The Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet has been with us since PowerShell 3.0. For those of us paying attention to PowerShell during the 2.0 to 3.0 transition, it was a huge release and the inclusion of this new command was only one of the reasons why. From that point forward, we had a built-in, PowerShell way to interact with RESTful Web Services. REST (Representational State Transfer) web services accept HTTP(S) requests, and respond with structured data, often in the form of JSON. This structured data is converted by the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet into PowerShell objects. The command was greatly improved in PowerShell 6, but today we’re going to focus on the newest changes in PowerShell 7.
If you spent any time in the help file/online docs for Invoke-RestMethod (5.1 and 7.0), then you’ve likely seen the below example. It shows the basic ability of the cmdlet, and returns some worth wild results, too. The below results are created for us after issuing a specific, Invoke-RestMethod command. You can see it below. We first assigned the $Uri variable an exact, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) value. This complete URI is the combination of the base URI, “,” and the endpoint, “/powershell/feed.” We then used the variable in the Invoke-RestMethod command, which makes an HTTPS request for the data, receives a response, and finally, converts it into PowerShell objects, where it’s then filtered by our Select-Object command.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | $Uri = '' Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri | Select-Object -Property Title,pubDate title pubDate ----- ------- Secrets Management Module Vault Extensions Thu, 06 Feb 2020 22:59:33 +0000 Public Preview of PowerShell Support in Jupyter Notebooks Thu, 06 Feb 2020 21:46:52 +0000 Secrets Management Development Release Thu, 06 Feb 2020 20:40:50 +0000 Announcing the PowerShell 7.0 Release Candidate Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:42:17 +0000 Improvements in Windows PowerShell Container Images Tue, 10 Dec 2019 00:32:57 +0000 PowerShell 7 Preview 6 Fri, 22 Nov 2019 01:20:37 +0000 PowerShell Extension Roadmap Mon, 04 Nov 2019 13:19:35 +0000 DSC Resource Kit Release October 2019 Wed, 30 Oct 2019 20:52:48 +0000 PowerShell 7 Preview 5 Wed, 23 Oct 2019 19:11:44 +0000 DSC Resource Kit Release September 2019 Thu, 19 Sep 2019 18:07:12 +0000 |
As we continue, do keep in mind that Invoke-RestMethod can do much more than what we’ve seen so far, and what we’ll cover. It can do POST requests, handle pagination, handle multipart/form-data, and it can pass in multiple headers if required. Don’t forget about authentication and credentials; it can handle those, as well.
In PowerShell 7, there are a couple of newer features we’ll cover today. Before we do that, if you didn’t use this cmdlet in PowerShell 6, then do know that there were many changes in that version. You can actually find the PowerShell 6 features in the Invoke-RestMethod PowerShell 7 documentation.
Before we get into the new features, here’s another example of using Invoke-RestMethod. This article has coincided well with some of my AWS research and testing with Lambda and API Gateway. The below image shows some testing against a random number generator that has a REST API in front of it. That’s why there are various numbers in the results.
There are two new parameters for Invoke-RestMethod in PowerShell 7: StatusCodeVariable and SkipHttpErrorCheck.
The StatusCodeVariable parameter allows you to assign the status code, returned by the request to the RESTful web service, to a variable. As the below example was successful, it assigned 200, or an OK successful status response code, to the scv variable.
As mentioned, the other new parameter addition to this cmdlet is SkipHttpErrorCheck. This parameter causes Invoke-RestMethod to ignore an error status. It treats them as though they were successful requests. Without it, however, we received the error, as can be seen in the first Invoke-RestMethod invocation below. It’s not clear by the image, but the value in $Uri has been changed between our successful examples and this one.
The second invocation in the below image appeared that it was (somewhat) successful, but that was thanks to SkipHttpErrorCheck. It wasn’t, and you can gather that from the message that was returned, even though we’ve skipped the error.
The question is, “how might you know for sure if there was an error and you skipped it?” Yep. The StatusCodeVariable parameter and the variable to which you’ve assigned the status code. These two new parameters can be used in conjunction. The final command in the below example, uses both of the new PowerShell 7 Invoke-RestMethod parameters, as part of a single command.
Invoke-RestMethod is a complex command that consists of many ways in which it can be used. A full discussion on everything you can do with Invoke-RestMethod could fill up an entire PSBlogWeek (or two), all by itself. Even so, with the release of PowerShell 7, it made sense that as a group, we helped highlight this command and its two new parameters. It’s just a small offering of all the new additions in the newest version of PowerShell.
Welcome to PowerShell 7.0.