Dynamic PowerShell Version in Windows Terminal Tabs Part II

Maybe no one noticed. Or, maybe they did and just didn’t say anything. As you’ll see, I’ve written a quick fix to a post I wrote last week.

I shouldn’t have, but back in Part I, I put reliance on my prompt function for the Windows Terminal tab titles. This means that I have to ensure that I never change my prompt function. If I do, it’s very possible that adding the version of PowerShell to the tab titles will break. This isn’t good. That dependence, while it works just fine now, could become a problem in time.

Knowing that, let’s remove it. Let’s get the version in the Windows Terminal tab titles from something other than my prompt. Let’s put it where it belongs, on the version itself — on the $PSVersionTable automatic variable. My prompt Itself uses that, so why shouldn’t this Windows Terminal tab title code, too? This makes much more sense than coupling the tab titles with my prompt function.

$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle) $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"

The tabs look exactly like they did before, but now my prompt function doesn’t play into the versions making their way to the tabs at all. Altering the prompt doesn’t matter now, or now, at any time in the future.

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