Tag Archives: Active Directory

A Basic(ish) Active Directory Look-Up Script

It was just Saturday—it’s been a few weeks now, actually—that I wrote a post proclaiming to be back. Back to writing about PowerShell, that is. Why not take the first script I wrote in my new position and share it? It’s possible it has some concepts that might be helpful for readers.

The first thing I want to mention is that I hate writing scripts. Huh!? What I mean by that, is that I prefer to write functions. That didn’t happen my first time out in this position, as you’ll see, and I’m going to be okay with it. A one-off script may have a purpose. I stayed away from a function (and therefore a module [maybe], working with profile scripts [potentially], etc.). I’ll live with it.

Let’s break the script up into sections and explain what’s happening in each. Keep in mind that this isn’t perfect and there are places where I would make changes after having looked over this a couple of times. I’ll be sure to mention those toward the bottom of the post. Okay, let’s do this! I’ll put the script back together into a single, code block further below.

The beginning of the script creates two parameters: Properties and Output. Properties can accept multiple string values,—notice the []—and we’ll see that in the upcoming examples. Output can accept one string value of three predetermined values. Those are Console, GridView, and CsvFile; Console is the default parameter value.

Param (
    [string]$Output = 'Console'

Next, we create a path to a flat file called userlist.txt. This file will contain Active Directory Display Names (DisplayName). By using the $PSScriptRoot variable, all we have to do is keep our script and the text file in the same location/folder in order for it to work correctly.

Once the $Path variable is set, we attempt to run a Get-Content command against the values in the file, storing these in the $Userlist variable. If for some reason the file isn’t in place, the script will make use of the catch block of our try-catch to indicate to the user that the file can’t be located.

$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\userlist.txt"
try {
    $Userlist = Get-Content -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Unable to locate $Path."

Following that, we set our $TotalProperties variable to three Active Directory user properties we know we want. Then, if any values have been passed in using the Properties parameter, we combine those with the three properties already in the $TotalProperties variable.

$TotalProperties = @('DisplayName','EmployeeNumber','SamAccountName')
if ($Properties) {
    $TotalProperties = $TotalProperties + $Properties

Moving forward, we set up foreach language construct in order to loop through each user in the $Userlist variable. Remember, this variable was populated by our Get-Content command earlier. For each loop iteration, we are adding a PSCustomObject to our $Users—plural— variable. Normally, I wouldn’t store each value in a variable and instead just pump it out right there, but the script includes some output options that we’ll see next.

foreach ($User in $Userlist) {
    $Users += [PSCustomObject]@(
    Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$User'" -Properties $TotalProperties |
        Select-Object -Property $TotalProperties

Finally, we consider the output option the user either defaulted to, or didn’t. If they included the Output parameter with GridView, we pipe our $Users variable to OutGridView. If they included the Output parameter with CSVFile, we pipe out $Users variable to Export-Csv, saving them in a CSV file, and then open our saved CSV file. If they didn’t include the Output parameter, or they did with the Console value, then we display the results directly in the console. That’s it.

Switch ($Output) {
    GridView {$Users | Out-GridView -Title Users}
    CsvFile {
        $Users.GetEnumerator() |
        Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime -OutVariable NewFileOutput).csv"
        Invoke-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$NewFileOutput.csv"
    Default {$Users | Format-Table -AutoSize}

Although I took the base code from someone’s previously written script, this really is still much of a 1.0.0 version. Knowing that, there are some changes I might make; it’s not perfect, but it’ll get the job done.

  • While it’s not vital, I kind of wish I used a different variable name for $Path
    • It’s a path, sure, but to a specific file
    • Perhaps $FilePath, $UserFile, or $UserFilePath
      • It could’ve been more specific
  • Ensure properties passed in via the Properties parameter are valid for an Active Directory user
    • If someone sends in properties that don’t exist for an Active Directory user, it’s going to cause problems
      • Maybe check a known user, gather all the possible properties, and compare
      • (Or) Maybe wrap some error checking without having to do any property compare operation
  • Don’t use Default in the Switch language construct
    • It’s not necessary, as the Output parameter will only accept three possible values
    • Default could’ve been replaced with Console

Here are a few examples followed by the full PowerShell code in a single, code block.

I’ve redacted information from each of these images. There’s something that’s vital to know about each, however. In front of the full path (all the images but the last one), is the & operator. This is called the invocation or call operator. It informs PowerShell that everything after it should be treated as a command and that it’s not just a long, string value.

This example invokes the script without any parameters, pulling in two users from the userlist.txt file.

This example invokes the script and includes two additional Active Directory properties, which are then also included in the output.

This example does the same as the first one, however, it opens the results using the Out-GridView cmdlet.

