Check for Active Directory User in Function Parameters

I’m not sure what it is, but this might’ve been the longest I’ve gone without writing. It’s not that I’ve stopping thinking PowerShell, it’s that I’m so consumed, I’ve had a hard time focusing. My wife calls it my adult ADD. It was just last week that I attended my second PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit (that’s the new name). I learned a great deal and I had a great time. Thanks again to for the contest and free 4-day pass, my employer for picking up the flight, lodging, and food, my parents for their help, and of course to my wife! The weather in Bellevue, WA was perfect and the summit was a huge success. Much gratitude to all those involved in the planning and execution.

It wasn’t long ago that I had a post about comparing Active Directory group memberships. I wanted a pleasant way to visualize and compare the group memberships of two AD users. We had a ticket earlier today, at the office, where I went back to that post and gathered the commands, so I could use them again. I knew I’d need it, I just didn’t know I’d need it so soon. I sent the output results as an image to a coworker, and it wasn’t but a few seconds later that he was interested in what was used to gather that output: it was my modified compare. Here’s an edited version of the image I sent. This image differs from the original post in that I added the users’ SamAccountNames as the property names in my collection. This is why they’re blurred out this time around.


I mentioned to him that I’d write the commands into a wrapper function. While that’s nearly done, I asked myself this question: When should I check if the users exist in Active Directory? Do I do it as part of the function (inside the Begin block, for instance), or do I check at the time the parameter is accepted, as part of a ValidateScript validation?

I’m here today to say that making it a part of the ValidateScript validation attribute is acceptable. While it has the potential to cause an error condition and dump red text to the console, that’s fine. People good at Windows PowerShell read these errors — they’re PowerShell’s errors, and we’re just allowing them to occur. While I can catch these in the function, PowerShell doesn’t always do this for us natively, so I as I see it, it’s not always necessary. Knowing the audience for your tool can help you with this determination. Do you want them to learn PowerShell and get comfortable with the native errors, or does it make sense to protect them from seeing these? It’s up to you. I’m okay with allowing my tools to display some of the native errors, especially since we’re talking about my team using these tools, and not a lower-tiered group. Again, you have to consider who will use your tools, and how they’ll handle the red text.

The test function I wrote, and some error results, can been seen below. In my mind, there were two error possibilities: the computer where the function is invoked doesn’t have the ActiveDirectory module, or one, or both, of the users don’t exist in Active Directory. Again, in many cases, these standard PowerShell errors can be delivered without the need to hide them from the user of the function. Here’s a test function now.

Function Test-ADUser {
    Param (
        [ValidateScript({Get-ADUser -Identity $_})]

        [ValidateScript({Get-ADUser -Identity $_})]

    Write-Output -InputObject "Success on both parameters."

This first image below, shows the error condition when the ActiveDirectory module isn’t available on the system where the function is invoked. It displays the standard, I-don’t-recognize-what-you-entered error: “Get-ADUser is not recognized…”


In this image, we can see the error message that occurs when one of the supplied users doesn’t exist in Active Directory. It won’t get this far unless the ActiveDirectory module is on the system where this function is invoked.


So in the end, consider when writing your tools, if a standard PowerShell error is acceptable or not. I think that there’s times it’s suitable, depending on the error and the group using the tool.

The 100th Post

In less than two years time, I’ve written and published 99 posts:


On this note, welcome to post 100! This is a exciting achievement, especially since I didn’t even like PowerShell much when it was first introduced (as Monad). I really preferred VBS then, and I didn’t even care much that we — Microsoft admins — were getting a shell, too. It didn’t all register then, and realistically, it was probably because I was still somewhat early on in my career.

It feels like I just bought the domain name and made the commitment to associate myself with Windows PowerShell. Post 100 is a post I didn’t even know was a possibility. In fact, the number of posts were never a consideration. It’s always been about quality, even in brief, right-to-the-point posts. I’ve tried to elevate this blog, by using simple and clear examples to help teach some of the basic and intermediate concepts. I intentionally add clues and use full descriptions to encourage and assist my readers.

