Tag Archives: Exchange

Compare Two Arrays for Differences

I realized how obsessed I am with much I appreciate Windows PowerShell today, as I was working with Exchange 2013. I needed to find the differences in access rights between a PublishingEditor and Editor. The image below, pulled from a Microsoft web page, lists the different access rights.

Compare Two Arrays for the Differences01

One way to determine the difference would be to sit and stare at the screen. Nah. It didn’t take my eyes long, darting back and forth between lines, to desire a better way. Another way would be to take a screen capture and mark off the common entries. The image below shows what that looks like. Seriously, though, I can do better. Let’s do this in PowerShell and give ourselves a little practice. More on that in a moment.

Compare Two Arrays for the Differences02

I copied and pasted the first line I wanted to my PowerShell console.

PS> PublishingEditor   CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems

Then, I bounced around the entry to ensure that $PublishingEditor became a variable, by adding a dollar sign. I also added the =  assignment operator and put single quotes around the entire group of access rights, but this wasn’t quite enough.

PS> $PublishingEditor = 'CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems'

The next thing I did was add a couple methods — one right after the other, at the end of the command. The first method I added was .Replace(). In the version I added, .Replace(‘ ‘,”), it replaces all single spaces with nothing, effectively removing the spaces. The next method I added was .Split(). This, when added as .Split(‘,’), splits the string at each comma.

PS> $PublishingEditor = 'CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems'.Replace(' ','').Split(',')

Next, I copied the second line, for Editor access rights, pasted it in the console and cleaned it up, too.

PS> $Editor = 'CreateItems, ReadItems, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems'.Replace(' ','').Split(',')

At this point, I had two variables, $PublishingEditor and $Editor. I needed a way to compare the two variables to determine which one had additional access rights (presumably PublishingEditor) and what those were.

The first thing I did was echo the variables’ values to my screen. The second, was to run a comparison of the two. This was done using the Compare-Object cmdlet, where I provided one variable, $PublishingEditor, as the value for the -ReferenceObject parameter, and the other variable, $Editor, as the value for the -DifferenceObject parameter.

PS> $PublishingEditor
PS> $Editor
PS> Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $PublishingEditor -DifferenceObject $Editor

InputObject                                                 SideIndicator
-----------                                                 -------------
CreateSubfolders                                            <=

The results, above, indicate that $PublishingEditor (the InputObject) has an additional access right, called CreateSubfolders. As you can see, the default results of Compare-Object only show the differences. Had I used the -IncludeEqual parameter the results would have looked like the example below.

PS> Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $PublishingEditor -DifferenceObject $Editor -IncludeEqual

InputObject                                                 SideIndicator
-----------                                                 -------------
CreateItems                                                 ==
ReadItems                                                   ==
FolderVisible                                               ==
EditOwnedItems                                              ==
EditAllItems                                                ==
DeleteOwnedItems                                            ==
DeleteAllItems                                              ==
CreateSubfolders                                            <=

Thanks for reading. Now off to find some other way to use PowerShell to speed up my day.

Before I do that, though, I mentioned practice earlier in this post. To really get PowerShell, we need to take every opportunity to continue to learn, but also to practice what we already know. This was a perfect opportunity. Not only would I get the results I needed — the difference in access rights — but I also got a half of minute of working with the Compare-Object cmdlet and the .Replace() and .Split() methods, where I may not have otherwise.

The more I use PowerShell, the less I have to try and remember when I really need it.

Implicit Remoting and the Exchange Cmdlets

I work in an environment where we administer Microsoft Exchange 2010 and I’m proud to say that I don’t have the Exchange Management Tools installed on my laptop. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes RDP into an Exchange box, but it does force me to forgo that and use Windows PowerShell when I want to do something quicker than to RDP, log on, and open the EMC. One of the first things I added to my $PROFILE, after writing it for use in a script, was a function that would establish a PSSession to one of the Exchange servers. This allows me to run Exchange-specific cmdlets without leaving my laptop and without having the Exchange Management Tools installed.

The first thing I started with was an empty function that I called New-ExchangeSession.

Function New-ExchangeSession {


I had a few requirements for this project. One, I didn’t want to rely on connecting to the same Exchange server each time I created a PSSession. If for some reason it wasn’t available, I would have a problem connecting… in addition to a non-responsive Exchange server. Two, I didn’t want to hard code my Exchange server list in either my script (bad!) or in an external file (not as bad, but not great). What I did was make use of the Get-ADGroupMember and the Get-Random cmdlets to return the names of the Exchange Servers from an Active Directory group in which they were all members, and then randomly select one.

I did this as part of Do-Until loop. In line 3, the first thing it does is acquire the members of the group, ExchangeServers, using the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet included in the Active Directory module. If you’re running PowerShell 3.0 or greater it will load this module automatically. If you’re not, then you’ll have to add it yourself using the Import-Module cmdlet before beginning the Do-Until loop.

Using dotted notation (.Name) we return only the Name property of the group members. Once collected, the Get-Random cmdlet is used to randomly select one of the names and then assign it to the $ExchServ variable.

Function New-ExchangeSession {
    Do {
        $ExchServ = Get-Random (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'ExchangeServers').Name
    Until (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ExchServ -Count 1 -Quiet)

If you’re using something older than 3.0, and you really shouldn’t be, you’ll find the dotted notation version just doesn’t work as expected. In that case, you will have to handle this in a more procedural way as seen in the example below. Regardless of which way you get a server name and assign it to the $ExchServ variable, it must reply to a ping, by use of the Test-Connection cmdlet in line 5 above, and line 7 below. This is the conditional check of Do-Until loop. If Test-Connection returns True, it will break out of the Do-Until. If it returns False, it will randomly select another server and try again.

Function New-ExchangeSession {
    Do {
        $ExchServ = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'ExchangeServers'
        $ExchServ = Get-Random $ExchServ
        $ExchServ = $ExchServ.Name
    Until (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ExchServ -Count 1 -Quiet)

We start to create the PSSession once we have an Exchange server name chosen and verified it is reachable across the network. This is done by creating a variable, $Session on line 7 below, that will store the session information. We then use that session information as part of our Import-PSSession cmdlet that brings the Exchange cmdlets down to our local computer. The final, informational message on line 9 simply indicates the Exchange server in which we’ve connected.

Function New-ExchangeSession {
    Do {
        $ExchServ = Get-Random (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'ExchangeServers').Name
    Until (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ExchServ -Count 1 -Quiet)

    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://$ExchServ.mydomain.com/powershell" -Authentication Kerberos
    Import-PSSession -Session $Session -CommandName * -FormatTypeName * | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Connected to $ExchServ"

You will often, if not always, receive a warning about some of the imported commands may have unapproved verbs. To view your active session, use the Get-PSSession cmdlet, and to close the session, use the Remove-PSSession -Id  #, where # equals the Id number returned from the Get-PSSession cmdlet.