Category Archives: Quick Learn

Practical examples of PowerShell concepts gathered from specific projects, forum replies, or general PowerShell use.

Working with an Array of Arrays

There’s a group of servers that I use for a specific project. I can never remember their names or how those correspond to their roles (web front end vs. data back end). Although I’ve updated their Active Directory (AD) descriptions, and created two, specifically named AD groups for them, I wanted an even quicker way to remind myself whose who. With that in mind, I updated my profile with a custom variable that is an array, of arrays.

In this Quick Learn, we’ll work with an example that actually uses three groups of roles — our DCs, our web servers, and our SQL servers. As you’ll soon see, our servers are named after Santa Claus’ reindeer. These names have nothing to do with the role of these servers, and since their names are all closely related, it’s difficult to remember who does what.

This first example, below, demonstrates how we create a new variable, or modify an already existing variable. When we echo the contents of our variable, we get all the computer names, regardless of what array they are in, within the base array. The term ‘base array’ is probably not something you’ll hear or read about outside this post. It’s being used here to help distinguish the array that holds all the other arrays — the container array.

PS C:\> Set-Variable -Name Computers -Value @(('dasher','vixen','cupid'),('comet','dancer','donner'),('blitzen','rudolph','prancer'))
PS C:\> $Computers

We can use an index to return one of the arrays within the base array. In the examples below, you can see how each can be accessed. This is probably a good time to review indexes: The first item in an array is index zero, the second item is index one, the third item is index two, and so on.

PS C:\> $Computers[0]
PS C:\> $Computers[1]
PS C:\> $Computers[2]

In the following example, we can use two indexes to access a specific server. The first index represents which array (within the base array) I want to return, like it did above, and the second index indicates which server I want to return.

PS C:\> $Computers[0][2]
PS C:\> $Computers[1][0]
PS C:\> $Computers[2][1]

The difficult part is going to be able to remember which index is for the DCs, the web servers, or the SQL servers. In that case, I’ll create three more variables to use in place of those index integers.

PS C:\> Set-Variable -Name DCs -Value 0
PS C:\> Set-Variable -Name Web -Value 1
PS C:\> Set-Variable -Name SQL -Value 2
PS C:\> $DCs,$Web,$SQL

With the combination of my $Computers variable and the three, role-specific variables, I am able to easily return the set of servers I want.

PS C:\> $Computers[$DCs]
PS C:\> $Computers[$Web]
PS C:\> $Computers[$SQL]

Now that we have this all figured out, I can use them in different commands. Here’s a couple examples:

PS C:\> $Computers[$SQL] | ForEach-Object {Test-Connection $_ -Count 1}

Source        Destination     IPV4Address      IPV6Address                              Bytes    Time(ms)
------        -----------     -----------      -----------                              -----    --------
TOMMYMS PC... blitzen                                               32       1
TOMMYMS PC... rudolph                                               32       1
TOMMYMS PC... prancer                                               32       1

PS C:\> Get-Service -ComputerName ($Computers[$DCs]) -Name *bit* | Select-Object MachineName,Name,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize

MachineName Name  Status
----------- ----  ------
dasher      BITS Stopped
vixen       BITS Running
cupid       BITS Stopped

The unfortunate thing about hard coding computer names in our profile, is that we’ll run into problems when new servers are added and old ones are decommissioned. Therefore, we’re going to use AD groups — something I mentioned earlier — to populate our array variable. We’ll pull our DCs from the Domain Controllers, and our web servers and SQL servers from two fictions AD groups: WebServers and SQLBoxes. Here’s the command we’ll add to our profile to ensure we always have the correct server names. While this can all be on a single line command I’ve added line breaks to give it an easier-to-read appearance.

Set-Variable -Name Computers -Value @(
    ((Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name),
    ((Get-ADGroupMember -Identity WebServers).Name),
    ((Get-ADGroupMember -Identity SQLBoxes).Name)

And, that’s it. If for some reason you’re using PowerShell 2.0 or lower (and I really hope you’re not), you’ll need to include Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory in your profile. As well — and it should go without saying — you’ll need to be working from a computer that actually has the ActiveDirectory module installed. Although I’m using PowerShell 4.0, I still include Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory in my profile, so I don’t have to wait for it to auto load, when I run my first AD cmdlet.