This one opens the results using whatever program—Excel in my case—is associated with CSV files. This option is saving the file to disk, so keep that in mind, as it has no cleanup features.

This final example is included to show that it works when you’re inside the same directory as the script and text file. It also includes multiple parameters being included at the same time. You might know you can do it, but my at-work audience may not have—I’m not sure. As we’re in the directory with the script, you can actually see the inclusion of the invocation operator.

And finally, all the code in a single code block.

Param (
    [string]$Output = 'Console'

$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\userlist.txt"
try {
    $Userlist = Get-Content -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Unable to locate $Path."

$TotalProperties = @('DisplayName','EmployeeNumber','SamAccountName')
if ($Properties) {
    $TotalProperties = $TotalProperties + $Properties

foreach ($User in $Userlist) {
    $Users += [PSCustomObject]@(
        Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$User'" -Properties $TotalProperties |
            Select-Object -Property $TotalProperties

Switch ($Output) {
    GridView {$Users | Out-GridView -Title Users}
    CsvFile {
        $Users.GetEnumerator() |
            Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime -OutVariable NewFileOutput).csv"
        Invoke-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$NewFileOutput.csv"
    Default {$Users | Format-Table -AutoSize}

Filled-In AD Notes Field

Notice: The following post was originally published on another website. As the post is no longer accessible, it is being republished here on tommymaynard.com. The post was originally published on May 31, 2019.

There’s this thing that might happen. Even as it’s unlikely, I’ve added a protection I’ll probably never even need. I suppose I’d rather be complete and as confident in my code as possible. I don’t want to be the guy, who wrote the code that didn’t protect against the thing. Instead, I’d rather be the guy that wrote the code, that did the thing, even when the protection, was never thought to be needed. It’s like the floor mat at Sears, in front of the escalator, that I saw as a kid that I’ve never forgotten: “Safety First.” It was red, with white writing. There’s plenty of production code out there we’ve written that we’d write differently now, knowing what we’ve already learned.

Just because the code I was working with won’t (likely) ever fill up an Active Directory Group Notes field, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be sure it never attempts to go over that 1,024 character limit allowed by the field. Knowing that goal, reasonable or otherwise, I set out to use the Notes field and prevent ever exceeding that character limit.

Let’s say, there’s a set of groups in Active Directory — department groups. While we’ll keep their names generic: DEPT 00001, DEPT 00002, etc., we’ll put their true department name in their AD object’s Notes field. In case you don’t know, the attribute name for this field is Info on the back end, and Notes in the UI.

Now, let’s also say that department names change over time. Therefore, it’s bound to happen that DEPT 00001, for example, will need its newest department name added to the Info property. Now, we want to keep all the previous names in the Info property and add the current one to the others. Between each name, we’ll include a pipe character: “|”. This delimiter will assist in helping us determine where one name ends and the next begins. Do consider that department names can change multiple times. If it happens frequently enough, you can see how we might hit our 1,024 character limit in this property. Therefore, it’s a good idea to add in this protection, in order to avoid throwing an error someday.

I’ll include the code I used below, and then we’ll discuss what’s happening further down.

$GroupInfo = $null
$GroupInfo = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupExist.Name -Property Info).Info
If ($GroupInfo) {
	# Edit Notes/Info field (previously populated).
	$GroupInfoSplit = $GroupInfo -split '\|'
	If (-Not($DeptName -in $GroupInfoSplit)) {
		$GroupInfo += "|$DeptName"

	If ($GroupInfo.Length -gt 1024) {
		# Remove previous groups if over 1024 characters.
		Do {
		$GroupInfo = ($GroupInfo -split '\|',2)[1]
		} Until ($GroupInfo.Length -le 1024) # End Do-Until.
	} # End If.

	Set-ADGroup -Identity $GroupExist -Replace @{Info=$GroupInfo}
	} # End If.
} Else {
	# Add to Notes/Info for the first time.
	If ($DeptName.Length -le 1024) {
	        Set-ADGroup -Identity $GroupExist -Add @{Info=$DeptName}
	} # End If.
} # End If-Else

The first thing to know is that this code is inside of a looping construct — a Foreach loop to be exact. Each time we start a new loop, we bring in a different one of our departments, stored in the $GroupExist variable. On line 3, we use its Name property as a part of a Get-ADGroup command and return only the value inside the Info field. Remember, this is the Notes field in the UI. It’s either going to have some data in it, or it’s not. All previously existing departments will already have something in here. It’s new departments that will not.

Once we have, or we don’t have, this data, we go one of two ways. As stated, every department is going to have its department name added to its Notes field. If we don’t return any info from our Get-ADGroup command, we can rest assured, that there’s nothing in this field already and that we only need to add the department name, without any worry about any previously existing data in this field. This If statement begins on line 4, however, in this situation, we’re taking the Else path on line 19. Once there, we check if the length of the department name, stored in $DeptName is longer than 1,024 characters. That will never happen — seriously — but I added the check just in case. I do want to note here that this $DeptName variable changes within our unseen Foreach loop, during each iteration as well.

