator to filter the results by the service name.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
    PS > Get-AWSNounPrefix | Where-Object -Property APIVersion -like '2016*' | Sort-Object -Property APIVersion -Descending
    NounPrefix Service                          APIVersion
    ---------- -------                          ----------
    SMS        Amazon Server Migration Service  2016-10-24
    BGT        AWS Budgets                      2016-10-20
    CF         Amazon CloudFront                2016-09-29
    EC2        Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud     2016-09-15
    SNOW       AWS Import/Export Snowball       2016-06-30
    CGIP       Amazon Cognito Identity Provider 2016-04-18
    INS        Amazon Inspector                 2016-02-16
    AAS        Application Auto Scaling         2016-02-06
    MM         AWS Marketplace Metering         2016-01-14
    DMS        AWS Database Migration Service   2016-01-01

    This example uses the Where-Object, and Sort-Object cmdlet, to find services updated in 2016 and sorts by the most recently added and updated.

    Name: Get-AWSNounPrefix
    Author: Tommy Maynard
    Comments: Current version of AWSPowerShell module at the first, last edit:
    Last Edit: 11/18/2016
    Version 1.0
    Param (

    Begin {
        $AWSServices = Get-AWSPowerShellVersion -ListServiceVersionInfo | Sort-Object -Property 'Noun Prefix'
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        Foreach ($AWSService in $AWSServices) {
                NounPrefix = $AWSService.'Noun Prefix'
                Service = $AWSService.Service
                APIVersion = $AWSService.'API Version'
        } # End Foreach.
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Get-AWSNounPrefix.


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