Tag Archives: -OutVariable

Keeping a Continuous Total

Notice: The following post was originally published on another website. As the post is no longer accessible, it is being republished here on tommymaynard.com. The post was originally published on July 15, 2019.

There’s a function stored in my $PROFILE (CurrentUserAllHosts). Maybe you’ve read about it before; it’s come up. Its purpose is to go out to the PowerShell Gallery and determine how many downloads I have of each PowerShell script and/or module I’ve published there. In the past, my tool provided a download total for each project along with a single total of all the downloads. Today that changes, but before it does (I seriously haven’t the updated code yet — typical), let’s show the code and results, as it currently stands.

Function Showw-PSGalleryProject {
    Param (
        [System.Array]$Projects = ('TMOutput','Start-1to100Game3.0','Get-TMVerbSynonym','SinkProfile','Show-PSDriveMenu','Switch-Prompt')

    Foreach ($Project in $Projects) {
        If (Find-Module -Name $Project -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            $TempVar = Find-Module -Name $Project
        } ElseIf (Find-Script -Name $Project) {
            $TempVar = Find-Script -Name $Project
            Name = $TempVar.Name
            Version = $TempVar.Version
            Downloads = $TempVar.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount
        [int]$TotalDownloads += $TempVar.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount
    ">> Total downloads: $TotalDownloads"
} # End Function: Show-PSGalleryProject.
Name                Version Downloads
----                ------- ---------
TMOutput            1.1     1193
Start-1to100Game3.0 3.0     170
Get-TMVerbSynonym   1.4     163
SinkProfile         1.0     100
Show-PSDriveMenu    1.1     69
Switch-Prompt       1.2.0   84
>> Total downloads: 1779

See how we only have the single Total downloads above (the 1779 value)? I’ve decided I don’t like that, so it’s about to change. I want the total downloads as each of these objects are being returned (, calculated,) and written.

In the newest version of this little $PROFILE-based function — there was an earlier one — the first thing I’ve done is added the [CmdletBinding] Attribute. It’s to add the OutVariable Common Parameter. We’ll see how that’s helpful momentarily. The second thing we’ve done is begun collecting and displaying, what I’ve called the Type (find in the below code: ; $Type = Module or Script). This will differentiate when added to each object, whether one of my projects in the PowerShell Gallery is a module or script. Here’s the updated code with these two additions. Notice also, the object created inside [PSCustomObject] now includes a Type property. This is where the Module or Script determinations are included.

Function Show-PSGalleryProject {
    Param (
        [System.Array]$Projects = ('TMOutput','Start-1to100Game3.0','Get-TMVerbSynonym','SinkProfile','Show-PSDriveMenu','Switch-Prompt')

    Foreach ($Project in $Projects) {
        If (Find-Module -Name $Project -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            $TempVar = Find-Module -Name $Project; $Type = 'Module'
        } ElseIf (Find-Script -Name $Project) {
            $TempVar = Find-Script -Name $Project; $Type = 'Script'
        $TotalDownloads = [int]$TotalDownloads + [int]$TempVar.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount
            Name = $TempVar.Name
            Type = $Type
            Version = $TempVar.Version
            Downloads = $TempVar.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount
            TotalDownloads = $TotalDownloads
    } # End Foreach.
} # End Function: Show-PSGalleryProject.

The other recent addition to this code is the addition of my $TotalDownloads variable. Through each iteration, we update it so it has the current value and then displays said current value with the current object. I may have been a little too generous with my [int] casting; however, do remember that the plus sign (+) is also a concatenation operator. I want a total download count — not a string of individual download counts, strung together.

In closing, there’s something else to remember. By default (and there are ways around this), when we have more than four properties being returned per object, the “table” output becomes a “list” output — have a look.

Name           : TMOutput
Type           : Module  
Version        : 1.1     
Downloads      : 1193    
TotalDownloads : 1193    

Name           : Start-1to100Game3.0
Type           : Script
Version        : 3.0   
Downloads      : 170   
TotalDownloads : 1363  

Name           : Get-TMVerbSynonym
Type           : Script
Version        : 1.4   
Downloads      : 163   
TotalDownloads : 1526  

Name           : SinkProfile
Type           : Module
Version        : 1.0   
Downloads      : 100   
TotalDownloads : 1626  

Name           : Show-PSDriveMenu
Type           : Script
Version        : 1.1   
Downloads      : 69    
TotalDownloads : 1695  

Name           : Switch-Prompt
Type           : Script
Version        : 1.2.0 
Downloads      : 84    
TotalDownloads : 1779

While using the newly added OutVariable is helpful if I want to display the above output and capture the output into a variable at the same time, here’s how I run this now.