In celebration of post 100, I’ll list my top 10 favorite posts, in no particular order:

1. Quick Learn – Clear-Host, Without Clearing the Host

2. Quick Learn – Using OutVariable — Why Don’t I Do that More Often?

3. Script Sharing – Return File Sizes in Bytes, KBs, MBs, and GBs, at the Same Time

4. Script Sharing – Two Old HTAs: LoggedOnUser and Remote Desktop Assistant

5. Quick Learn – Run Background Commands after Every Command (Part II)

6. Quick Learn – Determine if the Alias, or Function Name was Used

7. Quick Learn – Proving PowerShell’s Usefulness to Newbies, Part III

8. Quick Learn – Give a Parameter a Default Value

9. Quick Learn – Save External Dynamic IP to Dropbox

10. Extra – Why is there a

Keep an Attached Drive Active

I recently received two drives sent via FedEx for a rather large data copy. Maybe I haven’t been looking, but I’ve never seen anything like these drives before, although it wasn’t too difficult to believe they existed. They each hold 6TB and have a 10-key keypad on the drive case where you have to punch in a PIN to unlock the drive. Neat, except that the drives also have a timeout period in which they automatically lock. To unlock each drive, providing there’s been no disk activity, as that’s what starts the timeout counter, is a trip to the data center to enter the PIN again.


A coworker and I quickly arrived at the same idea in order to keep the drives active. I bet you just thought of an idea, too. It’s extremely simplistic, but that’s typically the road on which I travel. In the simple Do-While loop below, we created a file on each of the attached drives. In my example, the loop slept for eight minutes after it created the file. Then it removed the files and slept for another 10 seconds before repeating.

Do {
    New-Item -Path E:\keepalivefile.txt,F:\keepalivefile.txt -ItemType File | Out-Null
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 480 # equal to 8 minutes
    Remove-Item -Path E:\keepalivefile.txt,F:\keepalivefile.txt
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
While ($true)

That’s all I’ve got tonight, other than to say, I have no idea what I would’ve done if I didn’t know Windows PowerShell. Seriously, how would I have been able to guarantee the drives wouldn’t lock, besides to manually create the disk activity? Keeping File Explorer open wasn’t enough, I tried. PowerShell to the rescue. Again.

An Enhanced Active Directory Group Membership Compare

Like everyday, there was a Windows PowerShell question on the Internet today. While I may not have provided everything the original poster was asking for, I rather like what I had accomplished. Being that I have a website that resolves around PowerShell 100% of the time, it seemed like a good little chunk of code to share. I’m going to want it one day, I just know it, and I’m not going to want to rewrite it.

What we’ve done is compared the Active Directory (AD) group memberships of two different users using Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership and the Compare-Object cmdlet. Stay tuned, this isn’t the standard Compare-Object output you might be used to seeing. I’m doing this much like the original forum question, so l stored the SamAccountName of two AD users, in two different variables.

PS> $FirstUser = 'tommymaynard'
PS> $SecondUser = 'lanceandrews'

With the variables set, we’ve used them as part of our Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership commands below. In this example, you can see two ways of accomplishing the same thing — useful stuff, really.

PS> $FirstUserGroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $FirstUser | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
PS> $SecondUserGroups = (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $SecondUser).Name

With this second set of variables assigned, we’ve set up the command below to obtain the differences and store those in a variable we’ve called $Difference. Including the -IncludeEqual parameter has allowed us to be able to see the group memberships that both users share.

PS> $Difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $FirstUserGroups -DifferenceObject $SecondUserGroups -IncludeEqual

Next, we put together some calculated properties from our $Difference variable. If calculated properties are new to you, be sure to do some additional research. They can be used to simply rename properties, but also, like I’ve demonstrated below, they can include conditional logic. You might consider copying and pasting the example somewhere else, so you can better digest what’s happening. We’ve created three calculated properties: the first is renaming the InputObject property to Group. The next two properties write one of two things: either that the user is a member, or that they’re not, by entering two, side-by-side dashes. See the image further below.

