Tag Archives: C#

A Book: PowerShell to C# and Back

A new Leanpub book project was announced recently. It was June 25, 2020. Perhaps, that day will go down in history for being more than just another day attached to this … year. It may for me, for reasons outside of the current pandemic.

I didn’t realize this was the exact date for which I was waiting, but now, this date has meaning. For several years, I’ve believed that the PowerShell community was missing a book. I’ve even mentioned it. For many of us, PowerShell has opened doors, and possibly interests that we may have not known we even had.

A part of me has always wanted to be a developer, and perhaps that’s why as a systems administrator, I gravitated toward PowerShell, and VBScript before that. This was after, and even in conjunction with, some work with web-based technologies. I know where my scripting skills are going to lead me; it’s just not been fully realized yet. Learning C# would give me an advantage in the process and progress that I feel is the direction of my career. I can’t wait to further help support this book. It’s only 5% complete and here I am already.

Even as I knew I’d read this book someday, I’ve decided to volunteer my time and energy in any way I can, to give this book an upper hand. I offered myself in any way in which I can help make this effort a positive one. I’m going in not knowing C# very well, but with every belief that by reading and helping with this project, my coding skills will absolutely improve. Maybe even my PowerShell too. I’m going to use this book and the opportunity it will provide me to push forward and learn a new set of skills. Perhaps you’ll do the same.

The name of the book is PowerShell to C# and Back. In my opinion, and as I’ve already stated, this book has been needed for many years. After spending greater than seven years with PowerShell now, I’ve often wanted to move toward C# development. I think this is going to be that turning point. I look forward to finding out, and I’m grateful that I’m going to be a part of ensuring that you may, as well.