Tag Archives: net.exe

Parse Net.exe Accounts (for Pester)

In a recent Pester test, I needed to verify that three settings in net.exe accounts were properly set. These included Lockout threshold, Lockout duration (minutes), and Lockout observation window (minutes). Well, now that I have my answer, I thought I would document it here. Before I show you how I handled this task, based on varying versions of PowerShell, I’ll show you the default output that I needed to parse.

PS > net.exe accounts
Force user logoff how long after time expires?:       Never
Minimum password age (days):                          0
Maximum password age (days):                          42
Minimum password length:                              0
Length of password history maintained:                None
Lockout threshold:                                    3
Lockout duration (minutes):                           30
Lockout observation window (minutes):                 30
Computer role:                                        SERVER
The command completed successfully.

I needed the above output to be parsed, and when that was done, I only needed the values of the three previously mentioned Lockout settings to be displayed. The below code indicates that if PowerShell is a version greater than 4.0 the ConvertFrom-String cmdlet can be used. It’s not necessary, but it was good to practice using a cmdlet I hardly every use. If the PowerShell version isn’t greater than 4.0, we’ll use a temporary variable and do the parsing ourselves. In the end and regardless of version, we’ll get our results. I’m using [PSCustomObject], but I am confident this test will never run with a version of PowerShell less than that of 3.0. This is happening in AWS with a Server 2012 R2 AMI and as we know, 2012 R2 includes PowerShell 4.0 by default.

If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 4) {
    $AcctSettings = net.exe accounts | ForEach-Object {
        ConvertFrom-String -InputObject $_ -Delimiter ': +' -PropertyNames Setting,Value
} Else {
    $AcctSettings = net.exe accounts | ForEach-Object {
        $TempVar = $_ -split ': +'
        [PSCustomObject]@{Setting = $TempVar[0]; Value = $TempVar[1]}
($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout threshold'}).Value
($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout duration (minutes)'}).Value
($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout observation window (minutes)'}).Value

This task was being done for Pester, so while we’re here, let me show it to you inside the Pester It Block.

# Account lockout policies.
It 'Checking the account lockout threshold, duration, observation window settings:' {
    If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 4) {
        $AcctSettings = net.exe accounts | ForEach-Object {
            ConvertFrom-String -InputObject $_ -Delimiter ': +' -PropertyNames Setting,Value
    } Else {
        $AcctSettings = net.exe accounts | ForEach-Object {
            $TempVar = $_ -split ': +'
            [PSCustomObject]@{Setting = $TempVar[0]; Value = $TempVar[1]}
    ($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout threshold'}).Value | Should -Be 3
    ($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout duration (minutes)'}).Value | Should -Be 30
    ($AcctSettings | Where-Object {$_.Setting -eq 'Lockout observation window (minutes)'}).Value | Should -Be 30
} # End It.

That’s it! Now you can parse net.exe accounts, too!!