Tag Archives: space

Add a Single Space Between Characters

Welcome to the 292nd post on tommymaynard.com. It’s countdown to 300!

Even though we’ve been doing this PowerShell thing awhile, we don’t always write our own solutions. You, like me, just might go looking for someone else’s solution, before spending a few minutes of your own time, writing a solution. I’m guilty. That’s said, there’s nothing wrong with it. Seeing what other people have done is often beneficial to our own solutions. It’s part of why I’ve been blogging since mid 2014; take from me, what helps for you.

There’s a very small function I’m currently writing that needed a feature. That feature, which I couldn’t locate well enough anywhere else, is something I wrote myself. Now that I have my solution, after a small amount of time yesterday, I thought I share it for someone else some day.

I needed to accept a string with or without spaces in it, and ensure each character in the string had a space between it when I was done. This ‘ a bcd ef 12 34 gh i’ needed to be come this ‘a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 g h i’. I opted first, to remove all the spaces, whether there were any or not, and then add a space between each character in the string. In case it’s helpful, I’ve include the few lines of PowerShell I wrote out to get this to suitably work for me. Have a look, and take it if you want it.

Remove-Variable -Name String,NewString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Clear-Host

$String =  ' a          ll the d                ogs are so l o u d 1     2 3'

$String = $String.Replace(' ','')

$String.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {
    $NewString += "$_ "

Now, let’s run it.

 a          ll the d                ogs are so l o u d 1     2 3
Press Enter to continue...:
Press Enter to continue...:
a l l t h e d o g s a r e s o l o u d 1 2 3

Perhaps you can tell what I might’ve been dealing with when I was writing this. I was at home. My wife was hosting a Girl Scout get together, and the dogs were being just a touch annoying.