PS> $Difference | Select-Object @{N='Group';E={$_.InputObject}},@{N='First User';E={If ($_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' -or $_.SideIndicator -eq '==') {'Member'} Else {'--'}}},@{N='Second User';E={If ($_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' -or $_.SideIndicator -eq '==') {'Member'} Else {'--'}}}

This modification of the standard Compare-Object output reminds us which user is which. The standard output uses arrows. A left arrow indicates the first user is a member and a right arrow indicates the second user is a member. Because we’re using the -IncludeEqual parameter, we can distinguish when both users are a member of the same AD group, and that, without the double equal sign, as the indicator.


Neat. I’ll be back to visit you later, modified Compare-Object command. Thanks for reading, everyone.

How Do I Start to Learn PowerShell?

I’ve been around the Windows PowerShell community awhile, and its various forums, and have noticed a consistent theme: People often ask how and what to use to learn PowerShell. There’s plenty of articles and other content out there — ten years’ worth now — and people still ask. While I began this site to help teach PowerShell, depending on the day, it may not always the best place to start. So, what is?

There’s two things I’ve often recommended to help people learn PowerShell. One is what I would consider to be the de facto standard of all introductory PowerShell reading, Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition written by Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks and published by Manning Publications.

I read this book after I had already spent a couple years learning PowerShell. While I appreciated seeing what I missed in my own education, I realized with every page turn that I could’ve learned everything I knew, in a lot less time. All I would’ve had to do was buy the book first, and make a commitment to read it. If you’re new to PowerShell and you suspect that you’re going to be a Windows system administrator in the future, then buy it and read it now, before you end up hating yourself for not doing it sooner. Let me know if I get the cue to tell you, “I told you so,” or not. I hope I don’t.

The other thing I’d recommend are two video series found on Microsoft Virtual Academy. This really helped solidified some concepts. The first one is called Getting Started with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start. The second series, to be watched after the first, is called Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell. 3.0 Jump Start. While these both focus on PowerShell 3.0, they are both still quite relevant to the current release (PowerShell 5.0, at the time of this writing). I’m not sure which I’d recommend you do first — the book or the videos — as I’m not sure if one sequence would be better than the other. Either way, do both as they ensure a good amount of beneficial exposure.

There you go. These are my two, top recommendations for learning Windows PowerShell. It should be said, that in addition to these two, one of the things I did (and I’ve said it several times now), is ensured I learned at least one new thing about PowerShell every day (no matter how big or small, or what day it was). PowerShell is an important part of the future as a Windows system administrator, whether or not, you believe that right now.

View Current Q&A Forum Topics

Note: Update added at the bottom on this post on August, 9, 2016. Please read.

Sometimes you don’t always have the time to finish something you’ve started. For me, it was this function. I pounded this out in a quick few minutes, and while I don’t see myself investing in it any further, I didn’t want to forget the function, and thought I would hang on to it somewhere. Well, that’s why it’s here, especially as someone may find it useful, or helpful.

The function, which I called Get-PowerShell.orgForumTopic, runs out to and grabs the current topics (page one) from the PowerShell Q&A forum ( It only returns the Thread name and the URL, because, well, that’s what seemed useful and relevant at the time I wrote it (which was many months ago).

Function Get-PowerShell.orgForumTopic {
    Param ()

    Begin {
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Links |
            Where-Object {$_.outerHTML -like '**'} |
            Select-Object @{N='Thread';E={$_.innerHTML}},@{N='Url';E={$_.href}} |
            Select-Object -First 30)[(0..30 |
                ForEach-Object {
                    If (-not($_ % 2)) {
    } # End Process.

    End {
    } # End End.
} # End Function: Get-PowerShell.orgForumTopic

Here’s what the results looked like in the ConsoleHost, near in time to when this post was published.