$PS = Show-PSGalleryProject
$PS | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name                Type   Version Downloads TotalDownloads
----                ----   ------- --------- --------------
TMOutput            Module 1.1     1193                1193
Start-1to100Game3.0 Script 3.0     170                 1363
Get-TMVerbSynonym   Script 1.4     163                 1526
SinkProfile         Module 1.0     100                 1626
Show-PSDriveMenu    Script 1.1     69                  1695
Switch-Prompt       Script 1.2.0   84                  1779

Next up is likely putting this code into a background job; it’s not the quickest thing I’ve written (although I blame that on the speed of the PowerShell Gallery lookup process, perhaps). Maybe a background job that runs in, or starts at, the end of the profile script. This, in order that these slow-to-obtain results are available sooner and with minimal impact.

Edit: 2/5/2022 –  I never did do that, although this function does still exists in my $PROFILE script. Now that I have seen this post again, perhaps there will be another push to try that. Time will tell. Oh, and here are my updated totals since this post was first written and published.

Name                Type   Version Downloads TotalDownloads
----                ----   ------- --------- --------------
TMOutput            Module 1.1     2980                2980
Start-1to100Game3.0 Script 3.0     266                 3246
Get-TMVerbSynonym   Script 1.4     293                 3539
SinkProfile         Module 1.0     302                 3841
Show-PSDriveMenu    Script 1.1     186                 4027
Switch-Prompt       Script 1.2.0   236                 4263

Three Ways to Set $PSDefaultParameterValues

Update: When you’re done here, read Part II.

Although we’ve discussed the $PSDefaultParameterValues before, I wanted to do a quick recap. I need one place that shows the various ways to set this variable. That’s what this post will do for me, and perhaps you too.

First, however, let’s remind everyone what the $PSDefaultParameterValues variable does for us. It allows us to set a custom, default value for a function or cmdlet’s parameter. One of the examples I mentioned before, in one of the three posts I’ve written about $PSDefaultParameterValues (1 | 2 | 3), used Get-Help.

This cmdlet includes a ShowWindow switch parameter that will open the full help inside its own GUI window. I tend to use this option a great deal to keep my ConsoleHost clean. In order to keep this post short, I’m just going to write the three ways in which I’m aware that we can set this variable.


$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{'Get-Help:ShowWindow' = $true}

$PSDefaultParameterValues['Get-Help:ShowWindow'] = $true

Oh, Lee Holmes posted a welcome PSDefaultParameterValues addition on Twitter recently. I’ve included that addition below using the three above options, as well. Unlike his example, I moved from three underscores to two. You’ll see what I mean below if you haven’t already read the Tweet.

With this example in place, the results of all the commands entered will end up in the $__ variable. Again, that’s two underscores. Run a Get-ADUser command, for instance, and you’ll get the results both on the screen and in the $__ variable up until you run another command that can make use of the OutVariable common parameter.


$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{'Out-Default:OutVariable' = '__'}

$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-Default:OutVariable'] = '__'

Using OutVariable — Why Don’t I Do that More Often?

This week, Microsoft Virtual Academy had two live events about DSC (Desired State Configuration), hosted by Jeffery Snover and Jason Helmick. I watched as much as I was able, but there were some problems at work that demanded my attention, and so I was grudgingly pulled away from a good portion of both sessions. Luckily for me, and for you, if you missed them, is that the videos should be up in the next two to three weeks. That will allow anyone who is interested the ability to move through the modules (think sections, not PowerShell modules) around other ongoing tasks — like work.

I didn’t start this post to discuss DSC, but instead because of what I watched Jeffery Snover do several times. While I’ve always been aware of the existence of the -OutVariable common parameter, I’m not even sure if I’ve ever used it or not (although I’m certain I’ve used -ErrorVariable). This parameter is a great way to view your command’s results immediately, and write them to a variable at the same time.

In this example, we return the computers’ names from (all of) Active Directory (AD) that have the word ‘physical’ somewhere inside their description property. The problem here is that if we need to generate this list a second time, we’ll have to run the command again. This can be resource intensive, depending on the command, and not inline with best practice — at least, my best practice.

PS C:\> (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'}).Name

In this example, we write our results to the variable $Physical. The difference here is that we don’t write the results to the screen automatically, but only when we echo the variable’s contents.

PS C:\> $Physical = (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'}).Name
PS C:\> $Physical

In this example, we combine the best of both worlds: instant results written to the screen, with the “same” values stored in a variable. Notice that when I echo the variable, $P, it returns more than just the Name. This is because all the properties were written to the variable, before we displayed only the Name property. Note: I’ve concatenated the results after the first computer’s full results.

PS C:\> (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -like '*physical*'} -OutVariable P).Name
PS C:\> $P
DistinguishedName : CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=com
DNSHostName       : dc01.mydomain.com
Enabled           : True
Name              : DC01
ObjectClass       : computer
ObjectGUID        : ...
SamAccountName    : DC01$
SID               : ...
UserPrincipalName :

Here’s how we can return only the Name property, using this variable.

PS C:\> $P.Name

Hopefully I can remember to use this common parameter more often. We’ve been taught to store our results in a variable, so we aren’t continually performing resource intensive queries. This is a great way to do that, with the option to have the results of a command written to the screen immediately. Adios, friends.