Tag Archives: milestone

The 350th Post

This folks, is my 350th post. Timeout, it turns out this is actually my 351st post. I was so busy writing about PowerShell vs. Windows PowerShell and the LAPS module that I blew right past this milestone — a milestone I had hoped to write about when it happened. I’ve spent several years now enjoying those moments when I can write about PowerShell, so I suppose it’s no surprise that I’m here. Let’s do some math!

June 2014 to December 2014 is seven months. January 2015 to December 2020 is 84 months. January 2021 to February 2021 is two months. That’s a total of (7 + 84 + 2 =) 93 months. Three hundred and fifty-one posts divided by those 93 months is a 3.76 posts per month average. Not bad!

That’s a huge amount of dedication to a single technology. But PowerShell has prepared me for many different things. It’s improved my logical and conditional thinking, it’s improved my functional programming, it’s decreased my development time, and provided both the community and myself a place to store my thoughts, ideas, and solutions.

I’m not ready to call it quits by any means. That does remind me, I did notice an announcement yesterday. Microsoft has announced a new community blog. I can’t imagine not contributing. After writing at PowerShell.org for a year you can bet that I’ll be thinking of the best way to contribute on this new Microsoft PowerShell blog, too. (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell-community/announcing-the-powershell-community-blog). Until the next milestone!