Make Ping Accept Multiple Computers

Windows PowerShell, and an old-school command line tool favorite, collided today when I brainlessly typed the following:

PS C:\> ping computer1,computer2
Bad parameter computer2

This didn’t work, and as quickly as I realized my mistake, I thought, I’m going to have to fix it so ping can accept multiple computers.

There’s a couple ways I can do this, but my idea was to create an advanced function to do the work. I did that, but before I share the function, we should discuss what we could have done. We could have simply made an alias named ping that would run the Test-Connection cmdlet, a cmdlet that can handle a comma-separated list of computer names. Here’s an example of creating the alias and then using it to ping multiple computers.

PS C:\> New-Alias -Name ping -Value Test-Connection
PS C:\> ping computer1,computer2

Source        Destination     IPV4Address      IPV6Address                              Bytes    Time(ms)
------        -----------     -----------      -----------                              -----    --------
TOMMYMS PC... computer1                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer2                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer1                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer2                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer1                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer2                                              32       1
TOMMYMS PC... computer1                                              32       2
TOMMYMS PC... computer2                                              32       2

The reason this works is because of command precedence. If an alias and a command line tool share the same name, the alias will always run when the name is entered.

Well, this wasn’t quite want I wanted. I thought instead, I would make a wrapper around Test-Connection, called Test-TMConnection that would include a switch parameter (-Ping) that would return the standard ping results. I’ll dump in the function below and then we can walk though what it does.

Function Test-TMConnection {
    Param (


    Begin {
    } # End Begin

    Process {
        If ($Ping) {
            ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                ping $Computer
        } Else {
            Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName
    } # End Process
} # End Function

Here’s how this works: The function is called by entering Test-TMConnection, the -ComputerName parameter, and then either one computer name, or a comma-separated list of computers. If the -Ping parameter is not used, it will run the standard Test-Connection cmdlet against the computer(s), like we saw in the alias example above. If -Ping is included, it will loop though the computers, using each one with ping. Here’s an example that includes the -Ping parameter.

PS C:\> Test-TMConnection -ComputerName computer1,computer2 -Ping

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 1ms

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=121

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 1ms

Important: Keep in mind, that if you were to use something like this, that you’ll be giving up other parameters that are included with ping and Test-Connection. This includes -t with ping, and -Count, and -Source with Test-Connection. In the end, the ping alias might be the better option.

Using OutVariable — Why Don’t I Do that More Often?

This week, Microsoft Virtual Academy had two live events about DSC (Desired State Configuration), hosted by Jeffery Snover and Jason Helmick. I watched as much as I was able, but there were some problems at work that demanded my attention, and so I was grudgingly pulled away from a good portion of both sessions. Luckily for me, and for you, if you missed them, is that the videos should be up in the next two to three weeks. That will allow anyone who is interested the ability to move through the modules (think sections, not PowerShell modules) around other ongoing tasks — like work.

I didn’t start this post to discuss DSC, but instead because of what I watched Jeffery Snover do several times. While I’ve always been aware of the existence of the -OutVariable common parameter, I’m not even sure if I’ve ever used it or not (although I’m certain I’ve used -ErrorVariable). This parameter is a great way to view your command’s results immediately, and write them to a variable at the same time.

In this example, we return the computers’ names from (all of) Active Directory (AD) that have the word ‘physical’ somewhere inside their description property. The problem here is that if we need to generate this list a second time, we’ll have to run the command again. This can be resource intensive, depending on the command, and not inline with best practice — at least, my best practice.

PS C:\> (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'}).Name

In this example, we write our results to the variable $Physical. The difference here is that we don’t write the results to the screen automatically, but only when we echo the variable’s contents.

PS C:\> $Physical = (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'}).Name
PS C:\> $Physical

In this example, we combine the best of both worlds: instant results written to the screen, with the “same” values stored in a variable. Notice that when I echo the variable, $P, it returns more than just the Name. This is because all the properties were written to the variable, before we displayed only the Name property. Note: I’ve concatenated the results after the first computer’s full results.

PS C:\> (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'} -OutVariable P).Name
PS C:\> $P
DistinguishedName : CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=com
DNSHostName       :
Enabled           : True
Name              : DC01
ObjectClass       : computer
ObjectGUID        : ...
SamAccountName    : DC01$
SID               : ...
UserPrincipalName :

Here’s how we can return only the Name property, using this variable.

