Tag Archives: Get-TMDhcpDNS

I am TechNet Gallery Years Old

I did not know it when I started, but it turns out, this is Part I.

Up until just recently, I had a section on my website called “TechNet Gallery.” It was right up there between “Contents” and “About.” I have an image of what it contained below. There was some pretty great stuff in there, but it was time for that section to be removed. With that, it is now time for the links to be updated, so people can find these scripts and modules again. The TechNet Gallery links no longer work. It has been a while since I have looked these over, but the links will likely be a combination of GitHub and the PowerShell Gallery. Check the content below the image for information about the first four entries. The others will be highlighted in additional, related posts.

1. “Get Synonyms for Approved and Unapproved Verbs”

I have always loved this script. I even used it yesterday, prior to knowing I would start piecing this post together. If there is a verb you want to use for your cmdlet or function, but it is not approved, this function will look for verb synonyms and tell you if they are approved or not. Here’s a quick image (because it is just beautiful).

While the 1.3 version is available in a GitHub Gist, the newest version — 1.4 — was written and uploaded to the PowerShell Gallery. You can either use that link or use PowerShellGet to download it using the PowerShell below. I have written about this script before, so you can read more here: https://tommymaynard.com/get-tmverbsynonym-1-4-2017/.

Install-Script -Name Get-TMVerbSynonym

2. “Active Directory User Lookup Form”

This was “my first, hand-coded PowerShell form using Windows Forms.” While it was available on the TechNet Gallery for download, that link no longer works.  Here is the 2015 post, and here is an updated link to the GitHub Gist. I always love doing a forms project and am grateful it made its way into .NET (core).

3. “Find DNS Servers Being Used by DHCP Scopes”

This script was written as a solution to a post on the TechNet Forums. I did not read that whole thread, but I can offer you the link to the Gist if this is helpful or interesting. Oh, one other thing, I apparently wrote about the script here on my own site, as well. All the way back in 2015!

4. “Measure Command with Multiple Commands, Repetitions, Calculated Averages”

There is no way I did not write about this one. I loved this script and to this very day, I still think it should be implemented in PowerShell by the PowerShell Team. Perhaps I will add it as a discussion in GitHub in the future. I do not think that was a thing back in 2017. Here is my post about it now!

Measure-Command can only measure one command and only one time per command invocation. This changed that. It allowed a user to measure multiple commands multiple times. It could even calculate the average time for a command to complete. I think its Command parameter accepted a string, so that should probably be changed to a ScriptBlock.

Here is an old image that accompanies the above link to the article on my site — click it to enlarge it. And here, is a link to the code in a Gist.

There is more to cover, but we will put that on hold for a moment. I will be back with a continuation of these soon. And once I am, the below text will link to Part II of this series!

Part II

Find DNS Servers Being Used by DHCP Scopes

Download the Get-TMDhcpDNS function here: https://gist.github.com/tommymaynard/afdb78038e8639d5d23baaaaf897cac1

There was a Microsoft TechNet forum post last week regarding trying to obtain the DNS servers being used by different DHCP Scopes (Here’s the link: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/58723d31-7586-40c3-acd2-183f20b49daf/how-to-dump-the-dns-options-for-each-dhcp-scope?forum=ITCG).

I originally thought the person wanted to get the DNS Servers listed in the Server Options (what the scopes use by default), until he (or she) better clued me in to wanting the DNS Servers listed in the Scope Options, when there was one. At times there won’t be any DNS Servers listed in the Scope Options, and it’ll use the Server Options instead.

Since that forum post, I wrapped up a few commands to create a full-service advanced function. Get-TMDhcpDNS function will collect the Scope Name, Scope ID, DNS Servers, and whether the DNS Servers assigned, are done so in the Scope Options or Server Options.

If you think this might be helpful for you or someone else, then please download it, test it, and rate it. Thanks, and here’s an example of the function in action:

PS C:\> Get-TMDhcpDNS -ComputerName 'dhcpsrv1.mydomain.com' | Format-Table -AutoSize

Name                  ScopeName  ScopeID     DNS                                    ScopeOrServerDNS
----                  ---------  -------     ---                                    ----------------
dhcpsrv1.mydomain.com Building01,, Scope
dhcpsrv1.mydomain.com Building02,               Server

Use the link above to download the function.

Update: There was an issue with the DNS Server (System.Object[]) when piping the function to Export-Csv. That’s been corrected in 1.0.2. Here’s a post I had to reference (again): http://learn-powershell.net/2014/01/24/avoiding-system-object-or-similar-output-when-using-export-csv/.