Tag Archives: CSV

A Basic(ish) Active Directory Look-Up Script

It was just Saturday—it’s been a few weeks now, actually—that I wrote a post proclaiming to be back. Back to writing about PowerShell, that is. Why not take the first script I wrote in my new position and share it? It’s possible it has some concepts that might be helpful for readers.

The first thing I want to mention is that I hate writing scripts. Huh!? What I mean by that, is that I prefer to write functions. That didn’t happen my first time out in this position, as you’ll see, and I’m going to be okay with it. A one-off script may have a purpose. I stayed away from a function (and therefore a module [maybe], working with profile scripts [potentially], etc.). I’ll live with it.

Let’s break the script up into sections and explain what’s happening in each. Keep in mind that this isn’t perfect and there are places where I would make changes after having looked over this a couple of times. I’ll be sure to mention those toward the bottom of the post. Okay, let’s do this! I’ll put the script back together into a single, code block further below.

The beginning of the script creates two parameters: Properties and Output. Properties can accept multiple string values,—notice the []—and we’ll see that in the upcoming examples. Output can accept one string value of three predetermined values. Those are Console, GridView, and CsvFile; Console is the default parameter value.

Param (
    [string]$Output = 'Console'

Next, we create a path to a flat file called userlist.txt. This file will contain Active Directory Display Names (DisplayName). By using the $PSScriptRoot variable, all we have to do is keep our script and the text file in the same location/folder in order for it to work correctly.

Once the $Path variable is set, we attempt to run a Get-Content command against the values in the file, storing these in the $Userlist variable. If for some reason the file isn’t in place, the script will make use of the catch block of our try-catch to indicate to the user that the file can’t be located.

$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\userlist.txt"
try {
    $Userlist = Get-Content -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Unable to locate $Path."

Following that, we set our $TotalProperties variable to three Active Directory user properties we know we want. Then, if any values have been passed in using the Properties parameter, we combine those with the three properties already in the $TotalProperties variable.

$TotalProperties = @('DisplayName','EmployeeNumber','SamAccountName')
if ($Properties) {
    $TotalProperties = $TotalProperties + $Properties

Moving forward, we set up foreach language construct in order to loop through each user in the $Userlist variable. Remember, this variable was populated by our Get-Content command earlier. For each loop iteration, we are adding a PSCustomObject to our $Users—plural— variable. Normally, I wouldn’t store each value in a variable and instead just pump it out right there, but the script includes some output options that we’ll see next.

foreach ($User in $Userlist) {
    $Users += [PSCustomObject]@(
    Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$User'" -Properties $TotalProperties |
        Select-Object -Property $TotalProperties

Finally, we consider the output option the user either defaulted to, or didn’t. If they included the Output parameter with GridView, we pipe our $Users variable to OutGridView. If they included the Output parameter with CSVFile, we pipe out $Users variable to Export-Csv, saving them in a CSV file, and then open our saved CSV file. If they didn’t include the Output parameter, or they did with the Console value, then we display the results directly in the console. That’s it.

Switch ($Output) {
    GridView {$Users | Out-GridView -Title Users}
    CsvFile {
        $Users.GetEnumerator() |
        Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime -OutVariable NewFileOutput).csv"
        Invoke-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$NewFileOutput.csv"
    Default {$Users | Format-Table -AutoSize}

Although I took the base code from someone’s previously written script, this really is still much of a 1.0.0 version. Knowing that, there are some changes I might make; it’s not perfect, but it’ll get the job done.

  • While it’s not vital, I kind of wish I used a different variable name for $Path
    • It’s a path, sure, but to a specific file
    • Perhaps $FilePath, $UserFile, or $UserFilePath
      • It could’ve been more specific
  • Ensure properties passed in via the Properties parameter are valid for an Active Directory user
    • If someone sends in properties that don’t exist for an Active Directory user, it’s going to cause problems
      • Maybe check a known user, gather all the possible properties, and compare
      • (Or) Maybe wrap some error checking without having to do any property compare operation
  • Don’t use Default in the Switch language construct
    • It’s not necessary, as the Output parameter will only accept three possible values
    • Default could’ve been replaced with Console

Here are a few examples followed by the full PowerShell code in a single, code block.