PS C:\> $P.Name

Hopefully I can remember to use this common parameter more often. We’ve been taught to store our results in a variable, so we aren’t continually performing resource intensive queries. This is a great way to do that, with the option to have the results of a command written to the screen immediately. Adios, friends.

Finding Non-Resolveable IP Addresses

When preparing to bring new servers online, I often need a quick way to know what IP addresses, in a range of IP addresses, do not resolve to a name. This is the first step to determine unused IP addresses. The first time I did this was back before I was running Windows PowerShell 4.0 on Windows 8.1 which includes the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet. It meant I needed to use the command line tool nslookup; we’ll discuss both options in this post.

The first two examples below, use nslookup to try and resolve two different IPs: one that does resolve and one that doesn’t. It should be noted that resolving an IP address to a name is called Reverse DNS (rDNS). In the first example we have an IP address that resolves. That means it likely wouldn’t be an IP address I would want to use for a new server.

PS C:\> nslookup


The next example shows an IP address that doesn’t resolve, and therefore, would likely be a useable IP address for one of my servers. Remember, we want to collect our failed name resolutions.

PS C:\> nslookup

*** can't find Non-existent domain

Let’s assume our range of possibly useable IPs is – This assumes we’re using .1 for the gateway and .255 for broadcast. We’ll use a sub range of this full range ( through for most of our testing and examples. We’re going to use the range operator (..) to help automate checking the IP addresses.

PS C:\> 2..5 | ForEach-Object {nslookup 10.10.10.$_}





*** can't find Non-existent domain

*** can't find Non-existent domain

Our results, above, indicate that .2 and .3 are resolving and therefore are likely not useable for us. It also indicates we may be able to use .4 and .5, since those are not resolving. There’s still too much information returned by nslookup, so let’s clean that up by only returning failed resolutions.

In the example below, we’ll pipe our nslookup results to the Select-String cmdlet and search for the three asterisks (***) that begin each line where there is a failed name resolution. By default, the Select-String cmdlet does a regex match, so we’ll need to use the more literal approach and include the -SimpleMatch parameter of Select-String.

PS C:\> 2..5 | ForEach-Object {nslookup 10.10.10.$_ | Select-String -Pattern *** -SimpleMatch}
*** can't find Non-existent domain
*** can't find Non-existent domain

PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 8 and Server 2012 brought us the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet as part of the DnsClient module. This is essentially the replacement for nslookup on newer versions of PowerShell, on newer versions of the underlying operating system. By default, this cmdlet will return much more information on a successful resolution and an error on a failed resolution. Although I’ve truncated the successful results, there is an example of both a success and failure, below.

PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name

Name                       Type   TTL   Section    NameHost
----                       ----   ---   -------    --------    PTR    214   Answer

PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name
Resolve-DnsName : : The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
At line:1 char:1
+ Resolve-DnsName -Name
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: ( [Resolve-DnsName], Win32Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ERROR_INVALID_NAME,Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.ResolveDnsName

Now, what we need to do is find the failed name resolutions for our IP test range without displaying errors. This will require a little more work, but gives us more control over what’s actually displayed, instead of relying on the default output of nslookup.

In this example, we’ll run Resolve-DnsName for each IP address in our test range: through If it is unable to resolve, we’ll suppress the error using the -ErrorAction parameter, and then display our own message to inform us which IPs in our range didn’t resolve.

PS C:\> 2..5 | ForEach-Object {
>> If (-not(Resolve-DnsName -Name 10.10.10.$_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
>> Write-Output -Verbose "10.10.10.$_ -- Not Resolving"}
>> }
>> -- Not Resolving -- Not Resolving

If you made it all the way down here, then thanks for reading this post; I hope you found something useful. I would like to mention how to use .NET to resolve names to IPs, and IPs to names. Here’s a couple examples of both using a Microsoft name and IP.