If there is already a department name or names, then we follow the If path. Let’s deconstruct that, as well. It’s a little more complex.

If our Info/Notes field is already populated, then we need to make some checks before we potentially add a department’s current department name. The first thing we do with the value we’ve returned, as $GroupInfo, is split it at our delimiter — the pipe character on line 6. If there’s only one department name (no delimiter), it will only return that one department name, and that’ll work out just fine. Next, we compare our department name in $DeptName to the value, or values, returned by our split operation. If the current department name is included in our results, we exit — there’s nothing more to do.

Now, if our current department name is not included in our results, we append it to our $GroupInfo variable. At that point, we’ll have this variable with the newest department name appended to the end of this string, where each previous department name is also included with the pipe character in between each. Following this step, our code checks the length of the value stored in $GroupInfo and will only act if its length is greater than those 1,024 characters.

If it is, we run our variable through a Do-Until language construct. For every iteration through the Do-Until, we split our value at the first pipe character from the left of the string and keep everything to the right. We’ll continue to do this, over and over, until our length is less than 1,024 characters.

And that it’s. We can maintain all of a department’s previous department names and ensure they’ll always fit into our Notes field.

I am TechNet Gallery Years Old

I did not know it when I started, but it turns out, this is Part I.

Up until just recently, I had a section on my website called “TechNet Gallery.” It was right up there between “Contents” and “About.” I have an image of what it contained below. There was some pretty great stuff in there, but it was time for that section to be removed. With that, it is now time for the links to be updated, so people can find these scripts and modules again. The TechNet Gallery links no longer work. It has been a while since I have looked these over, but the links will likely be a combination of GitHub and the PowerShell Gallery. Check the content below the image for information about the first four entries. The others will be highlighted in additional, related posts.

1. “Get Synonyms for Approved and Unapproved Verbs”

I have always loved this script. I even used it yesterday, prior to knowing I would start piecing this post together. If there is a verb you want to use for your cmdlet or function, but it is not approved, this function will look for verb synonyms and tell you if they are approved or not. Here’s a quick image (because it is just beautiful).

While the 1.3 version is available in a GitHub Gist, the newest version — 1.4 — was written and uploaded to the PowerShell Gallery. You can either use that link or use PowerShellGet to download it using the PowerShell below. I have written about this script before, so you can read more here: https://tommymaynard.com/get-tmverbsynonym-1-4-2017/.

Install-Script -Name Get-TMVerbSynonym

2. “Active Directory User Lookup Form”

This was “my first, hand-coded PowerShell form using Windows Forms.” While it was available on the TechNet Gallery for download, that link no longer works.  Here is the 2015 post, and here is an updated link to the GitHub Gist. I always love doing a forms project and am grateful it made its way into .NET (core).

3. “Find DNS Servers Being Used by DHCP Scopes”

This script was written as a solution to a post on the TechNet Forums. I did not read that whole thread, but I can offer you the link to the Gist if this is helpful or interesting. Oh, one other thing, I apparently wrote about the script here on my own site, as well. All the way back in 2015!

4. “Measure Command with Multiple Commands, Repetitions, Calculated Averages”

There is no way I did not write about this one. I loved this script and to this very day, I still think it should be implemented in PowerShell by the PowerShell Team. Perhaps I will add it as a discussion in GitHub in the future. I do not think that was a thing back in 2017. Here is my post about it now!

Measure-Command can only measure one command and only one time per command invocation. This changed that. It allowed a user to measure multiple commands multiple times. It could even calculate the average time for a command to complete. I think its Command parameter accepted a string, so that should probably be changed to a ScriptBlock.

Here is an old image that accompanies the above link to the article on my site — click it to enlarge it. And here, is a link to the code in a Gist.

There is more to cover, but we will put that on hold for a moment. I will be back with a continuation of these soon. And once I am, the below text will link to Part II of this series!

Part II

Require Use of a Cmdlet’s Prefix

I learned something new today. That’s always fun. Okay, not always, but when it’s about PowerShell, it often is. When you import a module — we’ll use the Active Directory module as an example — and use a prefix, you can still use the original cmdlet names. We’ll begin by importing the Active Directory PowerShell module to include a prefix.

PS > Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -Prefix Lol

With that module now imported, we’ll execute a Get-Command, command. As the Name parameter allows for wildcards, we’ll instruct it to return all the commands PowerShell knows about, at this stage in the session, that include the ADUser suffix from the ActiveDirectory module.

