Tag Archives: Switch

Prestaging Modules for PowerShell, Windows PowerShell

I recently wrote this to a colleague: “Finally, if you’re going to peer into the module manifest file (.psd1), you might also check ‘CompatiblePSEditions.’ If it includes both the ‘Core’ and ‘Desktop’ values, then you might consider installing modules in both $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules and $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\PowerShell\Modules.”

He’s using SCCM, Software Center, and a Windows PowerShell form to install modules. My thought was to install it for both PowerShell and Windows PowerShell, regardless of which they were using and in reference to the manifest file. This would ensure a module was already in place provided the user switched between PowerShell and Windows PowerShell or moved from one to another one day. Not a bad idea, I suppose. If the duplicated module is never used, it’s okay as the disk space used would likely never really be noticed. Maybe one day, PowerShell will include this option itself. You install a module in PowerShell and include some yet-to-be-determined switch parameter, and boom, it’s ready in both locations.

This got me thinking. How would one write the code to do the conditional logic here? While it wasn’t my project, I couldn’t help myself from determining how I might write it. And, when it was done — and this has happened before — I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Enter, this blog post; its new home, or final resting place.

I wrote this to check four different modules on my computer. They were: (1) AWS.Tools.Common, (2) AWSLambdaPSCore, (3) ISE, and (4) ExchangeOnlineManagement. Each of these four contained a different value in the psd1’s CompatiblePSEditions. In the same order as above, there were (1) Core and Desktop, (2) Only Core, (3) Only Desktop, and (4) Neither Core nor Desktop.

Here’s what I wrote; we’ll discuss it further below. It was saved into a file named ModuleDeploy.ps1.

# Both Core AND Desktop.
$Path01 = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\AWS.Tools.Common\\AWS.Tools.Common.psd1"

# ONLY Core.
$Path02 = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\AWSLambdaPSCore\\AWSLambdaPSCore.psd1"

# ONLY Desktop.
$Path03 = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ISE\ISE.psd1"

# Neither Core NOR Desktop.
$Path04 = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\ExchangeOnlineManagement\1.0.1\ExchangeOnlineManagement.psd1" 

$Paths = $Path01,$Path02,$Path03,$Path04
Foreach ($Path in $Paths) {
	"`r`n||| Module: $(Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf) |||"
	$Psd1File = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $Path

	Switch ($Psd1File.CompatiblePSEditions) {
		{$_ -contains 'Desktop'} {
			Write-Output -InputObject 'Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory.'
		} # End Condition.

		{$_ -contains 'Core'} {
			Write-Output -InputObject 'Copy to PowerShell directory.'
		} # End Condition.

		default {
			If ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop' -or $null -eq $PSVersionTable.PSEdition) {'Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory (default).'
			} ElseIf ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') {'Copy to PowerShell directory (default).'} # End If-ElseIf.
		} # End Condition.
	} # End Switch.
} # End Foreach.

Let’s quickly cover what’s happening in the above code. Then we’ll view the below results for the execution in both PowerShell and Windows PowerShell. Showing both versions may clarify the reason for the If statement inside the above final/default Switch condition. We’re already jumping ahead.

First, we created four different path variables for four specific module manifest files (.psd1 files). The first one is to a module that includes both “Core” and “Desktop” in CompatiblePSEdition. The second only has “Core,” the third only has “Desktop,” and the final one has neither/nothing. This was mentioned earlier. These four variables and their assigned values are combined into an array, which we then iterate over inside of a Foreach loop.

During each iteration, we run through a Switch statement that indicates where each module would be copied (if we were actually copying the modules). Based on the value(s) in CompatiblePSEdition for each of the files, the first module would be copied to both the PowerShell and WindowsPowerShell modules, the second, only to PowerShell modules, and the third, only to WindowsPowerShell modules. The final copy is dependent on whether or not we’re using PowerShell or Windows PowerShell. Take a look at the results.

PowerShell 7.0.1

[PS7.0.1] C:\> . "$env:TEMP\ModuleDeploy.ps1"

||| Module: AWS.Tools.Common.psd1 |||
Copy to PowerShell directory.
Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory.

||| Module: AWSLambdaPSCore.psd1 |||
Copy to PowerShell directory.

||| Module: ISE.psd1 |||
Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory.

||| Module: ExchangeOnlineManagement.psd1 |||
Copy to PowerShell directory (default).