PS C:\> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses('')

Address            : 783919750
AddressFamily      : InterNetwork
ScopeId            :
IsIPv6Multicast    : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal    : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal    : False
IsIPv6Teredo       : False
IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 : False
IPAddressToString  :

Address            : 3720129158
AddressFamily      : InterNetwork
ScopeId            :
IsIPv6Multicast    : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal    : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal    : False
IsIPv6Teredo       : False
IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 : False
IPAddressToString  :

PS C:\> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress('')

HostName                                Aliases                                 AddressList
--------                                -------                                 -----------                       {}                                      {}

Get Some Help for Later Reading

I’m just starting to get my hands wet with Microsoft Lync. As I often do, I use the Windows PowerShell cmdlets to help learn more about a product; I did this same thing with Hyper-V. The unfortunate thing about the GUI (think, an MMC snap-in for instance), is that the menu options don’t always tell you exactly what that option is going to do, or its exact purpose. While the GUI can be unclear, PowerShell tells you exactly what a cmdlet does. With that knowledge, I’ve often been able to relate a cmdlet, and its purpose, to its respective menu option in the GUI.

I wanted to read though the Lync cmdlet’s help files, but only the cmdlet name and its synopsis. Here’s the command I ran to extract this information for later reading.

PS C:> Get-Command -Module Lync | Get-Help | Select-Object Name,Synopsis | Export-Csv -Path C:\LyncCmdlets.csv -NoTypeInfomation

The command above works this way: it returns all the cmdlets included in the Lync Module and sends (pipes) those to the Get-Help cmdlet. The Get-Help cmdlet pipes its results to Select-Object which filters the returned properties to just the Name and Synopsis from each cmdlet’s help file. At the end, those filtered results are sent to Export-Csv which creates a file I can read at my leisure.

Although there’s over 500 cmdlets, it’s safe to say that many of the nouns (the part after the dash [-]) will be the same across some of the cmdlets. That means that many of the Get-* cmdlets will have a partnering Set-* cmdlet. Get reads information and Set changes it. These nouns may also have a matching New-*, Remove-*, and possibly even a Test-* cmdlet. Now off to do some reading…

What PowerShell Modules does the RSAT Provide (on Windows 8.1)

I built a new Windows 8.1 machine recently, and as we all know, doing that requires new software installations. In my case, that included the RSAT. The RSAT, or Remote Server Administration Tools, allow IT admins the ability to remotely manage features on Windows Server operating systems from a client operating system—here’s a link to the RSAT for Windows 8.1.

Prior to running the RSAT installer, I wanted to collect the currently available Windows PowerShell modules that I already had on my computer. This would allow me to know exactly what modules were added after the RSAT installer finished. The command below collects all the modules, returns only their name, and then drops that into a file on my computer. We’ll use the file in a moment, as part of a comparison.

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File C:\Users\tommymaynard\Pre-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt

I verified the file contained the module names by using the Get-Content cmdlet. In addition, I ran a slightly modified command to get the item count in the file—both can be seen below. The output created by the first command has been truncated to save space.

PS C:\> Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Pre-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt
PS C:\> (Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Pre-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt).Count

Once this file was in placed, and I was satisfied that it contained what I wanted, I went ahead with the RSAT install. Upon completion, I reran the Get-Module command above, after modifying the name of the file it would create (pre vs. post). I then read in the contents of the new file (which has been truncated again), and checked the number of modules listed in the file. There were now 75 modules where there had only been 57 before the RSAT install.

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File C:\Users\tommymaynard\Post-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt
PS C:\> Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Post-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt
PS C:\> (Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Post-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt).Count

Knowing that there’s 18 new modules is helpful, but which ones were added? The Compare-Object cmdlet can tell us. As seen below, we have the cmdlet read in the lines of each file and then determine which ones aren’t included in both files.

PS C:\> Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Desktop\Pre-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content C:\Users\tommymaynard\Desktop\Post-RSAT-PowerShell-Modules.txt)

InputObject                                                 SideIndicator
-----------                                                 -------------
ActiveDirectory                                             =>
BestPractices                                               =>
ClusterAwareUpdating                                        =>
DFSN                                                        =>
DFSR                                                        =>
DhcpServer                                                  =>
DnsServer                                                   =>
FailoverClusters                                            =>
GroupPolicy                                                 =>
IpamServer                                                  =>
IscsiTarget                                                 =>
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters                                =>
NFS                                                         =>
RemoteAccess                                                =>
RemoteDesktop                                               =>
ServerManager                                               =>
ServerManagerTasks                                          =>
UpdateServices                                              =>

As we can see above, our Compare-Object results indicate that the difference object (the post file, or the file on the right) has new modules—now we know which ones were added since installing the RSAT.

