Tag Archives: foreach

Report on Active Directory Objects in Abandoned Organizational Unit

Before we really start this post, I should mentioned that there’s no reason that the script discussed in this post can’t be run against an Organizational Unit (OU) that hasn’t been abandoned. It just worked out that I wrote the script in order to determine if an OU had be abandoned.

I threw a small script together in the last couple days and thought I’d share it. The reason for the script was because I may have had an Active Directory (AD) OU that was no longer being used. In order to determine if this was really the case, I wanted to check various properties on the user and computer objects in the OU, to include any nested OUs. These properties included the last logon time stamp, the last date the objects changed, and a few others.

The first couple of lines in the script set two different variables. The first one stores the Domain’s Distinguished Name, and the second one is assigned the location of the abandoned OU. The second variable is based partly on the first. This script requires the ActiveDirectory module and assumes it’s being run on PowerShell 3.0 or greater, as the AD module isn’t explicitly imported.

$DomainDN = ((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
$AbandonedOU = Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Finance,OU=Departments,$DomainDN"

In the next part of the script, we start to send the $AbandonedOU variable’s objects across the pipeline, to the Foreach-Object cmdlet. As each object passes across, we determine what type of AD object we’re dealing with. If it’s a user object, we set the $Command variable to the string, Get-ADUser. If it’s a computer object we set the $Command variable to the string, Get-ADComputer. If it’s neither, such as a nested OU, we’ll return to the $AbandonedOU variable and send the next object without assigning anything to the $Command variable (or running any of the upcoming code).

$AbandonedOU | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'user') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADUser'
    } ElseIf ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'computer') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADComputer'
    } Else {

Providing we have a user or computer AD object, we’ll run the code in the next example. This will execute the cmdlet, whether it be Get-ADUser or Get-ADComputer, returning the requested properties that we then calculate (think, customize).

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}

Finally, we sort the collection of objects we’ve returned and customized, and in my case, pump the data out to a CSV file at the root of my C:\ drive. As you’ll see below, I’ve included both the code in the previous example and the additional code.

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}
} | Sort-Object 'Last Logon TimeStamp' -Descending | Export-Csv -Path C:\AbandonedOU.csv -NoTypeInformation

I want to mention something about the line above that calculates the “Added To Domain By” property. In many environments this is going to only be <DOMAIN>\Domain Admins. The reason I added this, is because in the AD environment in which this ran, users, other than the Domain Admins, can join computers. I know this is a default; however, in many environments it is not allowed. This may or may not be a helpful property in your environment.

Cheers, and thanks for reading! I’ve included the complete script below.

$DomainDN = ((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
$AbandonedOU = Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Finance,OU=Departments,$DomainDN"

$AbandonedOU | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'user') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADUser'
    } ElseIf ($_.ObjectClass -eq 'computer') {
        $Command = 'Get-ADComputer'
    } Else {

    & $Command -Identity $_ -Properties * |
        Select-Object Name,
            @{N='Last Logon TimeStamp';E={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)}},
            @{N='Added To Domain By';E={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}
} | Sort-Object 'Last Logon TimeStamp' -Descending | Export-Csv -Path C:\AbandonedOU.csv -NoTypeInformation

Using the Range Operator for Calculating Total Push-Ups

In December of 2014, I decided that my life in 2015 was in need of some push-ups. Instead of just starting with 10 a day, or some other arbitrary number, I thought I would do as many push-ups a day as it was the day in the year. This meant that on day one (January 1, 2015), I would do one push-up and on day two, I would do two push-ups, and so on. Today is the 20th day of the new year, and so I’ll have to do 20 tonight. I wanted to know how many push-ups I will have done by January 31st. Being the Windows PowerShell hobbyist that I am, I enlisted PowerShell to do my calculations for me.

I started with a variable, $EndDay, and the range operator (..). The combination of the two provides me an integer array of the days in January, such as 1..$EndDay (or, 1..31). Using this, I can calculate how many total push-ups I will have done by the end of the day on January 31st. The example below sets up the integer array, as well as the ForEach-Object loop where we’ll do our calculations. Note: I’m using the ForEach-Object alias, foreach.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay | foreach {


The first thing we do, below, is include a second variable, $PushUps, that will collect the total number of push-ups for the month. We’ll use the += assignment operator. This operator takes whatever is already in $PushUps, and adds to it. If the current value stored in $PushUps was 1, and we used the += assignment operator like so, $PushUps += 2, then the value in $PushUps would be 3 (1 + 2 is equal to 3). If we used the standard assignment operator (=), then $PushUps would be 2, as 1 would be overwritten.

On the next line, below, we write some information on the screen. We write the current day: that’s the current number from the integer array represented by $_ (as of PowerShell 3.0, $_ can be represented as $PSItem). Then we write out the total number of push-ups completed by that day: $PushUps.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay | foreach {
    $PushUps += $_
    Write-Output -Verbose "Day: $_ / PushUp Total: $PushUps"

I noticed that when I reran the code in the ISE, that the value of $PushUps was incorrect on the second run. This is because the variable already exists, and by the end of the first run already contains 496—the number of push-ups I’ll have done by the end of January! Therefore, I added an If statement that removed the $PushUps variable when $_ was equal to $EndDay. This happens on the final run through the foreach.

$EndDay = 31
1..$EndDay| foreach {
    $PushUps += $_
    Write-Output -Verbose "Day: $_ / PushUp Total: $PushUps"
    If ($_ -eq $EndDay) {
        Remove-Variable PushUps

If you change the value for $EndDay to 365, you’ll be able to determine that after December 31st (if I can somehow keep this up) I will have done 66,299 total push-ups for the year. It’s hard to imagine that I could do 365 push-ups at once, but then again, it’s hard to imagine I’ll get though the rest of the month. Here’s an image that shows the the full results when we run the function above.

Using the Range Operator for Push-Up Calculations

Thanks for reading, and wish me good luck—I’m going to need it.