The Pester Book Chapter Review Sidebar

I’m working on the next chapter review of The Pester Book, and I had a thought. I was about to add the first, below paragraph to that review, but it ultimately just didn’t make sense to include it there. And so here we are: a sidebar of thought, I thought I would share.

I want to make mention of my project of writing chapter reviews for each chapter of The Pester Book. While I would recommend trying this yourself, sure, there’s an unspoken balance between sharing and not sharing, what I’ve read and what I’ve learned.

What I mean is this: The book is meant to be purchased, and therefore, the author would expect that while he’s given me permission to take on such an endeavor, he’s done it with what I’ll assume is the expectation that I won’t give away all the book’s secrets. Personally, I think I’ve done a great job in regard to this balance. If one review heavily shares content in the chapter, the next one won’t nearly as much. The purpose of these chapter reviews, like most things on my site, is most definitely dual purposed. On my site, I write for the reader, but I also write for myself, too. If I want to remember something well, and think it would be beneficial to the PowerShell community, then it’ll end up being discussed right here.

Same goes for this book. As I read these chapters, writing helps the reader potentially better understand a concept we’re reading together, for those reading along. For those that aren’t, then potentially, they’ll get themselves a copy and read along one day, and return here for a mostly comprehensive review. I’m also helping myself too. These concepts make more sense when I review them; when I force myself to document what I’ve read. And that’s what I’m doing here, reinforcing what I’ve learned for the beneficial purpose of both you, and me. Now back to that next chapter review.

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