Tag Archives: Install-Module

Simple Simple Microsoft Crescendo Example

Edit: There’s a Part II now!

There’s a newer module that been discussed a few times in the written form, as well as in at least one podcast I listened to recently. Jason Helmick, an MVP turned Microsoft employee, has been notifying the PowerShell community about the Microsoft Crescendo PowerShell module. And he should be. It’s a unique idea for wrapping native system commands as PowerShell commands. I went looking for the easiest possible example and instead of finding that, I ended up here, writing about my first experience with the module.

Before I show you what I did, let me link a few posts about Crescendo. There was this one from Jason himself and a couple from Jim Truher: Part 1 and Part 2. Jim did the development of this module. At the time of this writing they aren’t taking PRs, but here’s the project on Github, too. And then somehow, I ended up watching this on YouTube with Jason and Jim.

The first, first thing I did was install the module from the PowerShell Gallery using the below command. I did that some time ago actually, but you know. I did, however, ensure that there wasn’t a newer version before beginning using Find-Module .

[PS7.1.0] C:\> Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo

The second, first thing I did was go to “C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo\0.4.1\Samples” and copy and paste one of the JSON file examples. I renamed it to mstsc.Crescendo.json. I don’t believe this is the traditional way this is done, but… it was me experimenting with the module. The mstsc.exe executable is used for RDC or Remote Desktop Connection. If you’re like me, you probably call it RDP. I replaced everything in the file with what’s included below. I don’t recall which of the examples I copied from, but I removed one of the parameters, as that one had two and I was only interested in including one for now. Based on the structure of the below JSON you can get an idea of what’s happening.

    "$schema" : "./Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo.Schema.json",
    "Verb": "Connect",
    "Noun": "RemoteComputer",
    "Parameters": [
            "Name": "ComputerName",
            "OriginalName": "/v",
            "ParameterType": "string"

The schema file is used to ensure what’s entered into this JSON file, my mstsc.Crescendo.json file, is correct. The verb is, well the verb I wish to use. Make sure you use an approved verb. It checks against the Schema.json file for approved verb compliance. There’s a noun that’s needed, as well as the path to the native file we’re wrapping. After that is the single parameter I made available for use with this command. There’s plenty of mstsc switches, but I only ever use /v. Perhaps it’s an odd choice for testing, I don’t know, but it was the first to come to me for something simple, simple to try.

In the above JSON, and still in regards to the single parameter I included, I’ve used ComputerName for the parameter name which will stand in for /v. Additionally, I’ve indicated that the parameter type accepts a string. Therefore, if there’s a parameter value included with the parameter it should expect it’s a string value.

Once that portion was complete, I saved and closed my file and ran the Export-CrescendoModule command to create my module file — a .psm1 file. I didn’t see a way to avoid this, but this command will create the module file inside your current directory. Keep that in mind. I didn’t test with Out-File, but perhaps that would be an option for directing the output.

[PS7.1.0] C:\> Export-CrescendoModule -ConfigurationFile 'C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo\0.4.1\Samples\mstsc.Crescendo.json' -ModuleName 'RemoteComputer.psm1'

Once the module file has been created, it’s time to import it and use it. Here’s my first go using my new module after my copy, paste, edit, and export method. Notice what happens when I don’t include the ComputerName parameter and value. It simply opens RDP with the last computer and user name. Helpful, but not exactly what I was after.

Here’s my second go at using the module’s Connect-RemoteComputer command. In this example, I included the ComputerName parameter and a value. As it’s not a computer that I’ve ever connected to, it’s prompting me to ensure I trust it. If you use this command with computers that you’ve already trusted, it’ll begin the RDP connection immediately. Perfect — just as I had expected.

A couple of things. This wasn’t a typical example. I think the idea behind the Crescendo module is to make command-line tools — like, strictly command-line tools — act more like PowerShell. I’ve been running mstsc from my command line for so long that it was one of the first command that came to mind. Also, I think this is going to be a Part I of at least one more post. I’d like to try another command — look at this list! Additionally, based on the other command names in the Crescendo module, there appears to be a better way to start a new project that doesn’t include copying and pasting a sample file. I’m going to do a little more experimentation and get back to this if I can. Working with the other cmdlets in the module hasn’t been as straightforward as I had hoped, but I’ll know more as the weekend progresses.