Using the Range Operator for Calculating Total Push-Ups

In December of 2014, I decided that my life in 2015 was in need of some push-ups. Instead of just starting with 10 a day, or some other arbitrary number, I thought I would do as many push-ups a day as it was the day in the year. This meant that on day one (January 1, 2015), I would do one push-up and on day two, I would do two push-ups, and so on. Today is the 20th day of the new year, and so I’ll have to do 20 tonight. I wanted to know how many push-ups I will have done by January 31st. Being the Windows PowerShell hobbyist that I am, I enlisted PowerShell to do my calculations for me.

I started with a variable, $EndDay, and the range operator (..). The combination of the two provides me an integer array of the days in January, such as 1..$EndDay (or, 1..31). Using this, I can calculate how many total push-ups I will have done by the end of the day on January 31st. The example below sets up the integer array, as well as the ForEach-Object loop where we’ll do our calculations. Note: I’m using the ForEach-Object alias, foreach.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay | foreach {


The first thing we do, below, is include a second variable, $PushUps, that will collect the total number of push-ups for the month. We’ll use the += assignment operator. This operator takes whatever is already in $PushUps, and adds to it. If the current value stored in $PushUps was 1, and we used the += assignment operator like so, $PushUps += 2, then the value in $PushUps would be 3 (1 + 2 is equal to 3). If we used the standard assignment operator (=), then $PushUps would be 2, as 1 would be overwritten.

On the next line, below, we write some information on the screen. We write the current day: that’s the current number from the integer array represented by $_ (as of PowerShell 3.0, $_ can be represented as $PSItem). Then we write out the total number of push-ups completed by that day: $PushUps.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay | foreach {
    $PushUps += $_
    Write-Output -Verbose "Day: $_ / PushUp Total: $PushUps"

I noticed that when I reran the code in the ISE, that the value of $PushUps was incorrect on the second run. This is because the variable already exists, and by the end of the first run already contains 496—the number of push-ups I’ll have done by the end of January! Therefore, I added an If statement that removed the $PushUps variable when $_ was equal to $EndDay. This happens on the final run through the foreach.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay| foreach {
    $PushUps += $_
    Write-Output -Verbose "Day: $_ / PushUp Total: $PushUps"
    If ($_ -eq $EndDay) {
        Remove-Variable PushUps

If you change the value for $EndDay to 365, you’ll be able to determine that after December 31st (if I can somehow keep this up) I will have done 66,299 total push-ups for the year. It’s hard to imagine that I could do 365 push-ups at once, but then again, it’s hard to imagine I’ll get though the rest of the month. Here’s an image that shows the the full results when we run the function above.

Using the Range Operator for Push-Up Calculations

Thanks for reading, and wish me good luck—I’m going to need it.

Write-Host, Does it Have a Place?

I’ve been working on an advanced function that I can’t wait to share (and no, it’s not the one in this post). I really think it’s something that the Windows PowerShell community has been missing. Okay fine, maybe it’s just something I’ve been missing.

I noticed in development that my Write-Output messages to the user were crossing the pipeline, when the custom object (created by the function), was passed to Select-Object (in certain manners). I have a function below that does the same thing as the one in development.

Here’s how this thing works: The function requires the user to provide the value Write-Output (or, wo), or Write-Host (or, wh) for the -Option parameter. This will determine how the message to the user is written inside the Begin block. The only other thing that’s happening in this function, is that a custom object is being created in the Process block, based on some properties of Win32_BIOS.

Function Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost {
    Param (
        HelpMessage="Enter Write-Output or Write-Host")]

    Begin {
        If ($Option -eq 'Write-Output' -or $Option -eq 'wo') {
            Write-Output 'Inside the Begin block (using Write-Output).'

        } ElseIf ($Option -eq 'Write-Host' -or $Option -eq 'wh') {
            Write-Host 'Inside the Begin block (using Write-Host).'
    } # End Begin

    Process {
        $CollectionVariable = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS
        $Object = @()
        $Object += [pscustomobject]@{
            Manufacturer = $CollectionVariable.Manufacturer;
            Name = $CollectionVariable.Name;
            Version = $CollectionVariable.Version
    } # End Process

    End {
        Write-Output $Object
    # End, End
} # End Function

As we can see below, everything works great with both Write-Output or Write-Host, when we don’t pipe the function to the Select-Object cmdlet.

PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Output
Inside the Begin block (using Write-Output).

Manufacturer                            Name                                    Version
------------                            ----                                    -------
Dell Inc.                               BIOS Date: 08/27/13 11:12:44 Ver: A1... DELL   - 1072009

PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Host
Inside the Begin block (using Write-Host).

Manufacturer                            Name                                    Version
------------                            ----                                    -------
Dell Inc.                               BIOS Date: 08/27/13 11:12:44 Ver: A1... DELL   - 1072009

Now, let’s pipe our object to some variations of the Select-Object cmdlet and watch some things blow up (when using Write-Output).

PS C:\> # Use the horizontal scrollbar to see the results...
PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Output | select *


PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Output | select Name,Ver*

Name                                                        Ver*
----                                                        ----

BIOS Date: 08/27/13 11:12:44 Ver: A13.00

PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Host | select *
Inside the Begin block (using Write-Host).

Manufacturer                            Name                                    Version
------------                            ----                                    -------
Dell Inc.                               BIOS Date: 08/27/13 11:12:44 Ver: A1... DELL   - 1072009

PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Host | select Name,Ver*
Inside the Begin block (using Write-Host).

Name                                                        Version
----                                                        -------
BIOS Date: 08/27/13 11:12:44 Ver: A13.00                    DELL   - 1072009

The problem with Write-Output, is that the object it’s producing is crossing our pipeline and causing unpredictable behavior—something we can’t include in a function we want to distribute. Here’s the proof: When we pipe our function to Get-Member, we reveal the objects that show up on the other side, and we don’t want the string object coming over with us.

PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Output | Get-Member | Select-Object TypeName -Unique


PS C:\> Test-TMWriteOutputVsHost -Option Write-Host | Get-Member | Select-Object TypeName -Unique
Inside the Begin block (using Write-Host).


I don’t profess to know it all, so if there’s a way to get around this using Write-Output, then I’d love to hear about it. While I haven’t tried it, I suspect I may be able to create an embedded function—that might be the trick I need. Perhaps I’ll play with that option at another time. Thanks for reading!

Oh, and before someone mentions it, I explained how I feel about Write-Verbose in the comments on a post by Adam Bertram:

Creating Multiple Credential Objects

Download the complete function:

There are times when you made need to use additional credentials, other than those used to begin the Windows PowerShell session. When I need to PSRemote to another domain’s computer, I quickly run a function I have stored in my $PROFILE to create a variable that contains a credential object for the second domain. It’s a bit more specific for my environment, so I won’t bother sharing that exact function. What I will do, however, is share and explain a function I’ve written to create up to 10 credential objects. You’ll soon see where that can be changed (if for some reason someone would want more than that many). Realistically, 10 seems much too high anyway. Moving on.

Now, it might be important to know a bit more about how this started. The unfortunate thing about that function (the one in the link) is that it is maxed out at three credential sets (and it continually used the word ‘domain’). As well, it wasn’t as flexible as it should’ve been and it didn’t have any comment-based help or any verbose statements. So, a couple of days after publishing that post, I copied the function back into the PowerShell ISE and started working on a “1.1” version. That’s what we’ll discuss in this post.

First, we’ll write some basic, structural code for the advanced function.

Function New-TMMultiCred {
    Param ()

    Begin {
    } #End Begin

    Process {
    } #End Begin
} #End Function

Now, let’s add the parameter that will define how many credential objects the function will create. The variable we’ll use is $Set and we’ll cast it as an integer (Set will, therefore, also be the name of the parameter). In addition, we’ll add code to define the -Set parameter as being mandatory (it must be included when the function is run), and make the parameter positional (the value for -Set can be entered without providing the -Set parameter name). In addition, we’ll add the ValidateRange validation attribute that will require that the integer entered, as the value for the -Set parameter, must be 1 through 10. This can be changed if necessary.