I’ve redacted information from each of these images. There’s something that’s vital to know about each, however. In front of the full path (all the images but the last one), is the & operator. This is called the invocation or call operator. It informs PowerShell that everything after it should be treated as a command and that it’s not just a long, string value.

This example invokes the script without any parameters, pulling in two users from the userlist.txt file.

This example invokes the script and includes two additional Active Directory properties, which are then also included in the output.

This example does the same as the first one, however, it opens the results using the Out-GridView cmdlet.

This one opens the results using whatever program—Excel in my case—is associated with CSV files. This option is saving the file to disk, so keep that in mind, as it has no cleanup features.

This final example is included to show that it works when you’re inside the same directory as the script and text file. It also includes multiple parameters being included at the same time. You might know you can do it, but my at-work audience may not have—I’m not sure. As we’re in the directory with the script, you can actually see the inclusion of the invocation operator.

And finally, all the code in a single code block.

Param (
    [string]$Output = 'Console'

$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\userlist.txt"
try {
    $Userlist = Get-Content -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Unable to locate $Path."

$TotalProperties = @('DisplayName','EmployeeNumber','SamAccountName')
if ($Properties) {
    $TotalProperties = $TotalProperties + $Properties

foreach ($User in $Userlist) {
    $Users += [PSCustomObject]@(
        Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$User'" -Properties $TotalProperties |
            Select-Object -Property $TotalProperties

Switch ($Output) {
    GridView {$Users | Out-GridView -Title Users}
    CsvFile {
        $Users.GetEnumerator() |
            Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime -OutVariable NewFileOutput).csv"
        Invoke-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$NewFileOutput.csv"
    Default {$Users | Format-Table -AutoSize}

CSV Break Down

I wrote a post recently, but a while back—it is kind of both now. It was about arrays and hash tables. I highlighted the differences between them and who knew, it turned out to be a success. There was a good amount of sharing of the post on Twitter and my same-day visitor count jumped up a fair amount above my average, which is typically around 175 visits per weekday. I do not know who these people are that do not use PowerShell on the weekends but get your priorities straight. Fine, maybe it is me.

The above image indicates I brought in nearly 400 visitors the same day it was published—not bad. There were people in the PowerShell subreddit using the words “array” and “hash table” incorrectly and whatever just took over in me and did what it does to help clarify things for people in the PowerShell community. I have said it before: I have no problem revisiting the things I have already learned about PowerShell. There is a good deal to know, and so any opportunity to learn something you have already learned—we will call that review, right—is okay. I review these concepts all the time; I can only know if I know it by checking! And usually, I have forgotten something. The whole, “If you don’t use it, you lose it” saying, applies to PowerShell, too.

There was another post I did more recently, and while it was not as popular, I liked it. It used a CSV file of links—think, URLs—to create a menu system that could open links as they were chosen inside PowerShell. Good enough for me to push my post count up by one. I will have been writing about PowerShell for eight years in June 2022. Just maybe I can get to 416 posts by then making my average one post per week for eight straight years. Even if I do not make it, to even be this close is a feat. I must like PowerShell.

As I was working with a CSV for that most recent post, I read another PowerShell Reddit post where someone was talking about arrays in conjunction with CSVs. I do not have a link for that post, and I am not sure how much it would apply, but it did get me wondering about the type of variable you end up with when you import a CSV. Do you know by heart!? Care to guess? Let’s bring back the CSV we used in the last post. It will work fine to get us the answers we need.

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PowerShell Gallery,https://www.powershellgallery.com,
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Engadget.com,https://www.engadget.com/,Tech News
Wired.com,https://www.wired.com/,Tech News

If we assume the above CSV file is stored in the below path, then the Import-CSV command will supply us with the below results. Further below in the example, we will import it a second time and store that in the $CSVFile variable. From there, we will take a closer look at it. What do we have once it is imported and stored in our variable?