While I never added any more to this function, I had some ideas: add the thread status, add the “started by user,” add the user that made the last post, add the number of posts per topic, and allow it to run against other forum topics. It might’ve also been helpful to include additional pages, if requested by the user of the function, such as adding a -Pages parameter (-Pages 4).

Anyway, here it is. Beside being helpful to see the top Q&A forum posts at a specific point in time, it’s an interesting example of reading from a webpage, of which I had minimal experience. So yeah, I probably learned something by doing this exercise.

If you want to do the same, then start by running the first command, Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ‘’. Then add the pipe and first Select-Object command and run that. Then add the Where-Object command, and so on. This will allow you to see how I finally got to only returning the “Threads” and “Urls.” Take care.

Update: Since a site redesign at, this function, no longer functions. I’m not sure that I’ll bother to update it — I don’t get the feeling that it was ever used by anyone — but I’ll keep this post up for anything else it may offer, that may be helpful in learning PowerShell.

Remove and Add Users to an Active Directory Group

The more people that recognize that I’ve made an investment in Windows PowerShell, the more these posts write themselves. I was recently asked by a previous colleague to help them make some modifications in Active Directory (AD). They needed to strip out all the users from a single AD group, and then add a bunch of them back that were, conveniently, stored in a text file. While you can compare the current users in the group with the ones you want to add, this post will assume it’s suitable to momentarily remove all the users from a specific AD group.

When I completed this, out of the kindness of my heart, and because I want to promote and teach PowerShell whenever possible, I sent the previous colleague an email with the five steps I had completed. They might be useful for others as well, so here we are. I think I’m getting a lunch out of this, too. While it might not be Chipotle, I like food, so I’m sure it’ll be suitable.

1. Export Users in the AD Group: This command will return the current members of the VPN-Users group and store them in a Csv file. While this will allow us to compare our final results, its original purpose was as my safety net in case I made a mistake and wanted to make the previous members, members again.

PS> $GroupName = 'VPN-Users'
PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Export-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users01Pre.csv -NoTypeInformation

2. Remove Users from Group: This next command removes all the members of the group (which I had checked were only users). It did this by piping each member of the group to a ForEach-Object loop that ran Remove-ADGroupMember against the current user. Had there been other object types, you’d have to use a Where-Object command in between these two commands (command 1 | Where-Object… | command 2), filtering on the ObjectClass. The Remove-ADGroupMember cmdlet is using the -Confirm parameter with the $false value, so there’s no need for manual confirmation of each removal.

PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Foreach-Object {Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members $_ -Confirm:$false}

3. Add Users to Group: After I allowed a few moments for replication, I went ahead and added all the users in the text file I had been supplied by using the Get-Content command and piping each entry to the ForEach-Object and Add-ADGroupMember cmdlets. It threw two errors when it wasn’t able to find a couple users in AD. While I didn’t, we could’ve written in precautions in this command to avoid this error, or programmatically fixed the file prior to this command.

PS> Get-Content -Path C:\UserNames.txt | Foreach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName  -Members $_}

4. Export Users in the AD Group: Now that we have all the old group members removed, and the new ones added, we can create a new export of the group members for comparison. This isn’t necessary, but helps to see who was removed and added, if we desire that kind of information and comparison.

PS> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Export-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users02Post.csv -NoTypeInformation

5Compare Before and After Group Memberships: The next command will reach into the SamAccountName column inside both Csv files and compare them. Results that indicate <= mean they are in the file on the left (the file as the value to -ReferenceObject parameter), and results that indicate => mean they are only in the file on the right (-DifferenceObject parameter). Don’t forget, you can always use the -IncludeEqual parameter if you want to see which users where there before and after.