Edit: There’s a Part II now!

Compare AWSPowerShell Versions II

Series links: Part I, Part II, Part III (Coming)

I wrote a post a day or two ago that indicated how to compare your currently installed AWSPowerShell module with the offering on the PowerShell Gallery (see Part I above). Well, as I suspected, I’m back with an update.

Before we get there, however, I want to mention that Steve Roberts, at AWS, got in touch with me via Twitter about the post. I suspect we’ll be seeing some updates to Get-AWSPowerShellVersion. What’s interesting, is that I found the ListServiceVersionInfo parameter after my post. It seems that the cmdlet does create objects for some of the results it can return, just not everything. As always, I’m looking forward to Steve’s ideas and implementation.

Today, I’m going to share a quickly written advanced function. This will do the comparison for you and return the results in a custom object. Don’t be surprised if I make some more additions and/or changes to the function and post that as well. It really should have an option to download and install the new module if you want it, right?

Function Compare-AWSPowerShellVersion {
    This advanced function compares the currently installed version of the AWSPowerShell module and the version on the PowerShell Gallery (http://powershellgallery.com).

    This advanced function compares the currently installed version of the AWSPowerShell module and the version on the PowerShell Gallery (http://powershellgallery.com).

    PS > Compare-AWSPowerShellVersion
    This example compares the currently installed version of the AWSPowerShell module and the version on the PowerShell Gallery.

    NAME: Compare-AWSPowerShellVersion
    AUTHOR: Tommy Maynard
    COMMENTS: --
    LASTEDIT: 10/19/2016
    VERSION 1.1:
        - Edited notes.
        - Changed Switch to -regex and made the first option an OR for both side indicators.
    VERSION 1.2:
        - Modified results to use a custom object.
    VERSION 1.3:
        - Removed Switch statement: added version determination logic inside custom object creation.
        - Only returning the highest version number from currently installed if more than one version. This is a leftover due to AWS Toolkit install vs. PowerShell Gallery install.
    Param (

    Begin {
        # Set continuation variable for Process block.
        $Continue = $true

        'PowerShellGet','AWSPowerShell' | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Determining if the $_ module is available."
            If (-Not(Get-Module -Name $_ -ListAvailable)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to locate the required $_ module."
                $Continue = $false
        } # End Foreach.
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        If ($Continue) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Collecting the current and newest AWSPowerShell module versions.'
            $CurrentAWSPSModule = ((Get-Module -Name AWSPowerShell -ListAvailable).Version |
                Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ToString()
            $NewestAWSPSModule = (Find-Module -Name AWSPowerShell).Version.ToString()

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Comparing the AWSPowerShell version and creating custom results object.'
                Match = If ($CurrentAWSPSModule -eq $NewestAWSPSModule) {$true} Else {$false}
                Current = $CurrentAWSPSModule
                Newest = $NewestAWSPSModule
        } # End If.
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Compare-AWSPowerShellVersion.

Update: After updating to the newest version, I returned a System.Object[] error for my current version, due to having multiple versions and using the ToString method. I’ve modified the code above to only select the first (and highest) module version from those on my system. I think it’s important to point out that I’ve always downloaded and installed using the .msi until this version, and that when I used Install-Module, I included the Scope parameter name with the CurrentUser parameter value. I suspect this is where the problem is originating. Well, this and the fact I haven’t uninstalled the .msi version from Programs and Features.

I shouldn’t have to wait too long to be on an old build to test some more! It seems as though AWS does at least one, daily build. Here’s the full command as I ran it to install the newest version: Find-Module -Name AWSPowerShell | Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser.

Here’s the usage and results since updating to


Match Current  Newest  
----- -------  ------  

Update: As suspected, there’s a new build this evening, and it appears the comparison function is still working, as it’s correctly indicated there isn’t a match between what’s installed and what’s available to install.


Match Current  Newest
----- -------  ------

I updated to the newest version of the module and ran it again. It’s looking good.


