Extra – PowerShell Summit North America 2015 [#2]

Read them all here: http://tommymaynard.com/extra-powershell-summit-north-america-2015-0-2015/

I cannot believe how quickly April has come. The last, and first, time I decided to write about the upcoming PowerShell Summit North America 2015, it was 55 days away. Today, it’s only 9 days away — well, that’s exciting! I took a command from my previous post about this topic and wrapped it in a function. While I may never use it again, here it is: proof that this event is ridiculously close — as if you needed a function to tell you this.

Function Get-TMDaysUntilPSSummit2015 {
    Param ()

    Begin {
    } # End Begin.

    Process {
        Write-Output -Verbose "$((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End 4/20/2015).Days) Days"
    } # End Process.
} # End Function

9 Days

As of recent, we now have a downtown venue for the meet-and-greet Sunday night. While all the details haven’t been worked out, I supposedly have a ride there with a PowerShell MVP — how cool is that? The sessions have been updated, too. I’m suddenly second guessing all the sessions I should attend.

The Scripting Wife has been adding to the excitement with a recent series of posts about the summit’s speakers, which I’ve linked below. I’ve read all of these, and they’re great. While I haven’t spoken to anyone but Don Jones and The Scripting Guy and Wife in person (and I doubt they remember that anyway), I am quite aware of the big names in PowerShell. I read their blogs and articles; I read their posts on forums and social media. There’s going to be a ridiculous amount of PowerShell talent at this event.

Meet the PowerShell Summit 2015 Speakers #1
Meet the PowerShell Summit 2015 Speakers #2
Meet the PowerShell Summit 2015 Speakers #3
Meet the PowerShell summit 2015 Speakers #4
Meet the PowerShell summit 2015 Speakers #5

While I’m short on things to say today, I will reiterate that I’m so excited to get this summit underway. On that note, I should mention that I am very grateful to my employer for this opportunity, and for my family, to help keeps things in order while I’m gone. Of course, my wife pretty much owns that anyway.

Back to my employer: I want to note that I’m grateful working in an environment where my desire to know and implement PowerShell is supported. I’m pleased that they understand the importance of PowerShell and automation, and that having me attend this summit is seen as beneficial.

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