WindowsPowerShell 5.1

[PS5.1.18362.752] C:\> . "$env:TEMP\ModuleDeploy.ps1"

||| Module: AWS.Tools.Common.psd1 |||
Copy to PowerShell directory.
Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory.

||| Module: AWSLambdaPSCore.psd1 |||
Copy to PowerShell directory.

||| Module: ISE.psd1 |||
Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory.

||| Module: ExchangeOnlineManagement.psd1 |||
Copy to WindowsPowerShell directory (default).

That’s it. Just some code that needed a home. I’m fully aware that there’s better ways this could be done, and that there would be some copy duplication if this were dropped into production the way it is. Additionally, if a directory didn’t yet exist, it might have to be created. Still, it needed a home (as is), and I didn’t think about much more than the conditional logic involved to determine where a module would need to be deployed.

PowerShell Function with a Function Full of Functions

Yeah, you read that title correctly. Or did you? You might want to double-check; I had to write it a few times.

I did that thing where I authored some PowerShell code and I don’t know what to do with it. While it was written during some updates to a common function template, I’m not yet sure it’ll be implemented there. Therefore, I figured I’d share it. Additionally, this will give me a place to store it, in case I do use it. Some day you may ask yourself, can I create a function that creates a global function, that contains other functions? Yes. Today, I intend better help answer that question and include an example.

All this said I’m not here to explain why you might want to do this. Again, I’m not even sure if I’ll need this. So Internet and you, it’s yours. Edit: Some time has passed since I wrote this opening, so yes, I’ll be using this in production.

I have a function template that I use when writing any new function(s). Its number one goal is to ensure that all my functions, or tools, include identical logging. It’s identical, whether it’s written to the screen, to a file, or to both. I feel like I’ve written that before.

When the function is complete, and it’s written a log file, I have a global function that is created, too. This allows you to quickly open the log file, open just the location of the log file, or read in the contents of the most recently created log file and create an object from each line. If a single function is created, then the user isn’t required to remember more than a single function name. Sure, they might have to remember the parameter values for the single functi– okay, no they wouldn’t. They can tab through those.

Code Example

Function Show-FunctionTemplate {
    'You''re inside the Function Template (1st).'

    Function Global:New-FtFunction {
        Param (
        ) # End Param.

        Switch ($Function) {
            '1' {Function Test-One {'Test-One'}; Test-One}
            '2' {Function Test-Two {'Test-Two'}; Test-Two}
            '6' {Function Test-Six {'Test-Six'}; Test-Six}
        } # End Switch.
    } # End Function: New-FtFunction.

    'You''re inside the Function Template (2nd).'
} # End Function: Show-FunctionTemplate


New-FtFunction -Function 1
New-FtFunction -Function 1,2
New-FtFunction -Function 1,2,6


The overall goal in this code is that we’ve created a function named Show-FunctionTemplate, in our local, and in this case, global scope. Done.

Inside this function (when it’s invoked), we echo a couple of statements about being inside the function. Additionally, and in between those two statements, we create a second global function named, New-FtFunction. When Show-FunctionTemplate is done executing, New-FtFunction can then be invoked.

When the New-FtFunction is invoked it won’t do anything unless one of the parameter values that it’s expecting is included. In the above code sample, I’ve included some examples. The below image shows the output returned from executing these.

Output of the New-FtFunction function.

Perhaps it should be noted, but the most nested of functions, both define the function and invoke it — one right after the other. But in obvious news now, I can do it. I can make a (global) function, make a global function responsible for making and invoking other functions. I think this is going into my function template. I really do. Edit: It did.

ValidateSet Default Parameter Values

The example code I’m going to include below, I’ve used before. I really like it and so I’m going to give it place here on my website, in case it may ever be helpful for you, and maybe even me again.

The first time I used something like this code example was for a function that created random passwords. By default, that function’s CharacterType parameter would include the four values Lowercase, Number, Symbol, and Uppercase. By using the parameter, you can specify which of the values you actually use, if you didn’t want to use all four. By default, the parameter included them all.

We are defining an advanced function called Test-Function with a single parameter called Type. This parameter uses ValidateSet in order that it’ll only ever accept four different parameter values, for the Type parameter. Additionally, the Type parameter actually includes a default value that includes all four of the values: FullAccess, SendAs, SendOnBehalf, and Calendar. If you ever find yourself needing an All parameter value, just use this option instead; you don’t actually need an All parameter value, you just need to include all the possible values as the default.

