Tag Archives: Import-Csv

Use PowerShell to Edit a CSV, Revisited

1. Back in January 2019, I started writing on another website. In December of that same year, I modified how I was doing things. Instead of just writing a full post there, I would start a new post there and then finish the post here, on my site. I did that through June 2020. All the posts from January 2019 to November 2019 are gone and all the posts from December 2019 to June 2020 are partially gone (as only a portion was written away from tommymaynard.com).

2. I have recently mentioned that if I hit 416 posts by the end of June 2022, I will have an average of one post per week over an eight-year timeframe. Bringing those posts back to life and publishing them on my site would get me to my goal much quicker. Beyond that, I have long wanted to recapture that work anyway, and realistically, those posts could have just as easily — maybe even more easily — been published here, to begin with.

As it is time to fix this, it would not make sense to do things manually unless it was an absolute requirement. Automation is kind of why we are all here. I intend to recover as many of my posts as I can and publish them here with help from archive.org — the Internet Archive — and their API.

I have been down the CSV road before. While not as popular as my Hash Table to CSV post, with greater than 21,000 all-time views, my Use PowerShell to Edit a CSV post has greater than 15,000 all-time views. Hash Table to CSV has part II or revised post, and now Use PowerShell to Edit a CSV does, too.

At first, I started to manually collect data — the data in the below image. I did not want to do that any more than I had already done. That decision was all I needed to save some time that was better spent prepping and preparing for this post. In this first image, you can see the CSV from which I began.

Do notice a few things: One, we’re missing some dates on the left, two, we’re missing all the URLs from the WB_URL column, and three, all the Notes are empty too. Our goal is to add dates on the left where we can, add URLs into the WB_URL column, and Notes when that’s necessary. There’s nothing to add to the TM_URL column. Those empty lines indicate posts that were never written and published on my site.

The first thing to do is ensure I can import the above CSV file. We will use the $CsvBasePath variable to hold the path to the file we will import with the Import-Csv command. The values returned from this command will be stored in the $CsvFileContents variable. Then they will be output to a formatted table, so they are easier to read. This is just a quick check to ensure the CSV file can be imported. As you can see below, the file’s contents could be imported. This is the identical data we saw in the previous image.

$CsvBasePath = 'C:\users\tommymaynard\Desktop\tommymaynard.com'
$CsvFileContents = Import-Csv -Path "$CsvBasePath/Corrections.csv"
$CsvFileContents | Format-Table -AutoSize

If you want to read about it, and it is short, here is information on the API that we will be using: https://archive.org/help/wayback_api.php. It is too important not to show you. The below image is what a response looks like when it is returned from using the API. We will use this API with Invoke-RestMethod. It may not mean much now, but you may end up referring to it as you progress further into this post. As you will see shortly, I will use …status -eq 200, I will use and edit the timestamp, and I will collect the URL. Having seen this image may make understanding the PowerShell much more straightforward.

I now know the CSV file can be imported and I understand the structure of the API response.

In the below PowerShell, I removed outputting the contents of the $CsvFileContents variable to the host, and instead, I set up a ForEach-Object looping construct. The first thing done inside this loop is put the current PS_URL value into the $UriRemainder variable in line 5. In line 6, we concatenate the $UriBase variable and the $UriRemainder variable and use them as the URI supplied to the Invoke-RestMethod command. We will continue working through this code below.

$CsvBasePath = 'C:\users\tommymaynard\Desktop\tommymaynard.com'
$UriBase = 'http://archive.org/wayback/available?url='
$CsvFileContents = Import-Csv -Path "$CsvBasePath\Corrections.csv"
$CsvFileContents | ForEach-Object {
	$UriRemainder = $_.PS_URL
	$WBInfoFull = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UriBase$UriRemainder"
	If ($WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.status -eq 200) {
		$WBInfoDate = $WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.timestamp
		$WBInfoDate = -join $WBInfoDate[0..7]
		$WBInfoUrl = $WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.url
		$_.Date = $WBInfoDate
		$_.WB_URL = $WBInfoUrl
		# Remove-Variable -Name WBInfoFull,WBInfoDate,WBInfoUrl
	} Else {
	} # End If-Else.
} # | Export-Csv -Path "$CsvBasePath\Corrections-temp.csv" -NoTypeInformation

The Invoke-RestMethod command reaches out to archive.org and stores the result — remember the response object — in the $WBInfoFull variable. For each iteration through the loop, this variable is repeatedly filled with data from each lookup against the Wayback Machine — another name for archive.org if I did not say that already. If the status is 200, we know our Invoke-RestMethod command was a success and so we progress further into the If portion of our nested If-Else construct.