PS > Get-Command -Name '*ADUser' -Module ActiveDirectory

CommandType     Name                      Version    Source
-----------     ----                      -------    ------
Cmdlet          Get-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          New-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Remove-LolADUser    ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Set-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory

The above command results indicates that PowerShell knows about four commands that end with the ADUser suffix. Each of those commands that it knows about, include the Lol prefix we used in the first command we issued, Import-Module. So far, everything is going as expected. Or is it?

Check this out. When we opt to not use the Module parameter and use Where-Object and the Source property instead, we have some different results. This is just getting weird, but at minimum, there’s a bit of proof here that the original cmdlets still exist, as well as the prefixed versions.

PS > Get-Command -Name '*ADUser' | Where-Object -Property Source -eq ActiveDirectory

CommandType     Name                      Version    Source
-----------     ----                      -------    ------
Cmdlet          Get-ADUser          ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Get-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          New-ADUser          ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          New-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Remove-ADUser       ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Remove-LolADUser    ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Set-ADUser          ActiveDirectory
Cmdlet          Set-LolADUser       ActiveDirectory

If we reissue the Get-Command command and indicate we only want the Get-ADUser command specifically, it shows up, too. Still, it’s odd that it wasn’t included in the first results. I think most of us would have expected to see it there, too. We’ll get back to this in a moment.

PS > Get-Command -Name Get-ADUser -Module ActiveDirectory

CommandType     Name                      Version    Source
-----------     ----                      -------    ------
Cmdlet          Get-ADUser          ActiveDirectory

About this time in my poking around, is when I started examining the imported module. The first thing I noted, due to the default output, was that the first two commands I could see, under ExportedCommands, didn’t include the noun prefix. It’s more proof the original cmdlets are still around.

PS > Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory

ModuleType Version Name            ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ----            ----------------
Manifest ActiveDirectory {Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember, Add-ADComputerServiceAcc...

The next command I ran was to better view these exported commands. I haven’t included all the results, but I’m sure you’ll get the idea.

PS > (Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory).ExportedCommands

Key                                               Value
---                                               -----
Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember                   Add-LolADCentralAccessPolicyMember
Add-ADComputerServiceAccount                      Add-LolADComputerServiceAccount
Add-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy   Add-LolADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy
Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject            Add-LolADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject
Add-ADGroupMember                                 Add-LolADGroupMember
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership                    Add-LolADPrincipalGroupMembership
Add-ADResourcePropertyListMember                  Add-LolADResourcePropertyListMember
Clear-ADAccountExpiration                         Clear-LolADAccountExpiration
Clear-ADClaimTransformLink                        Clear-LolADClaimTransformLink
Disable-ADAccount                                 Disable-LolADAccount

You’ll notice that we’re dealing with a hash table. For every key named with the original cmdlet name, we have a value that is the cmdlet name with the noun prefix. The hash table appears that it may be used to know the relationship between the original cmdlets and its matching prefixed version. For fun, I opened a new PowerShell session and imported the Active Directory module without the prefix. In that case, the above hash table had the same command for a Key and its matching Value.

This finding made me think of something. Perhaps that Get-Command, command that included the Module parameter, only checked for commands against the values in this hash table, but the Where-Object cmdlet, returned the keys and values from the hash table. Just a thought; I said I get back to this a moment ago.

So here’s why I really decided to write. What if I don’t want to allow a user to use the original command. I don’t want them to use Get-ADUser to invoke Get-ADUser; instead, I want them to use the prefixed version only. Why, I don’t exactly know, but here’s how I fixed that one.

We’ll pretend that we’ve yet to import the Active Directory module; we’re starting fresh with the below sequence of commands. We’ll begin by creating two variables: $Module and $Prefix. In the subsequent command, we’ll import the Active Directory module providing it’s yet to be imported. When it’s imported, we’ll include the Prefix parameter with the Lol value. This means, Get-ADUser becomes Get-LolADUser, as can be figured out from the previous examples.

PS > $Module = 'ActiveDirectory'; $Prefix = 'Lol'

PS > If (-Not(Get-Module -Name $Module)) {
>>> Import-Module -Name $Module -Prefix $Prefix
>>> }

PS > $ExportedCommands = (Get-Module -Name $Module).ExportedCommands

PS > Foreach ($Command in $ExportedCommands.GetEnumerator()) {
>>> New-Item -Path "Function:\$($Command.Key)" -Value "Write-Warning -Message 'Please use the $($Command.Key.Replace('-',"-$Prefix")) function.'" -Force
>>> }

After that, we’ll get all of the ExportedCommand into a variable with the same name. Then, the Foreach command iterates over the keys in our hash table — the original cmdlet names — and creates a function for each one of them. One minute, Get-ADUser executes as expected, and the next minute, it doesn’t. Now, every time someone enters the actual AD cmdlet name, a function with the same name will execute instead. It will indicate to the user to use the prefixed version. Here’s a few examples.