[PS7.2.1][C:\] Import-Csv -Path 'C:\users\tommymaynard\Desktop\Links.csv'

Title                            Link                                                    Note
-----                            ----                                                    ----
PowerShell GitHub                https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell
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PowerShell Docs GitHub           https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs
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Engadget.com                     https://www.engadget.com/                               Tech News
Wired.com                        https://www.wired.com/                                  Tech News
TechRadar.com                    https://www.techradar.com/                              News
Axios.com                        https://www.axios.com/                                  News

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\users\tommymaynard\Desktop\Links.csv'
[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array

It is an array! That makes perfect sense, right!? It is a list of values. Each row in the CSV file is a single value, in the array. Sure, each row has the potential of containing multiple values (Title, Link, Note), but each containing row is one single element in the array. The two commands below do the same thing. They return the first row, or element, in the CSV file, as it is stored in the $CSVFile variable.

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0]

Title             Link                                     Note
-----             ----                                     ----
PowerShell GitHub https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile | Select-Object -First 1

Title             Link                                     Note
-----             ----                                     ----
PowerShell GitHub https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell

Just putting this out there, but we did not even have to use the .GetType() method earlier, to know this was an array. The minute we were able to use a numeric index ([0]), we should have known. I do not know about you, but this got me wondering about two things: One, where did the header row go? As we saw, it had nothing to do with index [0], and two, if each row is an element in an array, what is inside each element? How are the previous columns represented? Let’s answer these.

Before we do, though, a quick reminder: There is really no need to know the things we are discussing to use CSV files and the Import-CSV command. This happens whether we care to know it or not. It is just that I wanted to know what was happening and so I brought you with me. Back to the discussion.

As we have seen, the header row, as we may want to picture it, is gone. It found a place though. Several even. It is stored once per array element, or line or row, if you will, within the $CSVFile variable. What does that even mean!? That is answered by viewing the type of object returned when we view a single element in the array. The below examples use the .GetType() method to return the type of just index [0]. It is a PSCustomObject! We saw the output of this in the last two examples, however, we may have not put it together from just that. Let’s pipe index [0] to the Get-Member command and see what we recognize.

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0].GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     False    PSCustomObject                           System.Object

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0] | Get-Member

   TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject

Name        MemberType   Definition
----        ----------   ----------
Equals      Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method       int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method       type GetType()
ToString    Method       string ToString()
Link        NoteProperty string Link=https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell
Note        NoteProperty string Note=
Title       NoteProperty string Title=PowerShell GitHub

Each column of the CSV has become a NoteProperty in the PSCustomObject. Each name is a column header and each corresponding value has become a Definition. Each definition is a string that includes an entry such as <header>=<value>. Knowing that it makes sense that each of the following examples indicates that their type is a string.

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0].Title
PowerShell GitHub
[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0].Title.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     String                                   System.Object

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0].Link.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     String                                   System.Object

[PS7.2.1][C:\] $CSVFile[0].Note.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     String                                   System.Object

While we do not need to know these things to import a CSV file and use it as a part of an assignment or project, there is value in understanding what the command does with each row and the values in each row of a CSV file.

CSV Browser Links

Edit: At some point between publishing this post and now — 11:43 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Eve — I thought people consuming this post would benefit from seeing the menu open a CSV-based bookmark. A short gif has been added to the bottom of this post.

I do not know what my problem is, but for the last few years, I’ve been an anti-browser-bookmarks person. I don’t really have a good reason as to why, but I look forward to getting over it; I do. But until then, I have been saving all my links inside of a CSV file with the assumption that at some point I will write some PowerShell that will allow me to easily search my CSV file and then open links programmatically. Well, guess what, I finally wrote that.

