Notice: The following post was originally published on another website. As the post is no longer accessible, it is being republished here on The post was originally published on January 7, 2019.
The Get-Date
cmdlet has always been helpful, but just when I thought it had me fully covered, I determined it fell short. That said, it does have enough to get me what I want, even if there isn’t a simple, single built-in method for it.
I’m working on a project that requires me to add an additional trigger to a previously created scheduled task. When the scheduled task was initially deployed, it only had a single trigger. It was to run at midnight the following day (from the day in which the task was first created) and then every hour forever (at the top of the hour), until the end of time. Well, for the next 10,675,199 days at least.*
As a part of updating this project with a new trigger, I’m also going to be overwriting the trigger that begins at midnight. I’m doing that now because, at this point in this project, I don’t want to wait until tomorrow morning (at midnight) to have the task up and running again, I need a better starting time now that the task has been operating successfully for months. While I can do an hour from now — whatever time that may be — for the New-ScheduledTaskTrigger’s At parameter…
1 2 3 | PS> ( Get-Date ).AddHours(1) Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:14:29 PM |
I don’t want that.
What this would mean, is that my fleet of AWS EC2 instances would all have random times in which they execute this task, dependent on when the task was updated. To better complete this picture, this task downloads a PowerShell module from AWS S3 and plops it on the EC2 instance running the task. Historically, or currently, rather, I’ve greatly appreciated knowing that any modifications to the PowerShell module uploaded to S3, are downloaded to all the EC2 instances, at the top of any, and every, hour. At 10:00 a.m., the module is replaced. At 11:00 a.m., the module is replaced, and so on. A collection of random, unknown times would be horrible going forward. I need to know that any modifications to the PowerShell module in S3 will be on all the instances, every hour, at the same time. And even if there are no modifications to the module, it gets downloaded anyway. It’s just easier that way (for now, perhaps).
Therefore, I need to know the top of the next hour. You know, if it’s 7:16 p.m., I need Get-Date
to return 8:00 p.m. (on the same day, of course). If it’s 4:30 a.m, I need 5:00 a.m. returned. While I didn’t find a built-in method to accomplish this, as stated, I was able to write something myself, after a short amount of time head down in the console. Take a look at the below commands, and then let’s discuss them.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | PS> Get-Date Saturday, January 5, 2019 7:19:17 PM PS> ( Get-Date ).AddMinutes(59 - ( Get-Date ).Minute).AddSeconds(60 - ( Get-Date ).Second) Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:00:00 PM |
The first above example returns the current date and time, as we’d expect that it would. The second, above example, indicates how we can ensure the value returned by Get-Date
is the same date as today — no changes wanted there — with the time set in the future, at the top of the next hour.
For fun, we’ll pretend the time is 10:43:19 a.m.
Here’s what would happen, if the second command ran against this time. First, it would use Get-Date
‘s AddMintues
method. That makes sense, as no matter what time it is, we’ll need to add time to the current time, to get to the top of the next hour. Therefore, within the AddMinutes
method, we take 59 and subtract the current minute of the current time.
59 – 43 = 16 minutes
Next, we’d add some seconds to our time, as well. We would take the value of 60 and subtract the current second of the current time.
60 – 19 = 41 seconds
Adding 41 seconds to 10:43:19 makes it 10:44:00. Adding in those 16 minutes takes us to 11:00:00. If you didn’t catch it, the command uses 59, not 60, when calculating AddMinutes
. This is because the AddSeconds
method is going to make up our “missing” minute.
Take a look at the following two examples. I won’t bother to explain them, but perhaps at this point, you can understand why they produce the results they do.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | PS> ( Get-Date ).AddMinutes(60 - ( Get-Date ).Minute).AddSeconds(59 - ( Get-Date ).Second) Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:00:59 PM PS> ( Get-Date ).AddMinutes(60 - ( Get-Date ).Minute).AddSeconds(60 - ( Get-Date ).Second) Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:01:00 PM |
Now, no matter when my instances have their trigger updated, for the same task across each of them, I can ensure this task is back to updating my PowerShell module on those instances, at the top of every hour.
I took this one step further, and not necessarily because it had anything to do with scheduled tasks. What if I wanted my own method to do this? I quickly wrote a ScriptMethod for my own instance of a Get-Date
object. I don’t have an opportunity, or need to do this often, so every little bit of practice is helpful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | $Date = Get-Date Add-Member -InputObject $Date -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetNextTopHour -Value { $this .AddMinutes(59 - ( Get-Date ).Minute).AddSeconds(60 - ( Get-Date ).Second) } $Date = $Date .GetNextTopHour() |
Now we can use our datetime object, and return the top of the next hour.
1 2 3 | PS> $Date Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:00:00 |
Now back to thinking through the task that started this whole line of thought, anyway.
* For anyone curious, when the scheduled task’s, task trigger was originally created using the New-ScheduledTaskTrigger
function, the value used for the RepetitionDuration
parameter was set as [System.TimeSpan]::MaxValue
. Take a look at the below example, and you’ll see where this 10 million-plus day count is derived.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | PS> [System.TimeSpan] ::MaxValue Days : 10675199 Hours : 2 Minutes : 48 Seconds : 5 Milliseconds : 477 Ticks : 9223372036854775807 TotalDays : 10675199.1167301 TotalHours : 256204778.801522 TotalMinutes : 15372286728.0913 TotalSeconds : 922337203685.478 TotalMilliseconds : 922337203685477 |
In order that we’re all on the same page, those 10 million-plus days, equate to “indefinitely” in a scheduled task’s Triggers tab, when viewing the task in the GUI. If you’re ever after a scheduled task repetition that never ends, and you’re using PowerShell to piece your task together, then MaxValue is the property to use.