We will then set $WBInfoDate by returning the timestamp property such as 20201022005417 and then joining the first eight “digits” [lines 8 and 9]. We then set, or assign, the $WBInfoURL variable. In the remainder of this code, we just dump our values to the screen, clear the variables, and then move onto the next line in the CSV file. We have yet to actually write to a CSV yet.

The below image shows a portion of the output generated by the above commands. Again, I’m not writing to the CSV yet; I’m only making sure the values in my variables are accurate.

It is here where the working PowerShell will be modified in such a way, that we can begin writing to the CSV file. I should make something clear. I did not edit an existing CSV file as much as I created a new one. I suppose I could have written back to the same file…or maybe I could not. That is probably worth finding out someday, but I do suspect that an open CSV can be written to. In the first iteration of this post, I created a temporary file and then did a remove/rename, so it appeared I actually edited a file.  But this whole time, I have not really been editing anything. Such a fraud, I know.

Moving along though. The below changes include having removed the code that outputs the values in the variables to the screen. Instead, these values are being written to the Date and WB_URL columns. When the status isn’t 200, instead of writing [[[[[NOPE]]]]] to the screen as I did above, something more pleasant and professional is written to the Notes column. In order to write to a new CSV, I uncommented the Export-CSV command, as well. In the post’s final image, you can view the “updated” CSV file. By my count, there are over 40 lines in this CSV that I didn’t have to type or paste in after manually doing the search myself. I’ll take it!

Always search for an API to use. Always.

$CsvBasePath = 'C:\users\tommymaynard\Desktop\tommymaynard.com'
$UriBase = 'http://archive.org/wayback/available?url='
$CsvFileContents = Import-Csv -Path "$CsvBasePath/Corrections.csv"
$CsvFileContents | ForEach-Object {
	$UriRemainder = $_.PS_URL
	$WBInfoFull = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UriBase$UriRemainder"
	If ($WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.status -eq 200) {
		$WBInfoDate = $WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.timestamp
		$WBInfoDate = -join $WBInfoDate[0..7]
		$WBInfoUrl = $WBInfoFull.archived_snapshots.closest.url
		$_.Date = $WBInfoDate
		$_.WB_URL = $WBInfoUrl
		Remove-Variable -Name WBInfoFull,WBInfoDate,WBInfoUrl
	} Else { 
		$_.Notes = 'Unable to locate an archived webpage for that URL.'
	} # End If-Else.
} | Export-Csv -Path "$CsvBasePath\Corrections-temp.csv" -NoTypeInformation

While the above image includes the updated data, there have been some unexpected changes from the CSV image earlier in this post. This was worrisome for me at first — why were the dates changing!? My PowerShell worked before, so why not now? It turns out that it still is working. The date changes are because newer snapshots of the pages have been taken by the Wayback Machine since I began this post back in October — yeah, it has been a long time coming. Therefore, no worries. What clued me in was the above code and the response. Take a look at this for a brief moment.


The keyword is “closest,” as in the most recent snapshot. My most recent snapshots changed between the creation of my original CSV file, and the updated one.

There may be a way to use PowerShell and an API to gather the old content, but for now, I am collecting it manually. I want to reclaim this content ASAP in order to line up getting these posts — the ones that are still relevant — republished here on tommymaynard.com. It is a lot of work, but I am after 416 posts by the end of June 2022. It is fair to say that I will be back with some new, old content very soon.

CSV Browser Links

Edit: At some point between publishing this post and now — 11:43 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Eve — I thought people consuming this post would benefit from seeing the menu open a CSV-based bookmark. A short gif has been added to the bottom of this post.

I do not know what my problem is, but for the last few years, I’ve been an anti-browser-bookmarks person. I don’t really have a good reason as to why, but I look forward to getting over it; I do. But until then, I have been saving all my links inside of a CSV file with the assumption that at some point I will write some PowerShell that will allow me to easily search my CSV file and then open links programmatically. Well, guess what, I finally wrote that.

The first thing sharing this project is going to require is a properly formatted CSV file we can both work from. No need to put mine in here; it would be full of links that are worthless to anyone but me. Copy and paste the comma-separated data below and save that off to a CSV file called Links.csv Be sure to note the path where you chose to save it, as we will work with it as a part of this post.

