Saving Time with Background Jobs

If you’re like me, there’s something you know a decent amount about regarding PowerShell, but you just don’t get to use it much. Today, it’s PowerShell background jobs. If you’ve been reading my blog currently, then you know I’m right in the middle of a series regarding Splunk. In the series, I’m sending telemetry data from my function template to Splunk. The problem, although slight, is that it’s increased the duration, or length of time, the function takes to complete. No surprise. It’s running several additional commands where it polls the user and system for information. It’s only adding maybe a second more of time to the duration of the function. Still, why not determine if it’s time that can be reclaimed. Enter background jobs.

If I can collect my telemetry data in the background, while the function is doing whatever it’s supposed to be doing, then I can potentially remove any additional time added to the invocation of the function due to collecting telemetry data. Let’s take a look a couple code examples to begin.

This first function is called Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob. Notice the “without” in the name. This function will run Start-Sleep twice within the function: once for five seconds and then once for three seconds. Therefore, we’d expect the function to take around eight seconds to complete. The five second section is standing in for where we’d run our standard function code. The three second section is standing in for where we’d collect our telemetry data.

Function Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
} # End Function: Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob.

Measure-Command -Expression {

Let’s run it a few times. As you’ll see, and just as we’d suspected, it comes in at right around the 8 second mark. If you’ve seen the output of Measure-Command then you can tell I’ve removed several of the time properties; they weren’t necessary.

Seconds           : 8
Milliseconds      : 16

Seconds           : 8
Milliseconds      : 26

Seconds           : 8
Milliseconds      : 22

The second function is called Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob. We’ve swapped our Start-Sleep commands because we want what takes less time to happen first. It has to be what happens inside the background job. I suspect that gathering telemetry data is most always going to take less time than whatever else the function is doing. That may not always be the case, but it’s a safe choice.

Function Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob {
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    } | Out-Null

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} # End Function: Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob.

Get-Job | Remove-Job
Measure-Command -Expression {

And, look at that. We’ve shaved off three seconds from our function invocation by placing those three seconds inside of a background job. Our three seconds are running in a separate PowerShell process that executes at the same time the function sleeps for five seconds. This is going to work great for me.

Seconds           : 5
Milliseconds      : 596

Seconds           : 5
Milliseconds      : 795

Seconds           : 5  
Milliseconds      : 417

Now that we’ve proved we can use PowerShell background jobs to save time and avoid some unnecessary top-to-bottom/sequential programming, let’s do this while actually gathering some telemetry data. We’ll do two things at once and shave off some time from the overall time. The time difference may not be as dramatic as the above examples, but I’ll take anything. In fact, watch this first.

Do you see the delay? There’s a moment where my telemetry data is being gathered and sent to Splunk, before the prompt reappears. The idea is to get those milliseconds back — they add up!

As you can see below, we have another code example. This will run without a background job. It’ll sleep for five seconds (as thought it’s fulfilling its purpose), and then collect some telemetry data and display that on the screen. I’ll share the code in between each of the below regions at the end of this post in case someone finds themself interested.

Function Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

    #region: Obtain telemetry.
	New-Variable -Name FuncTmplHash -Value @{}
	New-Variable -Name TelemetryHashBonus -Value @{}
        #region: Determine PowerShell version.
        #region: Check for other version: Windows PowerShell|PowerShell.
        #region: Determine IP address(es).
        #region: Determine Operating System.
        #region: Determine computer tier.
} # End Function: Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob.

Measure-Command -Expression {
    Start-SleepWITHOUTBackgroundJob | Out-Default

While the time difference isn’t too dramatic (roughly 750 milliseconds), it’s something. Something of which I want to partially reclaim. This is exactly why you see the hesitation/pause before PowerShell rewrites a fresh prompt in the above GIF. Now, let’s get this corrected.

Function Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob {
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
        #region: Obtain telemetry.
        New-Variable -Name FuncTmplHash -Value @{}
        New-Variable -Name TelemetryHashBonus -Value @{}
        #region: Determine PowerShell version.
        #region: Check for other version: Windows PowerShell|PowerShell.
        #region: Determine IP address(es).
        #region: Determine Operating System.
        #region: Determine computer tier.
     } -OutVariable Job | Out-Null

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
    Receive-Job -Id $Job.Id
} # End Function: Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob.

Measure-Command -Expression {
    Start-SleepWITHBackgroundJob | Out-Default

If we take a look a the below results versus the run without the background job we can see that we’ve saved roughly 500 milliseconds, or a 1/2 a second. That’s not much; I’d agree, even though it feels like an eternity when I’m waiting for my prompt to be rewritten. I guess I should consider that this isn’t the full telemetry gathering code I use. Still, for every two invocations, I save a single second. One hundred and twenty invocations saves me a minute. If my tools are far reaching, then there’s definitely time to be saved.

It does take time to create the job and receive its data once it’s complete, so perhaps that’s eating into my return on time, as well. That makes me think of one more thing worth sharing. If you find yourself interested in implementing something like this, then it’s probably wise to not assume the background job is complete, as I’ve done in these examples. Instead of running Receive-Job, first run Get-Job and ensure your job’s State property is “Completed,” and not still “Running.” It would probably be best to put this inside a Do-Until language construct, so it can loop until you can be certain the job is completed, before receiving its data.

I said I share the telemetry gathering code, so that’s been included below. I make no guarantees that it’ll work or make sense for you, but there it is.

#region: Obtain telemetry.
New-Variable -Name FuncTmplHash -Value @{}
New-Variable -Name TelemetryHashBonus -Value @{}

#region: Determine PowerShell version.
$FuncTmplHash.Add('PSVersion',"$(If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {"Windows PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"} Else {
	"PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"})")

#region: Check for other version: Windows PowerShell|PowerShell.
If ($FuncTmplHash.PSVersion -like 'PowerShell*') {
		"$(try {powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command {"Windows PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"}} catch {})")
} ElseIf ($FuncTmplHash.PSVersion -like 'Windows PowerShell*') {
		"$(try {pwsh.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command {"PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())"}} catch {})")
} # End If-Else.

#region: Determine IP address(es).
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('IPAddress',(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Verbose:$false).Content -replace "[^\d\.]")
$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('IPAddressAdditional',@(Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object -Property AddressFamily -eq 'IPv4' |
	Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notlike '169.*' -and $_ -notlike '127.*'}).IPAddress)
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'

#region: Determine Operating System.
If ($FuncTmplHash.PSVersion -like 'Windows PowerShell*' -and $FuncTmplHash.PSVersion.Split(' ')[-1] -lt 6) {
	$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('OperatingSystem',"Microsoft Windows $((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Verbose:$false).Version)")
} Else {$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('OperatingSystem',"$($PSVersionTable.OS)")
	$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('OperatingSystemPlatform',"$($PSVersionTable.Platform)")} # End If-Else.

#region: Determine computer tier.
Switch ($FuncTmplHash.'Domain\Computer') {{$_ -like '*-PT0-*'} {$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('ComputerTier','T0'); break} 
{$_ -like '*-PT1-*'} {$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('ComputerTier','T1'); break}
default {$TelemetryHashBonus.Add('ComputerTier','Unknown')}} # End Switch.

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