Put the Alias Description Property to Work

I use a small handful of my own PowerShell aliases and of course some of those included with PowerShell natively. There is a best practice around aliases in PowerShell, and that is to not use them in anything that is going to live longer than a one-time use. Therefore, do not use them in scripts, functions, and modules (except in the case where your module exports aliases). I would recommend not even using them in forum posts or emails or work-only documentation. Keep them away from your own personal documentation, too. You might know what spsv, ndr, rcjb, and shcm mean today, at this moment, but you may not a few months from now. They have a place, however. Use them in your console, or shell, to speed up what would otherwise be a longer, manually entered command. Let’s check my $PROFILE script and see how many of my own PowerShell aliases I have.

Get-Content -Path $PROFILE | Select-String -Pattern '-alias'
Set-Alias -Name c -Value Clear-Host
Set-Alias -Name psrh -Value Open-PSReadLineHistoryFile
Set-Alias -Name sel -Value Select-Object
Set-Alias -Name wa -Value Watch-Apartment
Set-Alias -Name psgal -Value Show-PSGalleryProjectJob
'l','link' | ForEach-Object {Set-Alias -Name $_ -Value Find-Link}
Set-Alias -Name cts -Value Convert-TextToSpeech

Based on the above command and its results, I have seven. Even that is too many to remember when they are not being used often. Well, I forgot one recently and I was annoyed I had to open my profile script file and search for -alias. Sure, I could have used the above Get-Content command I wrote and tried out a minute ago, but why? Why not avoid ever having to search for my aliases from inside a source file again. They exist in the PowerShell session; why not search there? I am already in the session.

My first thought was, why does Microsoft not indicate which aliases are built-in? There is a source property. It is just too bad that not many aliases include that information. It would be much simple to filter aliases that way, removing those that are not a part of a Microsoft.<something>.<something> module. But, if you return this property there is often nothing. To begin with, there are currently 147 aliases on my machine.


Only seven include a value in their source property.

Get-Alias | Where-Object Source -ne ''
CommandType     Name                    Version    Source
-----------     ----                    -------    ------
Alias           fhx -> Format-Hex    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Alias           gcb -> Get-Clipboard    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           gin -> Get-ComputerInfo    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           gtz -> Get-TimeZone    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           scb -> Set-Clipboard    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           stz -> Set-TimeZone    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

Weird right? One command alias is from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module and six are from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module. It is not like there are only one and six aliases, respectively, from each entire module. There are plenty more commands and aliases, as well. Take a look; I have included both modules. We will begin with the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module.

((Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility).Name |
    ForEach-Object {Get-Alias -Definition $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}).Count
(Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility).Name |
    ForEach-Object {Get-Alias -Definition $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
CommandType     Name                        Version    Source
-----------     ----                        -------    ------
Alias           clv -> Clear-Variable
Alias           compare -> Compare-Object
Alias           diff -> Compare-Object
Alias           dbp -> Disable-PSBreakpoint
Alias           ebp -> Enable-PSBreakpoint
Alias           epal -> Export-Alias
Alias           epcsv -> Export-Csv
Alias           fc -> Format-Custom
Alias           fhx -> Format-Hex     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Alias           fl -> Format-List
Alias           ft -> Format-Table
Alias           fw -> Format-Wide
Alias           gal -> Get-Alias
Alias           gerr -> Get-Error
Alias           gm -> Get-Member
Alias           gbp -> Get-PSBreakpoint
Alias           gcs -> Get-PSCallStack
Alias           gu -> Get-Unique
Alias           gv -> Get-Variable
Alias           group -> Group-Object
Alias           ipal -> Import-Alias
Alias           ipcsv -> Import-Csv
Alias           iex -> Invoke-Expression
Alias           irm -> Invoke-RestMethod
Alias           iwr -> Invoke-WebRequest
Alias           measure -> Measure-Object
Alias           nal -> New-Alias
Alias           nv -> New-Variable
Alias           ogv -> Out-GridView
Alias           rbp -> Remove-PSBreakpoint
Alias           rv -> Remove-Variable
Alias           select -> Select-Object
Alias           sls -> Select-String
Alias           sal -> Set-Alias
Alias           sbp -> Set-PSBreakpoint
Alias           set -> Set-Variable
Alias           sv -> Set-Variable
Alias           shcm -> Show-Command
Alias           sort -> Sort-Object
Alias           sleep -> Start-Sleep
Alias           tee -> Tee-Object
Alias           echo -> Write-Output
Alias           write -> Write-Output

And continue with the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module.

((Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management).Name |
    ForEach-Object {Get-Alias -Definition $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}).Count
(Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management).Name |
    ForEach-Object {Get-Alias -Definition $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
CommandType     Name                         Version    Source
-----------     ----                         -------    ------
Alias           ac -> Add-Content
Alias           clc -> Clear-Content
Alias           cli -> Clear-Item
Alias           clp -> Clear-ItemProperty
Alias           cvpa -> Convert-Path
Alias           copy -> Copy-Item
Alias           cp -> Copy-Item
Alias           cpi -> Copy-Item
Alias           cpp -> Copy-ItemProperty
Alias           dir -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           gci -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           gcb -> Get-Clipboard    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           gin -> Get-ComputerInfo    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           cat -> Get-Content
Alias           gc -> Get-Content
Alias           type -> Get-Content
Alias           gi -> Get-Item
Alias           gp -> Get-ItemProperty
Alias           gpv -> Get-ItemPropertyValue
Alias           gl -> Get-Location
Alias           pwd -> Get-Location
Alias           gps -> Get-Process
Alias           ps -> Get-Process
Alias           gdr -> Get-PSDrive
Alias           gsv -> Get-Service
Alias           gtz -> Get-TimeZone    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           ii -> Invoke-Item
Alias           mi -> Move-Item
Alias           move -> Move-Item
Alias           mv -> Move-Item
Alias           mp -> Move-ItemProperty
Alias           ni -> New-Item
Alias           mount -> New-PSDrive
Alias           ndr -> New-PSDrive
Alias           popd -> Pop-Location
Alias           pushd -> Push-Location
Alias           del -> Remove-Item
Alias           erase -> Remove-Item
Alias           rd -> Remove-Item
Alias           ri -> Remove-Item
Alias           rm -> Remove-Item
Alias           rmdir -> Remove-Item
Alias           rp -> Remove-ItemProperty
Alias           rdr -> Remove-PSDrive
Alias           ren -> Rename-Item
Alias           rni -> Rename-Item
Alias           rnp -> Rename-ItemProperty
Alias           rvpa -> Resolve-Path
Alias           scb -> Set-Clipboard    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           si -> Set-Item
Alias           sp -> Set-ItemProperty
Alias           cd -> Set-Location
Alias           chdir -> Set-Location
Alias           sl -> Set-Location
Alias           stz -> Set-TimeZone    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Alias           saps -> Start-Process
Alias           start -> Start-Process
Alias           sasv -> Start-Service
Alias           kill -> Stop-Process
Alias           spps -> Stop-Process
Alias           spsv -> Stop-Service

In the end, the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utilityhas 43 aliases and the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module has 63 aliases. Maybe there is a good reason for the source, not being included most of the time. But, we are here to make my aliases easier to find. The source property is not a settable property, therefore, we are going to use the Description property to indicate when an alias is one of mine. Here are my aliases from earlier, each with a new addition to their Description property. It is my name.

Set-Alias -Name c -Value Clear-Host -Description 'tommymaynard'
Set-Alias -Name psrh -Value Open-PSReadLineHistoryFile -Description 'tommymaynard'
Set-Alias -Name sel -Value Select-Object -Description 'tommymaynard'
Set-Alias -Name wa -Value Watch-Apartment -Description 'tommymaynard'
Set-Alias -Name psgal -Value Show-PSGalleryProjectJob -Description 'tommymaynard'
'l','link' | ForEach-Object {Set-Alias -Name $_ -Value Find-Link -Description 'tommymaynard'}
Set-Alias -Name cts -Value Convert-TextToSpeech -Description 'tommymaynard'

Now, after my profile script runs, I can invoke a modified Get-Alias command to return just my aliases from the current PowerShell session.

Get-Alias | Where-Object -Property Description -eq 'tommymaynard'
CommandType     Name                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                               -------    ------
Alias           c -> Clear-Host
Alias           cts -> Convert-TextToSpeech
Alias           l -> Find-Link
Alias           link -> Find-Link
Alias           psgal -> Show-PSGalleryProjectJob
Alias           psrh -> Open-PSReadLineHistoryFile
Alias           sel -> Select-Object
Alias           wa -> Watch-Apartment

This post would not be complete if there was no new function to add to my $PROFILE script. So, with that, here is that new function and alias. Notice I added the description to the new alias, too!

Set-Alias -Name gmal -Value Get-MyAlias -Description 'tommymaynard'
function Get-MyAlias {
    Get-Alias | Where-Object -Property Description -eq 'tommymaynard'
CommandType     Name                              Version    Source
-----------     ----                               -------    ------
Alias           c -> Clear-Host
Alias           cts -> Convert-TextToSpeech
Alias           gmal -> Get-MyAlias
Alias           l -> Find-Link
Alias           link -> Find-Link
Alias           psgal -> Show-PSGalleryProjectJob
Alias           psrh -> Open-PSReadLineHistoryFile
Alias           sel -> Select-Object
Alias           wa -> Watch-Apartment

Part II has been published!

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