PowerShell GitHub,https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell,
PowerShell GitHub Issues,https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues,
PowerShell Docs GitHub,https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs,
Powershell Docs GitHub Issues,https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/issues,
PowerShell Docs,https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell,
PowerShell Gallery,https://www.powershellgallery.com,
PowerShell Reddit,https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell,
Twitter Legends @jeffhicks,https://twitter.com/JeffHicks,
Twitter Legends @jsnover,https://twitter.com/jsnover,
Twitter Legends @concentrateddon, https://twitter.com/concentrateddon,
TechCrunch.com,https://techcrunch.com/,Tech News
Cnet.com,https://www.cnet.com/,Tech News
Gizmodo.com,https://gizmodo.com/,Tech News
9to5mac.com,https://9to5mac.com/,Tech News
Engadget.com,https://www.engadget.com/,Tech News
Wired.com,https://www.wired.com/,Tech News

With our CSV in place, we can work through the below PowerShell and then take it for a test drive. Have a look and meet me below for a quick discussion, before we try it out.

function Find-Link {
    Param (
        $Path = 'C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\CSVs\Links.csv',

    #region Import CSV/filter.
    $AllLinks = Import-Csv -Path $Path
    $ FilterLinks = $AllLinks | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Title -like "*$Title*" -and $_.Link -like "*$Link*" -and $_.Note -like "*$Note*"
    #region Create link menu.
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FilterLinks.Count; $i++) {
        "[$($i + 1)] $(($FilterLinks[$i]).Title)"
    } # for
    #region Prompt user.
    do {
        $Option = Read-Host -Prompt 'Link Number'
    } # do
    until ($Option -in (1..$FilterLinks.Count))
    Start-Process -FilePath "$($FilterLinks[$($Option - 1)].Link)"

The function is named Find-Link, and it includes a -Path parameter. This is the location of the CSV file. While the function contains a default path, it can be changed when the function is invoked by passing in a different value. The static entry in the function can also be permanently modified, as well — it is up to you.

Find-Link -Path '/users/landrews/Documents/bookmarks.csv'

When the file is imported, the entire CSV is assigned to the $AllLinks variable. Then, it runs a command against that variable, creating a new variable, to filter down the results using the value(s) potentially passed to three other parameters: -Title, -Link, and -Note. There is more than just the -Path parameter.  It does not check if any of these parameters were actually included, but it could have using $PSBoundParameters. Once we have a filtered list of links to display, we cycle through them using a for loop, which creates a menu of options. Here’s an example of one of the outputs created by invoking this command with the -Title parameter.

Find-Link -Title Twitter
[1] Twitter Legends @jeffhicks
[2] Twitter Legends @jsnover        
[3] Twitter Legends @concentrateddon
Link Number:

The final portion of the function is a do-until loop. This invokes Read-Host prompt until one of the available menu numbers is entered. When a number that is not included is entered, it will prompt the user again for a different value. Here is an example of that.

Find-Link -Title Twitter
[1] Twitter Legends @jeffhicks
[2] Twitter Legends @jsnover        
[3] Twitter Legends @concentrateddon
Link Number: 8
Link Number: 15
Link Number: 4
Link Number: 

When a value is selected that is included from the list, Start-Process invokes the corresponding link. Before we close out, here are a few more examples.

Find-Link -Link powershell
[1] PowerShell GitHub
[2] PowerShell GitHub Issues     
[3] PowerShell Docs GitHub       
[4] Powershell Docs GitHub Issues
[5] PowerShell Docs
[6] PowerShell Gallery
[7] PowerShell Reddit
Link Number:
Find-Link -Note News
[1] TechCrunch.com
[2] Cnet.com
[3] Gizmodo.com
[4] 9to5mac.com
[5] Engadget.com
[6] Wired.com
[7] TechRadar.com
[8] Axios.com
Link Number:
Find-Link -Note 'Tech News' 
[1] TechCrunch.com
[2] Cnet.com      
[3] Gizmodo.com   
[4] 9to5mac.com 
[5] Engadget.com
[6] Wired.com   
Link Number:   

We can combine the parameters too, to further filter the results.