Function New-TMMultiCred {
    Param (

    Begin {
    } #End Begin

    Process {
    } #End Begin
} #End Function

We won’t need to do anything in the Begin block, so we’ll focus on the Process block next. In there, we’ll need to prompt for a user name and password as many times as the value of the parameter -Set indicates. Since we know the number of times we’ll be looping (to prompt for the username and password), I recommend we use a for statement. For statements work this way: set a variable ($i in our case) as a counter variable, add a comparison to determine how many times to loop (while $i is less than or equal to $Set), and finally, include a way to increment the counter variable (that’s what $i++ does), so that we only loop the proper number of times.

Function New-TMMultiCred {
    Param (

    Begin {
    } #End Begin

    Process {
        For ($i = 1; $i -le $Set; $i++) {

    } #End Begin
} #End Function

The final piece is adding the parts necessary to prompt for usernames and passwords, and creating variables to store each of the credential objects. We’ll do this as part of a try-catch.

Line 15 below, first runs the Get-Credential cmdlet. We know this because it is in parenthesis. These parentheses indicate that this cmdlet needs to run before it’s used as the value of the Set-Variable‘s -Value parameter. If for some reason the user presses Cancel, or presses the X in the top-right corner of the prompt dialog, the try portion of the try-catch will fail, and the catch portion will run. It will indicate that no credential was created for that iteration through the loop.

If the user enters, at minimum a username (because a password can be blank), then it will set a variable called $CredSet# (the hash mark (#) indicates a number). If we indicate we want to create two credential objects when we run the function (New-TMMultiCred 2), then $CredSet1 will be the variable that holds the first credential object, and $CredSet2 will hold the second.

Still on line 15, notice that the -Scope parameter is being used with the Set-Variable cmdlet. If we didn’t include this parameter and its value, Global, then the variables created (or modified, if the variable(s) already existed) by this command would not be available after the function was done executing.

Function New-TMMultiCred {
    Param (

    Begin {
    } #End Begin

    Process {
        For ($i = 1; $i -le $Set; $i++) {
            try {
                Set-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -Value (Get-Credential -Credential $null) -Scope Global
                Write-Output -Verbose "SUCCESS: Credential Set $i stored in `$CredSet$($i)"
            } catch {
                Write-Warning -Verbose "No credential object was created for set $($i)."
    } #End Begin
} #End Function

Here’s a look at the function in progress. The first image shows that three credential objects were requested. The first credential object has already been created and is stored in $CredSet1, the second wasn’t created, since the user pressed Cancel on the second prompt, and the third credential object will be created when the user presses OK. The second image shows the end result.

Function for Creating Multiple Credential Objects-01

Function for Creating Multiple Credential Objects-02

Once this is complete, the user can run cmdlets that have an optional -Credential parameter and supply the fitting credential object, as seen in the example below. You can return all the cmdlets and functions that have the -Credential parameter using Get-Command: Get-Command -ParameterName Credential.

PS C:\> Invoke-Command -ComputerName dc01 -ScriptBlock {Get-Date} -Credential $CredSet3

Download the complete function:

Three Sets of Credentials for Three (or the Same) Domains

I briefly scanned this topic on Reddit’s PowerShell subreddit. I’m not really sure if this will help anyone, but the first thing I thought of was to create an advanced function that could prompt for up to three different sets of credentials, each for a different domain. It’s loosely based on a function I have in my $PROFILE that I use for a second domain. It should be noted that you don’t have to use the function for different domains. It can be used for different user accounts in the same domain—that part is up to you.

Function New-TMMultiDomainCred {
    Param (

    Begin {
    } #End Begin

    Process {
        Switch ($PSBoundParameters) {
            {$PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Domain1'} {
                $Global:Domain1Cred = Get-Credential -Credential $null
                Write-Output -Verbose 'Domain Creds for Domain1 stored in $Domain1Cred'
            {$PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Domain2'} {
                $Global:Domain2Cred = Get-Credential -Credential $null
                Write-Output -Verbose 'Domain Creds for Domain2 stored in $Domain2Cred'
            {$PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Domain3'} {
                $Global:Domain3Cred = Get-Credential -Credential $null
                Write-Output -Verbose 'Domain Creds for Domain3 stored in $Domain3Cred'
            default {
                Write-Warning -Verbose 'Parameters must be provided to use this advanced function.'
    } #End Process
} #End Function