PS > Get-ADUser -Identity tommymaynard
WARNING: Please use the Get-LolADUser function.

PS> Unlock-ADAccount tommymaynard
WARNING: Please use the Unlock-LolADAccount function.

PS > Get-ADDomain
WARNING: Please use the Get-LolADDomain function.

PS > (Get-LolADUser tommymaynard).SamAccountName

No idea if this might ever prove useful, but at minimum, I now know I can change the default behavior of a cmdlet, in order to point someone toward the prefixed version. Oh, and the reason why the function I created is run instead of the cmdlet, is because of command precedence. Read about it; it’s beneficial to know. I knew it existed and I’ve used it, I’ve just never used it in bulk to create functions to run in place of so many cmdlets. Additionally, however, I’m not sure if I’ve ever created a function by using the New-Item cmdlet directly against the Function PSDrive. Neat.

Enjoy the weekend.

Update: Ah, it’s Monday again. This seems to happen at least once a week. There’s something I wanted to note, and it’s not just the day. Even though we’re using a function to indicate to users to use the prefixed cmdlet, the original cmdlet can still be used. If someone uses the full path to the cmdlet, the function will be ignored. That’s to say, this still works.

PS > ActiveDirectory\Get-ADUser

Handle a Parameter Whether it’s Included or Not

I’m in the process of writing a new tool. It’s basically a wrapper function for Get-ADObject that only returns Active Directory (AD) contact objects. While there’s a Get-ADComputer cmdlet to get AD computer objects, and a Get-ADUser cmdlet to get AD user objects, there’s no specific cmdlet for contacts. There’s no surprise here really, and that’s likely why we have a Get-ADObject cmdlet. It’s for those AD objects that didn’t make the cut and get their own.

I’ve seen some discussion on this in the past: How do I handle running a cmdlet within a function when I don’t know if a parameter and parameter value will be included, or not? Let’s consider that my Get-ADContact function will run the Get-ADObject cmdlet, as seen below. In the Begin block, we create a $Parameter variable that will hold a hash table. We’ll populate it in such a way that the key Filter will have a corresponding value of {ObjectClass -eq ‘contact’}. In the Process block, we splat this hash table, currently with a single parameter and parameter value, to the Get-ADObject cmdlet.

Function Get-ADContact {
    Param (

    Begin {
        # Create parameter hash table; add Filter parameter.
        $Parameters = @{Filter = {ObjectClass -eq 'contact'}}
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        Get-ADObject @Parameters
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Get-ADContact.

There’s two other parameters included in Get-ADObject that I want to allow my users the ability to include. That’s the -SearchBase and -SearchScope parameters. You can read more by checking the help for Get-ADObject: Get-Help -Name Get-ADObject. There’s actually several AD cmdlets that also include these parameters. They can be quite helpful, so that’s why I’ve decided to include them.

Before we continue, I want to let the audience know that I am familiar with creating proxy functions, and I understand it might’ve been a better option. Maybe I’ll circle back sometime and see about replicating the functionality I’ve created here, in that manner. It might turn out this wasn’t worth writing and posting. No guarantee, but it’s possible.

Okay, back on track. Let’s add the additional lines inside the Param block, that make accepting a -SearchBase and -SearchScope parameter value possible.

Function Get-ADContact {
    Param (


    Begin {
        # Create parameter hash table; add Filter parameter.
        $Parameters = @{Filter = {ObjectClass -eq 'contact'}}
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        Get-ADObject @Parameters
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Get-ADContact.

Now, our Get-ADContact function will include the two additional parameters. Neither parameter is mandatory, but the -SearchScope parameter does include a ValidateSet parameter attribute to ensure it’ll only accept the values 0, 1, 2, Base, OneLevel, or SubTree. Base and 0 are equivalent, as are 1 and OneLevel, and 2 and SubTree.

The next thing I need to do is include the parameter values assigned to the -SearchBase and -SearchScope parameters to our $Parameters hash table when those are included. I decided to do this using the $PSBoundParameters variable, the ForEach-Object cmdlet, and the switch language construct.

Function Get-ADContact {
    Param (


    Begin {
        # Create parameter hash table; add Filter parameter.
        $Parameters = @{Filter = {ObjectClass -eq 'contact'}}

        $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            Switch ($_) {
                'SearchBase' {$Parameters += @{SearchBase = $SearchBase}; break}
                'SearchScope' {$Parameters += @{SearchScope = $SearchScope}}
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        Get-ADObject @Parameters
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Get-ADContact.

