The Other $PROFILEs

If you weren’t aware, I did a great deal of writing and posting recently due to my idea to complete chapter reviews of The Pester Book. I think it was a success, and if anything, it helped force me to ensure I fully understood the content for the things I covered here. I’m not confident with things until I fully understand them, and so even though I finished that book, I’m still after additional content.

Well, after all the writing, I did a couple other posts, but the last one I left off on was about an old HTA I wrote. An HTA is an HTML application. It’s old, but it allowed (back when I used and wrote it), people like me to create GUIs for VBS scripts. Yes, VBS. I hate that it’s the first post on the front page, so I had to write something new in relation to PowerShell.

Today, I wanted to take a moment and remind everyone about the $PROFILE variable. If you enter this variable into your PowerShell host program you’ll see a path to the current user’s, current host’s, PowerShell profile script. A couple things: One, the host here is the PowerShell host, as in the ConsoleHost, the ISE, Visual Studio Code, etc. It has nothing to do with a computer host.

Two, a profile script –once it’s been created and edited– runs when you open the host program, and allows you to set up the environment, or PowerShell session, the way you want it. You can create aliases, variables, and define functions, and ensure they’re available when you open that PowerShell host program.

Here’s how you can check the currently used host program.

PS > $Host.Name

When I enter $PROFILE, it returns to me the below path. Do notice that I’m using Windows PowerShell in this example. With PowerShell 6.0 running, it would’ve indicated “PowerShell” in the path, and not “WindowsPowerShell.”


Now, it should be noted that there’s actually more profile scripts that can execute when you open a PowerShell host program. Take a look here.

PS > $PROFILE | Select-Object -Property *

AllUsersAllHosts       : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1
AllUsersCurrentHost    : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
CurrentUserAllHosts    : C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1
CurrentUserCurrentHost : C:\Users\tommymaynard\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Length                 : 78

The above Select-Object command returns five properties, and four of them are paths. In addition to the CurrentUserCurrentHost property, that we saw when we didn’t use Select-Object, we also have entries for CurrentUserAllHosts, and two for all users: AllUsersAllHosts and AllUsersCurrentHost. It’s too bad that in Windows PowerShell the desire to use an AllUsers profile script required work in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. That’s changed in PowerShell Core, where AllUsers profile scripts default to C:\Program Files\PowerShell\<version>. Just because we have a path in these properties, does not mean there’s a file with these indicated names. The files have to be created with New-Item in order to make use of these profile scripts.

Keep this in mind as you use profile scripts. While I suspect most people don’t use it, CurrentUserAllHosts, is better, than using CurrentUserCurrentHost if you want the same thing in every profile. There was a time I used CurrentUserCurrentHost in the Console and then had all my other hosts dot source that script in their own profile scripts. Dumb. If you need something in all, use CurrentUserAllHosts, but if you need something in one host vs. another, then use CurrentUserCurrentHost.

Now, back to that project I’m working. It has everything to do with profile scripts, and with this post I can be certain that I’ve provided myself some reminders about the $PROFILE variable. Additionally, I’ve gotten that HTA post moved down one; it’s no longer the first post on my site.

One thought on “The Other $PROFILEs

  1. jkavanagh58

    Great topic. Just customizing your PowerShell experience (I love changing the prompt based on elevated or not) to making sure your IDE experience is fully enabled by loading the modules and cmdlets that expand the experience.


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