Tag Archives: Menu

Multi-Level Menu System with a Back Option

It’s been said several times now, but while this site was designed to help people learn some Windows PowerShell, it’s also about posting things I’m going to want to find one day. Take for instance this menu system I started for someone on TechNet: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/30663446-4091-4a1c-9de0-407046ccc39f/powershell-script-with-submenus-how-to-go-back?forum=winserverpowershell.

It allows the user the ability to enter into menus and submenus with the option of backing out of them. You know, choose a number from the menu, or hit B to go back to the previous menu. Hopefully it’s helpful for the TechNet thread creator, and maybe it’s helpful for others someday, too. I’ve included both the code and an image of the code in action. Until next time.

Do {

----------Software/Driver Installation----------
1. Toshiba 1
2. Acer 1


    $MainMenu = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter 1 - 2 or Q to quit'
    Switch ($MainMenu) {
        1 {
            Do {

---------Software/Driver Installation----------
1. Software
2. Drivers

                $1MainMenu = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter 1 - 2 or B for Back'
                Switch ($1MainMenu) {
                    '1' {
                            Do {

--------------Software Installation-------------
1. Package 1
2. Package 2
3. Package 3

                                $1InnerMenu = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter 1 - 3 or B for Back'
                                Switch ($1InnerMenu) {
                                 '1' {Write-Output -InputObject '--> You chose to install package 1'; break}
                                 '2' {Write-Output -InputObject '--> You chose to install package 2'; break}
                                 '3' {Write-Output -InputObject '--> You chose to install package 3'}
                            } Until ($1InnerMenu -eq 'B')
            } Until ($1MainMenu -eq 'B')
    } # End Switch.
} Until (
    $MainMenu -eq 'Q'