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ((Import-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users01Pre.csv).SamAccountName) -DifferenceObject ((Import-Csv -Path C:\VPN-Users02Post.csv).SamAccountName)

There ya go. The previous colleague said they had a problem finding some good examples of doing this online, so here’s to hoping that this will help someone when it they need it. Just maybe, I’ll be back with the right way to do this, where the users that are going to be added back, never get removed in the fist place.

Automate App Server (Non Visual) Website Test

This is part II of this post: It might be beneficial to read that first.

It was minutes before my family needed to leave the house and start our Saturday, when my desire to monitor eight of my application servers hit. In a quick moment, I wrote three commands in three PowerShell consoles and left the house.

Before I show you what was in console one, I have to show and mention a couple functions on which it relied. These functions are a bit of a continuation of the link above. The Watch-MyApp function below, will visually and textually display indicators so that I know if my app servers’ websites are responding, or not. The -Visual parameter will open an instance of Internet Explorer for each server URL, so I can visually check the app servers’ websites (see the link to view this function).  Not using the -Visual parameter, which is how it’s used here, uses Invoke-WebRequest to determine a webpage’s status code. A 200 status code (OK response) means our webpage is up, and responding. If it’s not up, it’ll indicate a timeout warning. It could also produce a different status code, if the page is up, but produces something other than a 200 status code. Other more well-known status codes are the dreaded 404 (page cannot be found), or a 5xx error which indicates a problem with the web server. It may also be helpful to know that the $MyAppServers variable contains the default properties for five servers, returned from the Get-ADComputer cmdlet.

Function Watch-MyApp {
    Param (
    If ($Visual) {
        $MyAppServers.Name | ForEach-Object {
            Open-InternetExplorer -Url "$"
    } Else {
        $MyAppServers.Name | ForEach-Object {
            try {
                $StatusCode = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$" -TimeoutSec 10).StatusCode
                "$StatusCode`: $_"
            } catch {
                Write-Warning -Message "$_"

The first of my three consoles wrapped the function above, Watch-MyApp, in a never ending loop ($true is always true). Every minute it would get the date and time and write it to a log file. Immediately after that, it would run the function to get the status code of each web server, and append it to the same log file. A minute later and it does the same thing. Here’s the command and a sample from the log file it created.

Do {
    (Get-Date).ToString() | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\MyApp.txt' -Append
    Watch-MyApp | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\MyApp.txt' -Append
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
} While ($true)
2/21/2016 10:48:29 PM
200: appsrv01
200: appsrv02
200: appsrv03
200: appsrv04
200: appsrv05
2/21/2016 10:49:29 PM
200: appsrv01
200: appsrv02
200: appsrv03
200: appsrv04
200: appsrv05

The second console ran another endless Do-While loop. The difference, is that this loop’s job was to copy the file that was being updated by the command in the first console, to my Dropbox folder every ten minutes. Genius, right? While I could have, I opted to not have my first command write/overwrite the file directly in my Dropbox folder. I didn’t feel it was necessary to update Dropbox each minute for hours on end. When I was back home later, I changed this from ten minutes to 30 minutes, or 1800 seconds, as it was even less important to update Dropbox then.

Do {
    (Get-Date).ToString() | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\MyApp.txt' -Append
    Copy-Item -Path 'C:\MyApp.txt' -Destination 'C:\Users\tommymaynard\Dropbox\MyApp.txt' -Force
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 600
} While ($true)

What this meant is that while I was away, I was able to check Dropbox on my phone and quickly determine if there were any status codes other than a 200. Every ten minutes and there would be an update to my file that would include the status code results for each minute in the last ten.

The final console didn’t do much other than allow me to manually check the file in Dropbox, for something other than a date entry, and status code of 200. So far so good: None of the web apps returned anything more than a 200 status code. Maybe the change at the end of the day on Friday really did fixed things. Here’s the command I used to read the file and exclude lines that had a date and a 200 status code (all the lines unless there was a problem).