The first thing sharing this project is going to require is a properly formatted CSV file we can both work from. No need to put mine in here; it would be full of links that are worthless to anyone but me. Copy and paste the comma-separated data below and save that off to a CSV file called Links.csv Be sure to note the path where you chose to save it, as we will work with it as a part of this post.

PowerShell GitHub,https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell,
PowerShell GitHub Issues,https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues,
PowerShell Docs GitHub,https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs,
Powershell Docs GitHub Issues,https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/issues,
PowerShell Docs,https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell,
PowerShell Gallery,https://www.powershellgallery.com,
PowerShell Reddit,https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell,
Twitter Legends @jeffhicks,https://twitter.com/JeffHicks,
Twitter Legends @jsnover,https://twitter.com/jsnover,
Twitter Legends @concentrateddon, https://twitter.com/concentrateddon,
TechCrunch.com,https://techcrunch.com/,Tech News
Cnet.com,https://www.cnet.com/,Tech News
Gizmodo.com,https://gizmodo.com/,Tech News
9to5mac.com,https://9to5mac.com/,Tech News
Engadget.com,https://www.engadget.com/,Tech News
Wired.com,https://www.wired.com/,Tech News

With our CSV in place, we can work through the below PowerShell and then take it for a test drive. Have a look and meet me below for a quick discussion, before we try it out.

function Find-Link {
    Param (
        $Path = 'C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\CSVs\Links.csv',

    #region Import CSV/filter.
    $AllLinks = Import-Csv -Path $Path
    $ FilterLinks = $AllLinks | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Title -like "*$Title*" -and $_.Link -like "*$Link*" -and $_.Note -like "*$Note*"
    #region Create link menu.
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FilterLinks.Count; $i++) {
        "[$($i + 1)] $(($FilterLinks[$i]).Title)"
    } # for
    #region Prompt user.
    do {
        $Option = Read-Host -Prompt 'Link Number'
    } # do
    until ($Option -in (1..$FilterLinks.Count))
    Start-Process -FilePath "$($FilterLinks[$($Option - 1)].Link)"

The function is named Find-Link, and it includes a -Path parameter. This is the location of the CSV file. While the function contains a default path, it can be changed when the function is invoked by passing in a different value. The static entry in the function can also be permanently modified, as well — it is up to you.

Find-Link -Path '/users/landrews/Documents/bookmarks.csv'

When the file is imported, the entire CSV is assigned to the $AllLinks variable. Then, it runs a command against that variable, creating a new variable, to filter down the results using the value(s) potentially passed to three other parameters: -Title, -Link, and -Note. There is more than just the -Path parameter.  It does not check if any of these parameters were actually included, but it could have using $PSBoundParameters. Once we have a filtered list of links to display, we cycle through them using a for loop, which creates a menu of options. Here’s an example of one of the outputs created by invoking this command with the -Title parameter.

Find-Link -Title Twitter
[1] Twitter Legends @jeffhicks
[2] Twitter Legends @jsnover        
[3] Twitter Legends @concentrateddon
Link Number:

The final portion of the function is a do-until loop. This invokes Read-Host prompt until one of the available menu numbers is entered. When a number that is not included is entered, it will prompt the user again for a different value. Here is an example of that.

Find-Link -Title Twitter
[1] Twitter Legends @jeffhicks
[2] Twitter Legends @jsnover        
[3] Twitter Legends @concentrateddon
Link Number: 8
Link Number: 15
Link Number: 4
Link Number: 

When a value is selected that is included from the list, Start-Process invokes the corresponding link. Before we close out, here are a few more examples.

Find-Link -Link powershell
[1] PowerShell GitHub
[2] PowerShell GitHub Issues     
[3] PowerShell Docs GitHub       
[4] Powershell Docs GitHub Issues
[5] PowerShell Docs
[6] PowerShell Gallery
[7] PowerShell Reddit
Link Number:
Find-Link -Note News
[1] TechCrunch.com
[2] Cnet.com
[3] Gizmodo.com
[4] 9to5mac.com
[5] Engadget.com
[6] Wired.com
[7] TechRadar.com
[8] Axios.com
Link Number:
Find-Link -Note 'Tech News' 
[1] TechCrunch.com
[2] Cnet.com      
[3] Gizmodo.com   
[4] 9to5mac.com 
[5] Engadget.com
[6] Wired.com   
Link Number:   

We can combine the parameters too, to further filter the results.