After the parameter inclusion, the function begins with a Foreach language construct that will evaluate each Type that been included, whether it’s all four by default, all four because someone use the parameter and entered all four possibilities (not necessary, obviously), or something less than the four options.

Inside each iteration thought the Foreach there’s a Switch statement that will be evaluated. Based on the current type value, its value will be displayed in a string that includes a hard coded value to ensure it’s correct.

Function Test-Function {
    Param (
        [string[]]$Type = ('FullAccess','SendAs','SendOnBehalf','Calendar')

    Foreach ($T in $Type) {
        Switch ($T) {
            'FullAccess' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match FullAccess)."
            'SendAs' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match SendAs)."
            'SendOnBehalf' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match SendOnBehalf)."
            'Calendar' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match Calendar)."
        } # End Switch.
    } # End Foreach.

PS > Test-Function
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing SendAs stuff (should match SendAs).
Doing SendOnBehalf stuff (should match SendOnBehalf).
Doing Calendar stuff (should match Calendar).

PS > Test-Function -Type 'FullAccess','SendAs','SendOnBehalf','Calendar' # Same as above.
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing SendAs stuff (should match SendAs).
Doing SendOnBehalf stuff (should match SendOnBehalf).
Doing Calendar stuff (should match Calendar).

PS > Test-Function -Type 'FullAccess','SendAs','SendOnBehalf'
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing SendAs stuff (should match SendAs).
Doing SendOnBehalf stuff (should match SendOnBehalf).

PS > Test-Function -Type 'FullAccess','SendAs'
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing SendAs stuff (should match SendAs).

PS > Test-Function -Type 'Calendar','FullAccess','SendAs'
Doing Calendar stuff (should match Calendar).
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing SendAs stuff (should match SendAs).

PS > Test-Function -Type 'SendOnBehalf','FullAccess','Calendar'
Doing SendOnBehalf stuff (should match SendOnBehalf).
Doing FullAccess stuff (should match FullAccess).
Doing Calendar stuff (should match Calendar).

Nothing down here, but thanks for reading all the way! Actually, here’s a bonus if you didn’t already know it. Those hard coded statements inside the Switch statement, could’ve been written a little differently.


            'FullAccess' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match FullAccess)."
            'SendAs' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match SendAs)."
            'SendOnBehalf' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match SendOnBehalf)."
            'Calendar' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match Calendar)."

could’ve actually been this:

            'FullAccess' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match $_)."
            'SendAs' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match $_)."
            'SendOnBehalf' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match $_)."
            'Calendar' {
                "Doing $T stuff (should match $_)."

Forcing a Switch Parameter to be False

The coworker that sits next to me at the office has upped his PowerShell game tremendously since he’s moved up from Operations to the Windows Team. He often has well-thought-out questions and he’s long shown a great desire to learn about PowerShell. It’s addictive and rewarding, so there’s no question as to why. He may not know it, but I look forward to the questions. The need for PowerShell answers here and there keeps me fresh, and so while it benefits him, it benefits me too.

As he does, he asked a question recently. It was in regard to the Confirm parameter. Why does it need the colon and $false to not be true? Why does it need to be written like this: -Confirm:$false? Why can’t it be written like this: -Confirm $false?

If a switch parameter is included, then its value is $true. If it’s not included, its value is $false. Knowing that alone, makes it clear that we’d have to force something to be false if its default is $true. Okay, knowing that, why can’t we do this then: -Confirm $false?

It’s got to do with the PowerShell parser. It’s how the engine evaluates the statement. Remember, it’s a switch parameter. The parameter is either included or it’s not. The switch parameter is inherently never dependent on a value to be included with it. It doesn’t work that way. The PowerShell engine will see -Confirm and make it $true, long before it even sees the $false value. The colon and value being attached to the Confirm parameter ensures the parser knows you want it to be of that specific value.

Sync Profile Script from Work to Home

After a few years of this whole I-do-PowerShell-everyday thing, my profile script has become quite the necessity at both work, and home. In fact, there’s much in my work profile script that I want at home, such as my prompt function, among others. With this ever present need, I set off to create a profile script that self-updates between my work and home computer, without any continuing need for me to do it myself.