Match Current  Newest
----- -------  ------

Write-Output Gets Foreground and Background Colors and More

Every once in a while a forum post comes along that really captures my interest. Take this one for instance.

In this post, the creator wanted to build out a start up menu in the ConsoleHost that has a solid white line, another white line below that, with the words “PowerShell Project 1” in it, and a final white line beneath that. That might be difficult to imagine, so here’s a visual representation, and then what his/hers looked like. I had recommended to use a here-string to fix the problem, but unfortunately we didn’t have the same results.

Note: While you can’t see them, in both this and the below image, there are spaces on the lines above, below, and before and after “PowerShell Project 1.” This is how we can ensure the white rectangle around the text.


I can’t say for certain why theirs rendered differently, but I suspect version, or PSReadline, or possibly console font/size. That wasn’t important; what was, was trying to figure out a way around this problematic inconsistency. We have the option to change the background color of the area where we type, and so I wondered if I could temporarily do that inside the ConsoleHost. It turns out I could. With that new piece of knowledge, I set out to write a wrapper function around Write-Output. In my version — Write-TMOutput — it includes -ForegroundColor and -BackgroundColor parameters with an option to horizontally and vertically pad the text (object).

First, here’s a few images to show my new function in action. This first image shows the commands included in the TMOutput module.


The next example image shows some basic, Write-Output type usage. One where we pipe to the function, and one where we don’t. Fairly standard.


Now, the next example is where this starts to get fun: the incorporation of the -ForegroundColor and -BackgroundColor parameters. Prior to running these commands, and those in the last two examples, I removed the PSReadLine module so the colors would be easier to spot.


Next is a demo of two additional parameters: -HorizontalPad and -VerticalPad. These will allow you to add spaces before and after the value supplied to the -InputObject parameter (the text), and add lines above and below the text. This is the part that gets back to the request in the Microsoft Technet forum post. I should mention that my solution in the forum post would be different now that I’ve spend some time writing this function — there are better ways to do things that I hadn’t considered at the time I replied to the post.


The next example shows some usage with the Get-ADUser cmdlet. Keep in mind that if you combine this function with other cmdlets, that the -HorizontalPad and -VerticalPad parameters cannot be used. In my mind, they’re just a bonus to the option of using colors with Write-Output. I should mention it now, but this function was intentionally written to only work in the ConsoleHost. Perhaps I’ll add the option of using it in the ISE in the future.


I’ve written an additional function that will allow you to quickly see the available colors from which you can choose. It’s called Show-TMOutputColor, and produces the results below. This might come in handy as you’re using the modified Write-Output.


Now, on to the module. It’s the first time I’ve done it, but I’ve uploaded this to the PowerShell Gallery. I believe publishing to the PowerShell Gallery was one of my PowerShell New Year’s Resolutions for 2016, so there’s one down! You can use this direct link or, one better, download the module from your console, using this command:

Install-Module -Name TMOutput

Thanks for reading this post. Hopefully these function will be a useful way to get around the need for Write-Host’s foreground and background color options while working in the console. That, and maybe the TechNet thread creator can do whatever they wanted, too.

Cmdlet and Function Alias Best Practice

Aliases are a beautiful thing, really. Even though this may be true, we need to make sure we’re following best practice, when we opt to use them. I’m not sure what it is about me, but I get a little antsy whenever I see someone not conforming to a best practice in PowerShell. I really don’t care how you lace and tie your shoes, or make your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but when you use your PowerShell aliases is important to me, and it should be to you, too.

The main idea here is that cmdlet and function aliases shouldn’t exist in something that lasts longer than a one time use. That means we shouldn’t see them in help documentation (although, I believe I’ve seen some), in online articles, and in PowerShell-related forum posts. The only time you’ll see me use a cmdlet or function alias, is if you’re looking over my shoulder and watching me type commands into my console, or the ISE’s console pane. Realistically, aliases do two things: One, they help speed up getting results in a one time use scenario, as I’ve mentioned, and two, they confuse PowerShell newcomers that come across a blog where they’ve been used without consideration to best practice. Perhaps it’s my desire to help people learn PowerShell, that’s driving some of this alias indignation. I should mention, that I think it’s acceptable to include them in cases where you also explain that you’re using an alias, and indicate the full cmdlet or function name.