Find-Link -Title GitHub -Link powershell
[1] PowerShell GitHub
[2] PowerShell GitHub Issues
[3] PowerShell Docs GitHub
[4] Powershell Docs GitHub Issues
Link Number: 

There may be a few things to add over time, but for now, this gives me what I wanted. It is better than navigating to the document and copying out a link — never. again.

Use PowerShell to Edit a CSV

Notice: There is now a revisited, or second, Edit a CSV post. This time, however, we are obtaining and writing portions of a REST API response to our CSV.

I recently completed a scripting assignment for work. Yeah… it’s a part of what I do. During the process I learned something new, that I hadn’t known before. And like it normally does, this leaves me in a position to share it with the Internet, as well as help solidify it in my own mind. And that’s, why I’m writing today.

I thought my recent assignment had a need to edit an existing CSV file on the fly. It turns out it wasn’t necessary for the project, but just maybe it will be for another one, or maybe even one that’s sitting in front of you right now. So, how do you do that? How do you edit an existing CSV file?

Let’s begin with a simple, yet worthy CSV file as an example. In the below CSV data, we have four columns, fields, or properties — whatever you want to call them at this point. They are Name, Status, BatchName, and SentNotification. The idea here — or what I thought it was in my recent assignment, at first — was to notify by email the users that were in a Synced state (Status column) and then modify the SentNotification field so that it said True, instead of False. Take a look at our example data.


Let’s first begin by using Import-Csv and Format-Table to view our data.

Import-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' | Format-Table -AutoSize

Name       Status BatchName                           SentNotification
----       ------ ---------                           ----------------
landrews   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
lpope      Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
ljohnson   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mlindsay   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
rperkins   Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
dstevenson Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jbradford  Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jsmith     Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mdavidson  Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
bclark     Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE

Now what we need to do, is modify the content, as it’s being imported. Let’s start first, however, by piping our Import-Csv cmdlet to ForEach-Object and returning each object (line).

Import-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' | ForEach-Object {

Name       Status BatchName                           SentNotification
----       ------ ---------                           ----------------
landrews   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
lpope      Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
ljohnson   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mlindsay   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
rperkins   Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
dstevenson Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jbradford  Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jsmith     Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mdavidson  Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
bclark     Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE

Hey, look at that. It’s the same thing. The $_ variable represents the current object, or the current row, — if it helps to think about it that way — in the pipeline. Let’s add an If statement inside our ForEach-Object loop, and get the results we’re after. Remember, if a user has a Synced status, we want to change their SentNotification property to $true, and perhaps notify them, had this been more than just an example.

Import-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.Status -eq 'Synced' -and $_.SentNotification -eq $false) {
        $_.SentNotification = $true
} | Format-Table -AutoSize

Name       Status BatchName                           SentNotification
----       ------ ---------                           ----------------
landrews   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
lpope      Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 True            
ljohnson   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mlindsay   Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
rperkins   Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 True            
dstevenson Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jbradford  Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
jsmith     Other  MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 FALSE           
mdavidson  Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 True            
bclark     Synced MigrationService:FirstBatch-to-O365 True

In the above example, we use an If statement to check the values of two properties. If Status is Synced and SentNotification is $false, we’ll change SentNotification to $true. You can see that this worked. But what now? You see, the file from which we did our import is still the same. In order to update that file, we have a bit more work to do.

I wish I could say pipe directly back to the file; however, that doesn’t work. The file ends up being blank. It makes sense it doesn’t work though, as we’re literally reading each object — each row — and then trying to write back to the file in the same pipeline. Something is bound to go wrong, and it does. So, don’t do what’s in the below example, unless your goal is to fail at this assignment and wipe out your data. If that’s what you’re after, then by all means, have at it.

Import-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.Status -eq 'Synced' -and $_.SentNotification -eq $false) {
        $_.SentNotification = $true
} | Export-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' -NoTypeInformation

What we need to do instead, is Export to a file with a different name, so that when we’re done, both files exist at the same time. Then, we remove the original file and rename the new one with the old one’s name. Here’s the entire example; take a look. And then after that, enjoy the weekend. Oh wait, tomorrow is only Friday. I keep thinking it’s the weekend, because I’m home tomorrow to deal with 1,000 square feet of sod. If only PowerShell could lay the sod for me.

