Tag Archives: Add-ADGroupMember

Remove and Add Users to an Active Directory Group

The more people that recognize that I’ve made an investment in Windows PowerShell, the more these posts write themselves. I was recently asked by a previous colleague to help them make some modifications in Active Directory (AD). They needed to strip out all the users from a single AD group, and then add a bunch of them back that were, conveniently, stored in a text file. While you can compare the current users in the group with the ones you want to add, this post will assume it’s suitable to momentarily remove all the users from a specific AD group.

When I completed this, out of the kindness of my heart, and because I want to promote and teach PowerShell whenever possible, I sent the previous colleague an email with the five steps I had completed. They might be useful for others as well, so here we are. I think I’m getting a lunch out of this, too. While it might not be Chipotle, I like food, so I’m sure it’ll be suitable.

1. Export Users in the AD Group: This command will return the current members of the VPN-Users group and store them in a Csv file. While this will allow us to compare our final results, its original purpose was as my safety net in case I made a mistake and wanted to make the previous members, members again.

PS> $GroupName = 'VPN-Users'
PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Export-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users01Pre.csv -NoTypeInformation

2. Remove Users from Group: This next command removes all the members of the group (which I had checked were only users). It did this by piping each member of the group to a ForEach-Object loop that ran Remove-ADGroupMember against the current user. Had there been other object types, you’d have to use a Where-Object command in between these two commands (command 1 | Where-Object… | command 2), filtering on the ObjectClass. The Remove-ADGroupMember cmdlet is using the -Confirm parameter with the $false value, so there’s no need for manual confirmation of each removal.

PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Foreach-Object {Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members $_ -Confirm:$false}

3. Add Users to Group: After I allowed a few moments for replication, I went ahead and added all the users in the text file I had been supplied by using the Get-Content command and piping each entry to the ForEach-Object and Add-ADGroupMember cmdlets. It threw two errors when it wasn’t able to find a couple users in AD. While I didn’t, we could’ve written in precautions in this command to avoid this error, or programmatically fixed the file prior to this command.

PS> Get-Content -Path C:\UserNames.txt | Foreach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName  -Members $_}

4. Export Users in the AD Group: Now that we have all the old group members removed, and the new ones added, we can create a new export of the group members for comparison. This isn’t necessary, but helps to see who was removed and added, if we desire that kind of information and comparison.

PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Export-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users02Post.csv -NoTypeInformation

5Compare Before and After Group Memberships: The next command will reach into the SamAccountName column inside both Csv files and compare them. Results that indicate <= mean they are in the file on the left (the file as the value to -ReferenceObject parameter), and results that indicate => mean they are only in the file on the right (-DifferenceObject parameter). Don’t forget, you can always use the -IncludeEqual parameter if you want to see which users where there before and after.

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ((Import-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users01Pre.csv).SamAccountName) -DifferenceObject ((Import-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users02Post.csv).SamAccountName)

There ya go. The previous colleague said they had a problem finding some good examples of doing this online, so here’s to hoping that this will help someone when it they need it. Just maybe, I’ll be back with the right way to do this, where the users that are going to be added back, never get removed in the fist place.