Get-Content -Path 'C:\MyApp.txt' | Where-Object {($_ -notlike '*2016*') -and ($_ -notlike '200*')}

But why visually scan the file myself, when PowerShell can do that too!? This third command could’ve also been an endless loop. It could’ve automated scanning the file for me, like I was doing already, and then could’ve been set up to send me an email using the Send-MailMessage cmdlet if it found something, other than the 200 status code. I could’ve avoided looking at the file in Dropbox and just watched my email. One better, and I could’ve had my command do email to text with a specially crafted email address. Here’s what I mean for US Verizon customers: Many days, it feels like PowerShell is only limited by what you can think do with it.

There have been times in my life where my wife will ask me, “How would people that don’t know computers, know how to do this?” I usually answer by saying, that “They wouldn’t,” or “I don’t know, I’m not that person.” The same thing applies here: “How would a Windows System Administrator know what to do if they hadn’t already learned PowerShell?” Those three commands might take someone new with PowerShell half a day to consider, and then write. Learn it while you don’t think you need it, because one day you will.

So, to recap, while I was away doing the family thing, my computer sat on the kitchen table at home, checked on eight app servers for me and updated a file in Dropbox, that I was able to check at times while we were away. PowerShell has a purpose, and without it, you’re losing yours.

Automate App Server (Visual) Website Test

To visually determine if a website is loading slowly, or not, you might open the browser, enter the URL, and note the speed at which the page loads. Well, since I write tools to speed things up, writing one for this need, seemed to make sense. Part of the work was already done, thanks to the little function below that I had already written. It’s a function called Open-InternetExplorer and you can likely guess what it does. If you feed it a URL as the value for the -Url parameter, it’ll open up that webpage, otherwise, it’ll just open to the default homepage.

Set-Alias -Name iexplore -Value Open-InternetExplorer
Function Open-InternetExplorer {
    Param ([string]$Url)
    If ($Url) {
        Start-Process -FilePath iexplore $Url
    } Else {
        Start-Process -FilePath iexplore

If you didn’t already notice, I’ve also included an alias be set for this function. With that in place, I can also enter iexplore to invoke the Open-InternetExplorer function. Notice that the Start-Process cmdlets inside the function include iexplore as the value for the -FilePath parameter. This is the Internet Explorer executable, and not the function alias.

Okay, so now we know how we can quickly open a new IE browser and determine what webpage to load. Let’s assume the page I want to check is This means, I can enter Open-InternetExplorer and IE will open to that webpage (on that server). I may use a load balanced, front end URL for users to access the application, such as While the app is important (as it is one of the servers), knowing that all the app servers are responding and loading the page quickly is helpful.

For the remaining examples, let’s assume I have a variable called $MyAppServers that contains the default properties for five servers, returned from the Get-ADComputer cmdlet.

PS> $MyAppServers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=MyApp,DC=subdomain,DC=mydomain,DC=com'
PS> $MyAppServers.Name

Now, let’s combine the $MyAppServers variable, with the function (and the ForEach-Object cmdlet, as the function wasn’t written to accept multiple URLs), so that we can open each app server’s webpage. This will allow us to determine if any of the pages load slower than any others, or more importantly, to determine if a page doesn’t load at all. Here’s how we do that.

PS> $MyAppServers.Name | ForEach-Object {Open-InternetExplorer -Url "$"}

Once this command is run, it’ll open an Internet Explorer browser window for each app URL. In my case (Windows 8.1), I can hover over the IE taskbar items and view a small image of each IE window. Notice in the image below that one of the application servers didn’t load. I’ll need to look into that server!


While I haven’t yet, the command above could be added to its own function, so I don’t have to type it out each time, and instead can simply enter the function’s name, or alias. In closing, I’ll mention another small function I added to my profile. This one will dump all running instances of Internet Explorer, allowing me to avoid manually closing each IE window, or typing out the Get-Process–Stop-Process command that the function runs.

Set-Alias -Name diexplore -Value Stop-InternetExplorer
Function Stop-InternetExplorer {
    Get-Process -Name iexplore | Stop-Process