I am TechNet Gallery Years Old, Part II

It is time for Part II of this series of posts. If you did not read the first one, I would recommend you start there and cover the first four posts, which are crossed out below. Additionally, you will pick up some additional information about this project. Time to cover the next three.

5.”Specify and Create Multiple Credential Objects”

This was a fun project and like most of these TechNet Gallery scripts/modules, I took the opportunity to write about them on my site, too. I wrote about this one twice (Part I | Part II), as I added a new feature between those. The GitHub Gist link to the newest version is included on both parts — images too!

6. “Check Email Address Domain Against the Top-Level Domain (TLD) List from IANA”

It turns out I did not write a post to go along with this script — that may be a first. First off, you can get a hold of this script by visiting this GitHub Gist. And second, let me tell you a little about this script… right after I reeducate myself about it. Turns out this is very old. Its purpose was to determine whether or not the domain (.com in the below instance), is a valid Top-Level Domain (TLD) or not.

Beyond returning that, it downloads a file from IANA, which it checks the domain against, can provide a bit more information using the MoreInfo parameter, and can pump out the variables it uses in the function using the ShowVars parameter. The Days parameter is used to determine whether the function should use the current file from IANA or download a new one. Neat ideas, but the function is showing its age.

7. “TMConsole Module”

This one was a big deal. It made its way to the PowerShell Gallery and as of today, it is practically 50 downloads away from 3,000. My goal was to add ForeGround and Background colors to Write-Output like Write-Host has always had. And, the best part, it actually worked. You can read more about it here, as well as obtain the information needed to download it. Let’s push it past 3,000 downloads! And, it is really using Write-Output! Written for Windows PowerShell and works in PowerShell. Here is an image from today.

And now, there is a Part III!

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