So, about the profile script, just in case you ended up here and are clueless to that in which I’m referring. There’s a potential .ps1 file that can be created and edited so that every time you open the PowerShell ConsoleHost things run in the background, as the session begins. I use it to initialize variables, to create aliases, to declare functions, and more. In regard to Profiles, here’s an old Scripting Guy article that may be of help if you need it. I may have started there myself a few years ago.

I’ve broken the structure of my profile script template into three logical parts. Have a look at the first section of the template below, and then we’ll discuss it.

$WorkComputer = 'WorkComputer'
$HomeComputer = 'HomeComputer'

Switch ($env:COMPUTERNAME) {

    # Work computer only.
    {$_ -eq $WorkComputer} {

    } # End work computer only.

    # Home computer only.
    {$_ -eq $HomeComputer} {

    } # End home computer only.

    # Work and home computer.
    {$_ -eq $WorkComputer -or $_ -eq $HomeComputer} {
    } # End Work and home computer.
} # End Switch.

In lines 1 and 2, we create two variables, $WorkComputer and $HomeComputer. As you might expect, these variables store the computer names of my work, and my home computers. If you choose to use this template, then these variable assignments will require a small bit of manual editing on your own; however, it’s a one time thing, and in my mind, a small price to pay to have your profile synced between two computers.

Following these two variable assignments, is the above Switch statement. This defines what will be available on the two different computers. The first section in the Switch are things I only want available on my work computer, the second section are things I only want available on my home computer only, and the last section is for things that I want available on both my work and home computer. This last section is where I placed my prompt function, for instance, in order that it’s available regardless of where I’m working. I really don’t want to be without it.

At the end of this post, I’ll included the full, uninterrupted code, but for now, let’s have a look at the next section. This section defines the Sync-ProfileScript function.

# Create Sync profile function.
Function Sync-ProfileScript {
    Param (

        [string]$LocalProfileScriptPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Dropbox\PowerShell\Profile\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"

    Begin {
        # Exit if NOT the ConsoleHost.
        If (-Not($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost')) {
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        If (Test-Path -Path $PROFILE) {
            $CompareFiles = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Item $PROFILE).LastWriteTime -DifferenceObject (Get-Item $LocalProfileScriptPath).LastWriteTime -IncludeEqual |
                Select-Object -First 1

            If ([System.Boolean]($CompareFiles.SideIndicator -ne '==')) {

                Switch ($ComputerType) {
                    'Source' {Copy-Item -Path $PROFILE -Destination $LocalProfileScriptPath}

                    'Destination' {
                        Copy-Item -Path $LocalProfileScriptPath -Destination $PROFILE

                        'Profile Script has been updated. Restart ConsoleHost?'
                        Do {
                            $Prompt = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter r to Restart or c to Cancel'
                        } Until ($Prompt -eq 'r' -or $Prompt -eq 'c')

                        If ($Prompt -eq 'r') {
                            Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe
                            Stop-Process -Id $PID
                } # End Switch.
            } # End If.
        } # End If.
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Sync-ProfileScript.

The purpose of the Sync-ProfileScript function is to copy the profile script to a Dropbox folder, when the ConsoleHost is opened on the work computer. Additionally, it serves to copy the profile script from that same Dropbox folder, when the ConsoleHost is opened on the home computer. Keep in mind that I’ve purposely written this function to always go from the work computer, to the home computer. I don’t plan to make changes in the profile script on the home computer, that I’ll then expect or want, on the work computer.

Let’s cover what’s happening in this function. In lines 1 – 11 we define out Sync-ProfileScript function with two parameters: ComputerType and LocalProfileScriptPath. We use the ComputerType parameter to indicate whether this is the source or destination computer. Source is work and destination is home. The LocalProfileScriptPath parameter points to the profile script (.ps1 file), located in Dropbox. As it has a default value, I don’t have to send in a parameter value when the function is invoked.

Our Begin block serves one quick purpose and that’s to exit the function immediately, if we’re not in the ConsoleHost, and instead inside a host such as the ISE. The magic happens in the Process block. Here’s what we do, in order: (1) Test to see that there’s an actual profile script being used, (2) if there is, compare the LastWriteTime on the profile script file used by the ConsoleHost ($PROFILE), and the file in Dropbox, (3) if they are different, either copy the profile script used by the ConsoleHost to Dropbox, or copy the profile script in Dropbox to the location used by the ConsoleHost. Again, this is dependent on which computer we’re using: work or home.

