Tag Archives: env file

Part I: Splunk, HEC, Indexer Acknowledgement, and PowerShell

A few weeks ago and I only knew one of the four words that make up this post’s title: PowerShell. I mean, I had heard of Splunk. But realistically, the other two words, which pertain to Splunk, I didn’t know. They weren’t a part of November’s vocabulary. Hopefully, you ended up here by doing some of the same searches I did. The same ones that didn’t really net me as much as I had hoped they would. I’m still no Splunk expert — I could see that taking some time and consistent interaction with the product — but, I have sent data to Splunk using PowerShell via REST. Who would have thought!? Perhaps that’s what you need to do, too.

It was a few weeks ago when I was wrestling with how I should handle collecting telemetry data, about users and their environment, when they used a function written with my function template. If just maybe you wondered, my function template is derived using some of the same techniques I wrote about in The PowerShell Conference Book: Volume 3.This book can be obtained from Leanpub, as an eBook. A print copy can be acquired from Amazon.

The initial idea was to use AWS API Gateway with DynamoDB. Lambda wouldn’t have been required, as those first two mentioned services integrate without it. I had a colleague mention Splunk though, as it’s available to me. With that, I quickly changed direction, and it’s worked out well. I didn’t get to checkoff those two AWS services from my I’ve-done-this-in-production list, but I’m nearing it for Splunk. I had wanted a reason to work with Splunk and up until that moment I didn’t have a project that offered that. At least I didn’t think I did.

There was at least one upfront requirement: I couldn’t install software. My PowerShell functions could be running anywhere, and so a REST endpoint was a requirement. Lucky for me, I had an option (that I was going to need to learn a bit about). I needed a term with which I could begin my searching, and reading, and research, and eventually my coding and integration. It was HEC. That’s pronounced “heck.” I know because I watched at least one Splunk education video. Sadly, it was later in the overall development process.

HEC, or HTTP Event Collector, is a means by which data can be securely sent to Splunk for ingestion. Read over the included link for a 20 second lesson. Seriously, it’s short and worth it! Using HEC allowed me to use a token as authentication and use REST to get my PowerShell function acquired telemetry data into Splunk. Let’s get started with some PowerShell already.

First things first, we need to protect our HEC token. You’ll need to get it from your Splunk administrator. There’s a few things out of my hands here and that, is one of them. I don’t have administrative permissions to Splunk and that’s been just fine for me. The HEC token will allow our PowerShell to authenticate to Splunk without the need for any other type of credentials. The problem was, that under no circumstances did I want to embed my HEC token in my function. Therefore, I opted to use a .env file (for now?). We’ll start with that concept. This isn’t 100% foolproof, but again, it’s much, much better than dropping my HEC token into my code. Here’s the first section of the code I’m going to share.

#region: Read .env file and create environment variables.
$FilterScript = {$_ -ne '' -and $_ -notmatch '^#'}
$Path = 'C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\_Repos\code\functiontemplate\random\telemetry\.env'
$Content = Get-Content -Path $Path | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript
If ($Content) {
	Foreach ($Line in $Content) {
		$KVP = $Line -split '=',2; $Key = $KVP[0].Trim(); $Value = $KVP[1].Trim()
		Write-Verbose -Message "Adding an environment variable: `$env`:$Key."
	} # End Foreach.
} Else {
	'$Content variable was not set. Do things without the file/the environment variables.'
}	# End If.

This has nothing to really do with Splunk so far, but it may help you protect your HEC token. I’d like to get the values in this file stored in Azure Key Vault someday. This is just for now… to see that everything else is working. Let me give you an example of what the .env file looks like, and then we’ll breakdown what the previously included code is doing.

# FunctionTemplate Environment Variables.

## Splunk Environment Variables.

The farther above code example creates and stores a script block inside the $FilterScript variable. This will exclude lines in our .env file that are empty or begin with a hash (#) character. It’s used as a part of the Get-Content command, which reads in the file’s lines that we actually want and assigns them to the $Content variable. As you can see, each line we want includes a string on the left, an equals sign (=) in the middle, and a string on the right. The remainder of the code — the Foreach loop — creates a process environment variable for each usable line during each iteration. When it’s completed, we’ll have $env:SplunkUrl and $env:SplunkHECToken and both will be populated with their respective, right side of the equals sign, value. It’s not perfect, but it’s 10x better than storing these values in the actual function template.

I’m going to stop here for now, but we’ll continue very soon with Part II. We haven’t gotten into Splunk yet, but we’re now set to do just that. With these two values (in variables), we can start working toward making our POST request to Splunk and passing along the data we want indexed.

Part II is now available.