All done. Now, we have function that only returns AD contact objects. Additionally, we have the option of narrowing down our search by including the often used -SearchBase and -SearchScope parameters. While I don’t doubt there’s a better way, I think this one will work for now.

Check for Active Directory User in Function Parameters

I’m not sure what it is, but this might’ve been the longest I’ve gone without writing. It’s not that I’ve stopping thinking PowerShell, it’s that I’m so consumed, I’ve had a hard time focusing. My wife calls it my adult ADD. It was just last week that I attended my second PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit (that’s the new name). I learned a great deal and I had a great time. Thanks again to PowerShell.org for the contest and free 4-day pass, my employer for picking up the flight, lodging, and food, my parents for their help, and of course to my wife! The weather in Bellevue, WA was perfect and the summit was a huge success. Much gratitude to all those involved in the planning and execution.

It wasn’t long ago that I had a post about comparing Active Directory group memberships. I wanted a pleasant way to visualize and compare the group memberships of two AD users. We had a ticket earlier today, at the office, where I went back to that post and gathered the commands, so I could use them again. I knew I’d need it, I just didn’t know I’d need it so soon. I sent the output results as an image to a coworker, and it wasn’t but a few seconds later that he was interested in what was used to gather that output: it was my modified compare. Here’s an edited version of the image I sent. This image differs from the original post in that I added the users’ SamAccountNames as the property names in my collection. This is why they’re blurred out this time around.


I mentioned to him that I’d write the commands into a wrapper function. While that’s nearly done, I asked myself this question: When should I check if the users exist in Active Directory? Do I do it as part of the function (inside the Begin block, for instance), or do I check at the time the parameter is accepted, as part of a ValidateScript validation?

I’m here today to say that making it a part of the ValidateScript validation attribute is acceptable. While it has the potential to cause an error condition and dump red text to the console, that’s fine. People good at Windows PowerShell read these errors — they’re PowerShell’s errors, and we’re just allowing them to occur. While I can catch these in the function, PowerShell doesn’t always do this for us natively, so I as I see it, it’s not always necessary. Knowing the audience for your tool can help you with this determination. Do you want them to learn PowerShell and get comfortable with the native errors, or does it make sense to protect them from seeing these? It’s up to you. I’m okay with allowing my tools to display some of the native errors, especially since we’re talking about my team using these tools, and not a lower-tiered group. Again, you have to consider who will use your tools, and how they’ll handle the red text.

The test function I wrote, and some error results, can been seen below. In my mind, there were two error possibilities: the computer where the function is invoked doesn’t have the ActiveDirectory module, or one, or both, of the users don’t exist in Active Directory. Again, in many cases, these standard PowerShell errors can be delivered without the need to hide them from the user of the function. Here’s a test function now.

Function Test-ADUser {
    Param (
        [ValidateScript({Get-ADUser -Identity $_})]

        [ValidateScript({Get-ADUser -Identity $_})]

    Write-Output -InputObject "Success on both parameters."

This first image below, shows the error condition when the ActiveDirectory module isn’t available on the system where the function is invoked. It displays the standard, I-don’t-recognize-what-you-entered error: “Get-ADUser is not recognized…”


In this image, we can see the error message that occurs when one of the supplied users doesn’t exist in Active Directory. It won’t get this far unless the ActiveDirectory module is on the system where this function is invoked.


So in the end, consider when writing your tools, if a standard PowerShell error is acceptable or not. I think that there’s times it’s suitable, depending on the error and the group using the tool.

Only Return System.DateTime Properties from Get-ADComputer

I had one of those randomly appearing PowerShell questions last night. Windows PowerShell is a huge interest for me, so there’s really no surprise.

I wondered, How can only return the date time related properties from Get-ADComputer? It seems to happen quite often that I’ll need to view date and time information from Get-ADComputer (and Get-ADUser). It’s mildly cumbersome to scan though all the properties looking for dates and times in the property’s value — the ultimate reason behind this random thought.

The command I threw together was ugly, and seemed to lack a simpler approach. I stopped there, and decided to pass this one out to the community. Can you come with a better way?

Again, the idea is to return only the properties from Get-ADComputer that are System.DateTime properties (have System.DateTime in the Definition property of Get-Member). Take a look at my example and you might better understand my goal. I didn’t bother filtering out the default properties returned by Get-ADComputer (at first), but you’re welcome to do that, too. Cheers!