Let’s stop and consider something from the perspective of the home computer. If I open the PowerShell ConsoleHost there, it’ll potentially download the newest version of the profile script from Dropbox to its place on the filesystem. Great. The problem is that any changes to the profile script won’t be usable until the next time that ConsoleHost is started. I think I could’ve run & $PROFILE, but I skipped that option as I vaguely remember that it didn’t always work for me.

Therefore, I added a bit more code. If the home computer notices a change to the profile script, it’ll indicate that to the user by writing “Profile Script has been updated. Restart ConsoleHost?” and “Enter r to Restart or c to Cancel.” If the user enters “r,” it’ll restart the ConsoleHost loading the newest version of the profile script by default. If the user enters “c,” it’ll cancel the ConsoleHost restart and the newest version of the profile script will not be updated on the home computer. It will, however, be updated the next time a ConsoleHost is opened.

Now, on to the final portion of my profile script. Don’t worry, this part is less involved than the Sync-ProfileScript function.

# Determine if sync counter variable exists.
If (-Not($env:SyncProfileCounter)) {
    $env:SyncProfileCounter = 0

    # Copy profile script to/from Dropbox by calling Sync-ProfileScript.
    If ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $WorkComputer) {
        Sync-ProfileScript -ComputerType Source

    } ElseIf ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $HomeComputer) {
        Sync-ProfileScript -ComputerType Destination
    } # End If-ElseIf.
} # End If.

This section of the profile script invokes the Sync-ProfileScript function we discussed in the last section. If it’s run on the work computer, it indicates to the Sync-ProfileScript function to copy the profile script to Dropbox. If it’s run on the home computer, it indicates to the function to copy the profile script from Dropbox. We know this already, however. It uses a counter variable stored inside an environmental variable to ensure this If statement doesn’t perpetually run, and therefore perpetually call the Sync-ProfileScript function. I won’t a separate post about that here.

I realize that not everyone is using Dropbox. If you’re using another service, then I highly suspect you can use what you’ve learned here, with them as well. You’ll just need to determine the local path to use, and adjust your profile script accordingly. If someone wants to let me know about OneDrive, that would be great. I’d be more than happy to include that information in this post!

Here’s the complete profile script template. Thanks for your time.

$WorkComputer = 'WorkComputer'
$HomeComputer = 'HomeComputer'

Switch ($env:COMPUTERNAME) {

    # Work computer only.
    {$_ -eq $WorkComputer} {

    } # End work computer only.

    # Home computer only.
    {$_ -eq $HomeComputer} {

    } # End home computer only.

    # Work and home computer.
    {$_ -eq $WorkComputer -or $_ -eq $HomeComputer} {
    } # End Work and home computer.
} # End Switch.

# Create Sync profile function.
Function Sync-ProfileScript {
    Param (

        [string]$LocalProfileScriptPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Dropbox\PowerShell\Profile\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"

    Begin {
        # Exit if NOT the ConsoleHost.
        If (-Not($Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost')) {
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        If (Test-Path -Path $PROFILE) {
            $CompareFiles = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Item $PROFILE).LastWriteTime -DifferenceObject (Get-Item $LocalProfileScriptPath).LastWriteTime -IncludeEqual |
                Select-Object -First 1

            If ([System.Boolean]($CompareFiles.SideIndicator -ne '==')) {

                Switch ($ComputerType) {
                    'Source' {Copy-Item -Path $PROFILE -Destination $LocalProfileScriptPath}

                    'Destination' {
                        Copy-Item -Path $LocalProfileScriptPath -Destination $PROFILE

                        'Profile Script has been updated. Restart ConsoleHost?'
                        Do {
                            $Prompt = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter r to Restart or c to Cancel'
                        } Until ($Prompt -eq 'r' -or $Prompt -eq 'c')

                        If ($Prompt -eq 'r') {
                            Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe
                            Stop-Process -Id $PID
                } # End Switch.
            } # End If.
        } # End If.
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Sync-ProfileScript.

# Determine if sync counter variable exists.
If (-Not($env:SyncProfileCounter)) {
    $env:SyncProfileCounter = 0

    # Copy profile script to/from Dropbox by calling Sync-ProfileScript.
    If ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $WorkComputer) {
        Sync-ProfileScript -ComputerType Source

    } ElseIf ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $HomeComputer) {
        Sync-ProfileScript -ComputerType Destination
    } # End If-ElseIf.
} # End If.