Find-Link -Title GitHub -Link powershell
[1] PowerShell GitHub
[2] PowerShell GitHub Issues
[3] PowerShell Docs GitHub
[4] Powershell Docs GitHub Issues
Link Number: 

There may be a few things to add over time, but for now, this gives me what I wanted. It is better than navigating to the document and copying out a link — never. again.

Fake the Data when Missing the CSV

Earlier today, I had an opportunity to help a coworker run ICMP requests against a series of IP addresses. They were being pulled in from a CSV file, which contained hostnames with matching IP addresses. If for some reason the import failed, such as the file wasn’t where it was supposed to be, he wanted to supply a single IP address he knew would fail in place of the successful CSV import. I suspect this was for testing purposes. Whatever the reason, I obliged him in his quest and request. I leaned heavily on a recently written and published article of mine: Hash Table to CSV, Revisited. It lined up perfectly with what I was working toward in this instance.

The goal here was to fake out an upcoming Foreach loop in such a way that no coding changes needed to be made, whether or not the CSV file existed, etc. That was the end goal for this work: leave the later code doing what it had been doing previously.

We’re, mostly, going to start with the code. In this first example, you’ll have to believe me that the file IPs.csv does in fact exist, and it contains two columns. One is the hostname, which we don’t actually even use in this example, and the other is the IP address. As expected, this column contains a properly formatted IP address. As everything is in place, the CSV file is imported and saved in $IPAddresses. Following that, the code loops through the contents of our new variable. For every entry, it returns True or False depending on whether it’s able to return a successful ping request or not, against that IP address.

try {
    $IPAddresses = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\IPs.csv'
} catch {
    $IPAddresses = [PSCustomObject]@{Host = 'Test';IP = ''}
} # End try-catch

Foreach ($IP in $IPAddresses) {
    If (Test-Connection $IP.IP -Count 1 -Quiet) {
    } Else {
    } # End If-Else.
} # End Foreach.

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=50
Ping complete.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=53
Ping complete.

In this next example, we’ve altered the CSV file extension. This attempted CSV import will fail, and will therefore execute our code in the catch block. This will make it appear as though we’ve imported the CSV; however, because we recognize this IP address and its guaranteed to fail, we’ll know there was a problem with the CSV import.

try {
    $IPAddresses = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\IPs.csvvvvvv'
} catch {
    $IPAddresses = [PSCustomObject]@{Host = 'Test';IP = ''}
} # End try-catch

Foreach ($IP in $IPAddresses) {
    If (Test-Connection $IP.IP -Count 1 -Quiet) {
    } Else {
    } # End If-Else.
} # End Foreach.

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Ping complete.

There are other ways to handle this, yes. But remember, the co-worker needed data to be produced just as it would be if it worked (the import part), even though it didn’t. It had something to do with JSON, schemas, and Azure Log Analytics. It was good enough for him, so it was good enough for me, too.

AWS EC2 Instance CSV File: Let’s Have it, Amazon

A while back I found something that AWS began offering that made the below paragraph meaningless. I’ll be back with more soon. I know I said that before, but I’ll try extra hard this time…

I’ve wanted it for some time now… an always up-to-date CSV file that I can programmatically download—using PowerShell, duh—directly from AWS. But not just any CSV. I need a continually updated CSV that includes all the possible information on every AWS EC2 instance type. It can even include the previous generation instances, providing there’s a column that indicates whether it’s current or not. It would probably contain information I’ll never need, or want, and I’d still want the file, as I can easily filter against the contents of the document. I’d love to write the website post that shows how to do that if we can get this file to fruition.