PS> Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties ((Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties * | Get-Member | Where-Object Definition -match 'System.DateTime').Name)

AccountExpirationDate  :
AccountLockoutTime     :
Created                : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM
createTimeStamp        : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM
DistinguishedName      : CN=SERVER01,OU=Finance,DC=mydomain,DC=com
DNSHostName            : SERVER01.mydomain.com
Enabled                : True
LastBadPasswordAttempt :
LastLogonDate          : 3/17/2014 10:35:35 AM
Modified               : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
modifyTimeStamp        : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
Name                   : SERVER01
ObjectClass            : computer
ObjectGUID             : 234cbaed59-1ab3-6ebc-9782-e9542bedaec
PasswordLastSet        : 3/14/2014 5:12:24 PM
SamAccountName         : SERVER01$
SID                    : S-1-5-21-174985627-956854884-123956358-942569
UserPrincipalName      :
whenChanged            : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
whenCreated            : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM

Update1: I went ahead and edited the command so that it would not return the default Get-ADComputer properties (Name, SamAccountName, etc.), using the Select-Object cmdlet. I repeated the command I issued to the -Properties parameter of Get-ADComputer, as the value for Select-Object.

So, any takers? Can you come up with a better way to do this?

PS> Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties ((Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties * | Get-Member | Where-Object Definition -match 'System.DateTime').Name) | Select-Object (Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties * | Get-Member | Where-Object Definition -match 'System.DateTime').Name

AccountExpirationDate  :
AccountLockoutTime     :
Created                : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM
createTimeStamp        : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM
LastBadPasswordAttempt :
LastLogonDate          : 3/17/2014 10:35:35 AM
Modified               : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
modifyTimeStamp        : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
PasswordLastSet        : 3/14/2014 5:12:24 PM
whenChanged            : 8/18/2014 11:48:34 AM
whenCreated            : 9/12/2013 1:34:06 PM

Update2: There’s a second update to this post. Jonathan Angliss tweeted a much cleaner solution — exactly what I had hoped someone might do. Here’s his contribution:

PS> Get-ADComputer -Identity SERVER01 -Properties * | ForEach-Object {$_.psobject.properties | Where-Object {$_.TypeNameofValue -eq 'System.DateTime'}} | Select-Object Name,Value

Get Active Directory (Sites and Services) Subnets

I just started reading chapter 16 — Managing sites and subnets — in Richard Siddaway‘s book Learn Active Directory in a Month of Lunches. I already know a good deal about Active Directory (AD). I’ve been using and supporting it, in one fashion or another, since its introduction in 2000. Even so, that didn’t stop me from picking up this title. I’ll buy and read a book about a topic I already know, even if I’m only going to pick up a few new details. I also like to remind myself of things I already know, in an effort to keep things as fresh as possible in my mind. I’ve also found myself curious about other people’s writing styles. Since I’ve been writing and posting here, for coming up on a year and a half, I believe that my writing has improved, and it makes me eager to read other people’s writings, too.

I went a little off topic there, but anyway, I read a couple pages of the chapter, and then typed the command below into my Windows PowerShell console. This was in an effort to determine the subnets used by an AD site, before reading any further.

PS> (Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity Downtown02 -Properties Subnets).Subnets.ForEach{$_.Split(',',2)[0].Split('=')[-1]}

So what’s happening here? By default, the Active Directory Get-ADReplicationSite cmdlet returns information about your (computer’s) AD site; however, you can filter the results to get information about another AD site, or even, all the AD sites. In my example, I’ve indicated that I only want information about a single site, Downtown02. Although you don’t see it in the default properties that are returned by this cmdlet, there are extended properties returned when the -Properties parameter is included. This behavior is similar to some of the other AD cmdlets. In fact, you can see which AD cmdlets have a -Properties parameter by enter this: Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory -ParameterName Properties. In our example, we are only returning the Subnets property, not all of the properties, as we would when using -Properties *.

The Subnet property is returned as a Distinguished Name, such as: CN=,CN=Subnets,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=com. Due to this, I’ve added the .Split() method, twice. The first time it was used, we split at the comma and returned two pieces of our string, when it’s entered as .Split(‘,’,2). That’s difficult to explain, so here’s what that looks like:

PS> (Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity Downtown02 -Properties Subnets).Subnets.ForEach{$_.Split(',',2)}

In the example above, notice it only split at the first comma in the string. That’s what the 2 does (“leave me 2 sections”). Adding the [0] index, below, only keeps the first element of the results of each split.

PS> (Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity Downtown02 -Properties Subnets).Subnets.ForEach{$_.Split(',',2)[0]}

The second time we use the .Split() method, we split at the equal sign and return the last element, like so: .Split(‘=’)[-1]. After these two .Split() methods have run, we have our subnets, just like we’d see them in the Name category, of the Active Directory Sites and Services MMC. I should mention the syntax in this command. Take a closer look, if you haven’t already: It’s using the ForEach method, not the ForEach-Object cmdlet, as you might have expected to see. This syntax became possible in PowerShell 4.0.