Import-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv' | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.Status -eq 'Synced' -and $_.SentNotification -eq $false) {
        $_.SentNotification = $true
} | Export-Csv -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile-temp.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Remove-Item -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile.csv'
Rename-Item -Path '.\Desktop\UCSVTestFile-temp.csv' -NewName 'UCSVTestFile.csv'

Randomly Selecting a Name from a CSV File

I have to admit, I’m kind of excited to be doing another Twitter Reply post. This one is the result of a post by Michael Bender. I’ve never met him, but I’ve follow his career a bit in the last few years, when I was introduced to his name via TechEd. He made a recent Tweet where he asked for a PowerShell genius to help build him a script. The goal was to randomly select a name from a CSV file, with an option to choose how many names it should randomly select.

Here’s the Tweet: https://twitter.com/MichaelBender/status/593168496571322370

I wouldn’t consider myself a genius, but if you consider what he’s after — a name from a CSV file (not a line from a text file) — then there’s a better option then the one he accepted: “get-content file.csv | get-random.” This will work, but there’s some reasons why this isn’t such a great idea. We can use the Get-Content cmdlet with CSV files, but we generally don’t. CSV files are created and formatted in such a way, that using Get-Content, instead of Import-Csv, isn’t the best way to do things.

Let’s consider that we’re using the CSV file in the image below. It has three headers, or column names: Name, Age, and HairColor.

Randomly Selecting Name from a CSV File01

First of all, if we use Get-Content, it’s going to consider the first line — the header line, or the column headings — a selectable line within the file. Here’s that example:

PS C:\> Get-Content .\file.csv | Get-Random

Uh, not helpful. While this isn’t the end of the world, as we can simply rerun the command (and probably get something different), we’d be better off to write this so that this error is not a possibility — something we’ll see in a moment, when we use Import-Csv.

Second of all, unless the only column in the CSV file is Name, then we’re not returning just a name, but instead, everything in a row of the file. This means that if I randomly choose a line in the file, that it will include information that Michael didn’t request — the age and hair color.

PS C:\> Get-Content .\file.csv | Get-Random

I suppose we could start parsing our returned value to just return the name ((Get-Content .\file.csv | Get-Random).Split(‘,’)[0]), but seriously, let’s skip that and use one of the cmdlets that was built to work with CSVs directly. We’ll assume we’re still using the same CSV file in the image above.

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.csv | Get-Random | Select-Object Name


Um, that was easy. If we wanted to increase the number of names returned from our CSV file, then we would use Get-Random’s -Count parameter and an integer value, such as in this example:

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.csv | Get-Random -Count 3 | Select-Object Name


I think we’re best off when we use the *-Csv cmdlets with CSV files, and the Get-Content cmdlet with most other file types we can read in PowerShell. There is at least one exception of doing this in reverse: Using Import-Csv with a text file, that has a delimiter, might help you better parse the information in your file. Consider this text file:

Randomly Selecting Name from a CSV File02

The next few examples will progressively show you how to use Import-Csv with a delimited text file until all of the “columns” are broken apart. When we’re finished, we can even export our data into a properly formatted CSV file, and then import it, piping those results to other cmdlets — take a look.

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.txt


PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.txt -Header Id,Day,Car

Id                                      Day                                     Car
--                                      ---                                     ---

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.txt -Header Id,Day,Car -Delimiter '|'

Id                                      Day                                     Car
--                                      ---                                     ---
001                                     Sunday                                  Car7
002                                     Monday                                  Car2
003                                     Tuesday                                 Car3
004                                     Wednesday                               Car3
005                                     Thursday                                Car7
006                                     Friday                                  Car2
007                                     Saturday                                Car3

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file.txt -Header Id,Day,Car -Delimiter '|' | Export-Csv -Path C:\file-cars.csv -NoTypeInformation
PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file-cars.csv

Id                                      Day                                     Car
--                                      ---                                     ---
001                                     Sunday                                  Car7
002                                     Monday                                  Car2
003                                     Tuesday                                 Car3
004                                     Wednesday                               Car3
005                                     Thursday                                Car7
006                                     Friday                                  Car2
007                                     Saturday                                Car3

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file-cars.csv | Where-Object Car -eq 'Car3'

Id                                      Day                                     Car
--                                      ---                                     ---
003                                     Tuesday                                 Car3
004                                     Wednesday                               Car3
007                                     Saturday                                Car3

PS C:\> Import-Csv .\file-cars.csv | Where-Object Car -eq 'Car3' | Select-Object Day


So, if I had seen the Tweet first, I would have to recommend Import-Csv, piped to Get-Random, and then piped to Select-Object Name. Thanks for reading the post.