Tag Archives: ICYMI

Making the PowerShell.org ICYMI List

Welcome to the 297th post on tommymaynard.com. It’s countdown to 300!

Recently, PowerShell.org started a new weekly section on their website. It’s ICYMI, also know as, In Case You Missed It. The idea is to gather stories, blogs, and news about the PowerShell community to include in a once-a-week blog post, so people can potentially catch up on the things they might’ve missed during the current week.

A couple times now, I’ve seen my posts end up there! Apparently, I’ve done and shared a couple things that have landed in ICYMI on PowerShell.org. That’s kind of a neat honor. In order to keep these together, so I don’t have to chase them down later, if I find a reason I need them, I thought I write a quick post and catalog these on my own site. So here we go; we’ll do newest to oldest, and hopefully, these won’t be the only two. As of this writing, the newest entry is from August 17, 2018.

If you have something to share with the community, no matter how big or small, find a way to share it; get it out there for the community.

August 17, 2018


July 13, 2018