Okay, so I’ve mentioned this a time or two, now. I often learn something new, share it here, and then I find a better way. Sometime, while I’m still writing. Well, that happened again. We don’t need to get fancy with the results of Get-ADReplicationSite as we have above, and can instead, use the Get-ADReplicationSubnet cmdlet. How’d I find the cmdlet? Well, (while writing), I decided to search for the string “subnet” in all the cmdlet names from the ActiveDirectory module: Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory -Name *subnet*. Here’s the command to use to return the same information we did with the first example in this post.

PS> (Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter * -Properties Site | Where-Object Site -like '*Downtown02*').Name

If you’re wondering why I didn’t use the -Filter parameter to filter on the site, well then, here you go. Here’s a quicker and more efficient method in which to write the command.

PS> (Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter {Site -eq 'Downtown02'}).Name

Thanks for joining me, and now back to my reading.

Report on Active Directory Objects in Abandoned Organizational Unit

Before we really start this post, I should mentioned that there’s no reason that the script discussed in this post can’t be run against an Organizational Unit (OU) that hasn’t been abandoned. It just worked out that I wrote the script in order to determine if an OU had be abandoned.

I threw a small script together in the last couple days and thought I’d share it. The reason for the script was because I may have had an Active Directory (AD) OU that was no longer being used. In order to determine if this was really the case, I wanted to check various properties on the user and computer objects in the OU, to include any nested OUs. These properties included the last logon time stamp, the last date the objects changed, and a few others.

The first couple of lines in the script set two different variables. The first one stores the Domain’s Distinguished Name, and the second one is assigned the location of the abandoned OU. The second variable is based partly on the first. This script requires the ActiveDirectory module and assumes it’s being run on PowerShell 3.0 or greater, as the AD module isn’t explicitly imported.

$DomainDN = ((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
$AbandonedOU = Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Finance,OU=Departments,$DomainDN"

In the next part of the script, we start to send the $AbandonedOU variable’s objects across the pipeline, to the Foreach-Object cmdlet. As each object passes across, we determine what type of AD object we’re dealing with. If it’s a user object, we set the $Command variable to the string, Get-ADUser. If it’s a computer object we set the $Command variable to the string, Get-ADComputer. If it’s neither, such as a nested OU, we’ll return to the $AbandonedOU variable and send the next object without assigning anything to the $Command variable (or running any of the upcoming code).

$AbandonedOU | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'user') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADUser'
    } ElseIf ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'computer') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADComputer'
    } Else {

Providing we have a user or computer AD object, we’ll run the code in the next example. This will execute the cmdlet, whether it be Get-ADUser or Get-ADComputer, returning the requested properties that we then calculate (think, customize).

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}

Finally, we sort the collection of objects we’ve returned and customized, and in my case, pump the data out to a CSV file at the root of my C:\ drive. As you’ll see below, I’ve included both the code in the previous example and the additional code.

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}
} | Sort-Object 'Last Logon TimeStamp' -Descending | Export-Csv -Path C:\AbandonedOU.csv -NoTypeInformation

I want to mention something about the line above that calculates the “Added To Domain By” property. In many environments this is going to only be <DOMAIN>\Domain Admins. The reason I added this, is because in the AD environment in which this ran, users, other than the Domain Admins, can join computers. I know this is a default; however, in many environments it is not allowed. This may or may not be a helpful property in your environment.

Cheers, and thanks for reading! I’ve included the complete script below.

$DomainDN = ((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
$AbandonedOU = Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Finance,OU=Departments,$DomainDN"

$AbandonedOU | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'user') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADUser'
    } ElseIf ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'computer') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADComputer'
    } Else {

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}
} | Sort-Object 'Last Logon TimeStamp' -Descending | Export-Csv -Path C:\AbandonedOU.csv -NoTypeInformation

Active Directory User Lookup Form

Download link at bottom of post.

I had some free time recently, so I decided I would write my first, hand-coded PowerShell form using Windows Forms. It took a bit to get started and feel comfortable, but before I knew it, I was adding some useful things to my form. My form’s purpose is to lookup users in Active Directory by their user logon name (think, SamAccountName) and return a specific set of properties — Name, Distinguished Name, Mail, Title, Department, and Office Phone.

Feel free to download, and use the form if you think it may be helpful. While there are a few things I’d like to add, and change, I think it’s a solid, version 1.0 effort. There’s a screen capture of the form in action below, and the download link is just beneath that.

In closing, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that a tool, such as this, has already been developed and made available — I didn’t bother checking for that prior to writing this tool. I just wanted to completely write my own form in PowerShell with Windows Forms, and needed an idea.

Script Sharing - PowerShell Active Directory User Lookup Form01

Download the Active Directory User Lookup Form here: https://gist.github.com/tommymaynard/b833e7fa33dd76f2484b73db58a7d281