If you showed up here after seeing one of those blogs, or scripts, where someone littered their work with aliases, keep in mind that we have a Get-Alias cmdlet that can help you determine to which cmdlet an alias resolves — we’ll get back to that momentarily. Let’s say you found this command online:

PS> ls c:\windows | ? {$_ -like 'Win*'} | % {echo "$($_.Name)||$($_.LastWriteTime)"}

I understand this command has the potential to be written better. One such way, would be to not pipe to ? in order to filter on the file or directory name, but instead to use the ls -Filter parameter. Weird… in that last sentence, I used a couple aliases instead of their cmdlet names, and even that was confusing. Imagine having read that as a newcomer. This command, since it’s going to live on this webpage “forever,” should have been written like this (for the most part):

PS> Get-ChildItem -Path c:\windows | Where-Object {$_ -like 'Win*'} | ForEach-Object {Write-Output -InputObject "$($_.Name)||$($_.LastWriteTime)"}

It’s longer, there’s no doubt about it, but it’s much more complete and easier to comprehend, especially had you found it in a lengthy script or function.

Back to Get-Alias: If you find yourself confused by a command you found online, where someone “didn’t think of the next person,” then run though the command, or commands, and check the aliases against the Get-Alias cmdlet. Let’s do that below, for the first example command I wrote. Notice that Get-Alias will accept a comma-separated list of (alias) values.

PS> Get-Alias -Name ls,?,%,echo

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           % -> ForEach-Object
Alias           ? -> Where-Object
Alias           h -> Get-History
Alias           r -> Invoke-History
Alias           % -> ForEach-Object
Alias           echo -> Write-Output

Now, notice the results. We’ve returned aliases that we didn’t request, such as h for Get-History and r for Invoke-History. Why? A little off topic, but this is because the question mark (?), in regular expressions, or regex, stands in for a single character. The results are not only returning the alias for the question mark, but for any aliases that only have a single character. In order to only return what we want, we’ll need to escape the question mark character and put it in quotes, so that the parser is certain we have supplied the string value, of an actual question mark.

PS> Get-Alias -Name ls,'`?',%,echo

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           ? -> Where-Object
Alias           % -> ForEach-Object
Alias           echo -> Write-Output

There, we go.

As a community, we should do things so they better help the current, and future members. Use all the aliases you want, but do so where they won’t exist for someone else to stumble upon, unless, you’ve taken the time to explain that you’ve used an alias, and to which cmdlet it refers.

In closing, I want to mention the PSScriptAnalyzer module. I pulled it down and installed it in PowerShell 5.0, using the Find-Module and Install-Module cmdlets: Find-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer | Install-Module. I then copied my alias heavily command above, pasted it into notepad, and saved it as C:\file.ps1. Following that, I ran an Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer command. You can see the command and its results below

PS> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path C:\file.ps1 -IncludeRule PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases

RuleName                            Severity     FileName   Line  Message
--------                            --------     --------   ----  -------
PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases           Warning      file.ps1   1     'echo' is an alias of 'Write-Output'. Alias can
                                                                  introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to
                                                                  maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full
PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases           Warning      file.ps1   1     '%' is an alias of 'ForEach-Object'. Alias can
                                                                  introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to
                                                                  maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full
PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases           Warning      file.ps1   1     '?' is an alias of 'Where-Object'. Alias can
                                                                  introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to
                                                                  maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full
PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases           Warning      file.ps1   1     'ls' is an alias of 'Get-ChildItem'. Alias can
                                                                  introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to
                                                                  maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full

The cmdlet was instructed to only return the problems it found with aliases (see the parameter used and the included value). It’s a very powerful cmdlet; not only can you find any alias-related best practice failures, but it’ll help you locate any other areas, where you can improve your code.

Thanks for your time, and… your new dedication to not use cmdlet and function aliases, that last longer than a one time use.

Update: I just saw a post from The Scripting! Guy (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2015/10/25/powertip-group-powershell-cmdlet-count-by-version.aspx) where he used a few aliases and told us what they mean. If you’re going to use them, explain them.