Topic: Get-Member Continued III (and Arrays)
Notice: This post is a part of the PowerShell Monday series — a group of quick and easy to read mini lessons that briefly cover beginning and intermediate PowerShell topics. As a PowerShell enthusiast, this seemed like a beneficial way to ensure those around me at work were consistently learning new things about Windows PowerShell. At some point, I decided I would share these posts here, as well. Here’s the PowerShell Monday Table of Contents.
At this point, we’ve only ever piped to the Get-Member cmdlet, but there’s times we might want to use the cmdlet differently. Before we continue, we need to understand arrays, and so we’re going to break off from Get-Member this week.
In our previous examples, we’ve typically only assigned a single value to a variable.
$a = 'dog' $a dog
Using an array allows us to assign multiple values to a single variable. Here’s how we do that, and how it appears when we return the variable’s newly assigned values.
$b = 'dog','cat','bird','frog' $b dog cat bird frog
You may see arrays created using the array operator syntax, as well: @().
$b = @('dog','cat','bird','frog')
We can access each of the values in the array variable using an index. This is the position of a value within the array. Arrays are always zero-based, so the first value in the array is always at index 0.
$b[0] dog
Now let’s return all four values. We’ll do them out of order, so you can see that the indexes really do, return the proper value in the array.
$b[3] # 4th value. $b[0] # 1st value. $b[2] # 3rd value. $b[1] # 2nd value. frog dog bird cat
We’ve learned that the array index 0 and then higher, each represent the next value in the array. We can also move backwards through an array, using negative indexes. Here’s both.
$b[0] $b[1] $b[2] $b[3] '--------' $b[-1] $b[-2] $b[-3] $b[-4] dog cat bird frog -------- frog bird cat dog
This means that index [-1] is always the last value in an array, just like index [0] will always be the first. Knowing this may come in handy one day; it was for me. Next Monday, we’ll actually get back to Get-Member, now that we have some basic understanding of arrays, if you didn’t have them already.