A PowerShell Recursive Function

Note: There is a newer post on tommymaynard.com about a recursive function I wrote. When you are done reading this post, read that one.

I was recently in a position where I was asked to provide an example of a PowerShell recursive function. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to do that as it was a part of a written and timed test. Sadly, I didn’t even really have time to review the other 50-some answers I had already provided. I mostly knew that might happen.

Anyway, the challenge has been eating at me, so why not write an example and share it. It’ll be good for you, as it will be for me too. It’s out there, but it’s not often utilized that I’m aware. A recursive function is a function that calls, or invokes, itself. For real. We’re not referring to a function, or cmdlet, that includes a Recurse parameter. Now that said, it’s possible that some of these commands, with that parameter, do this (call themselves), but I’ve yet to take a look to see for sure.

After you see today’s example, you’ll begin to understand why you might prefer to do things this way. If you can wrap your head around the concept, you’ll understand that it can reduce a portion of code writing on your part.

As stated, “A recursive function is a function that calls, or invokes, itself.” On that note, let’s first set up the folder structure necessary for this example. While you can do this with PowerShell, I simply didn’t bother. As you can see below, there’s a “Test” folder inside my “Documents” folder. That folder contains three files — A, B, and C.ps1. Additionally, it contains a nested, “More” folder, which contains three more files — D, E, and F.ps1.

So there’s that. Now, let’s take a look at and discuss our PowerShell recursive function.

Function Get-Ps1File {
    Param ($Path= '.\')

    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | ForEach-Object {
        If ($_.Name -like "*.ps1") {
        } ElseIf ($_.PSIsContainer) {
            Get-Ps1File -Path $_.FullName
        } # End If-ElseIf.
    } # End ForEach-Object.
} # End Function: Get-Ps1File.

This function loops its way through a path and returns the file(s) that are .ps1 files. If there’s a nested folder, it then goes into that folder and runs itself again (against the content of that folder). Knowing what we know about this folder structure and its files, the below results returned from running this function should make perfect sense.


Let’s recap on this a bit with a little more detail. When the function is first invoked, it uses the current path, as none was supplied. It then runs the ForEach-Object cmdlet against the files in the base folder. Using the If portion of the If-ElseIf statement inside the loop, it determines it should return the A, B, and C .ps1 files. Then, on the fourth iteration through the loop, it hits our “More” folder and determines it’s a folder. There are other ways to determine if it’s a folder, but I stuck with the tried and tested, PSIsContainer NoteProperty.

At this point, it invokes itself against the path of the “More” folder. It runs or executes itself, again. This time, however, it uses the folder’s FullName property (its full path). Inside that second invocation of the function, it iterates over the files inside the “More” folder, echos them to the screen as output, and then ends the function’s second invocation. At that point, it returns back to the first invocation, where it then ends that invocation, as well, as its work is completed.

If you’d prefer to see this sorted, pipe the function name (Get-Ps1File) to the Sort-Object cmdlet.

Get-Ps1File | Sort-Object

And there you go, an example of a PowerShell recursive function. You may not need it often, but you may need it someday.


One thought on “A PowerShell Recursive Function

  1. Craig Dayton

    Tweaked it a bit.

    Function Get-Ps1File {
    Param ($Path= ‘.\’)

    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | ForEach-Object {
    If ($_.Name -like “*.ps1”) {
    if ($null -eq $Script:dirPath ) {
    $p1 = $_.PSParentPath;
    ($p2,$p3) = $p1.Split(“::”,2);
    $p4 = $p3.Trim(“:”);
    Write-Host $p4 -ForegroundColor Blue;
    $Script:dirPath = $_.PSParentPath
    Write-Host ” ” -NoNewline
    Write-Host $_.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow;
    } ElseIf ($_.PSIsContainer) {
    $Script:dirPath = $null;
    #Read-Host “more”
    Get-Ps1File -Path $_.FullName
    } # End If-ElseIf.
    } # End ForEach-Object.
    } # End Function: Get-Ps1File.

    $Script:dirPath = $null;


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