TechNet Wiki Link:

February 2017 Guru Link:

PowerShell Nested Switch Statements

There was a Reddit post recently that gave me an opportunity to try something I’m not sure I’ve tried before: nested switch statements—-switch statements inside switch statements. So we’re on the same page, I’ve written an example of a basic, non-nested switch. It provides some of the same functionality as an If-ElseIf. I’ll typically use a switch statement instead of an If-ElseIf when there’s three or more outcomes. It’s easier to read, and it looks cleaner.

In the example below, a specific phrase will be written if the value in the $Fruit variable is apple, banana, or pear. If it’s not one of those, it’ll take the default action. In the case below, the default action indicates that an apple, banana, or pear wasn’t chosen. Switch statements will sometimes be called case statements in other languages.

$Fruit = 'banana'
Switch ($Fruit) {
    'apple' {'You chose apple.'; break}
    'banana' {'You chose banana.'; break}
    'pear' {'You chose pear.'; break}
    default {'You didn''t choose an apple, banana, or pear.'}

As a part of my nested switch statement testing, I wrote this example using automobile makes and models. The outermost switch statement makes a determination of which nested switch statement to execute.

$Make = 'Ford'
$Model = 'Escape'
Switch ($Make) {
    'Ford' {
        Switch ($Model) {
            'Mustang' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Ford Mustang.'; break}
            'Escape' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Ford Escape.'; break}
            default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected Ford, however, the $Model isn't a valid model for this make."; break}
    'Chevy' {
        Switch ($Model) {
            'Corvette' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Chevy Corvette.'; break}
            'Camaro' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Chevy Camaro.'; break}
            default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected Chevy, however, the $Model isn't a valid model for this make."; break}
    'Dodge' {
        Switch ($Model) {
            'Charger' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Dodge Charger.'; break}
            'Viper' {Write-Output -InputObject 'You selected the Dodge Viper.'; break}
            default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected Dodge, however, the $Model isn't a valid model for this make."; break}

Should we take this further—-a switch statement inside a switch statement inside a switch statement? I’m not going to lie, it started to get confusing and so my first recommendation would be to try and steer clear of the multi-nesting this deep (3 levels). I’ve removed some of the example above—-Chevy and Dodge—-in my example below and focused on the Ford (pun, absolutely intended). To help, I’ve included comments on the closing brackets. This multi-nested switch statement will return different values based on the make, the model, and the year, too.

$Make = 'Ford'
$Model = 'Escape'
$Year = '2016'
Switch ($Make) {
    'Ford' {
        Switch ($Model) {
            'Mustang' {
                Switch ($Year) {
                    '2015' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2015 Ford Mustang."; break}
                    '2016' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2016 Ford Mustang"; break}
                    default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the Ford Mustang with a non-matching year."; break}
                } # End Mustang Year Switch.
            } # End Mustang Switch.
            'Escape' {
                Switch ($Year) {
                    '2015' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2015 Ford Escape."; break}
                    '2016' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2016 Ford Escape."; break}
                    default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the Ford Escape with a non-matching year."; break}
                } # End Escape Year Switch.
            } # End Escape Switch.
            default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected a Ford; however, the $Model isn't a valid model for this make."}
        } # End Ford Model Switch.
    } # End Ford Switch.
    default {Write-Output -InputObject 'Sorry, we''re only dealing with Fords (at the moment).'}
} # End Make Switch.

So I can track it down later, here’s the post I read on Reddit that influenced this post. It includes the link to my possible, partial solution; however, that direct link is here: http://pastebin.com/KRxRb1VM.

Update: It has occurred to me that it might be easier to follow this thrice nested switch without all the comments. I’ve removed those below.

$Make = 'Ford'
$Model = 'Escape'
$Year = '2016'
Switch ($Make) {
    'Ford' {
        Switch ($Model) {
            'Mustang' {
                Switch ($Year) {
                    '2015' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2015 Ford Mustang."; break}
                    '2016' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2016 Ford Mustang"; break}
                    default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the Ford Mustang with a non-matching year."; break}
            'Escape' {
                Switch ($Year) {
                    '2015' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2015 Ford Escape."; break}
                    '2016' {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the 2016 Ford Escape."; break}
                    default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected the Ford Escape with a non-matching year."; break}
            default {Write-Output -InputObject "You selected a Ford; however, the $Model isn't a valid model for this make."}
    default {Write-Output -InputObject 'Sorry, we''re only dealing with Fords (at the moment).'}